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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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i'm pretty sure i'm being haunted by various ghosts

there's two cats or more living here suddenly that constantly try to hop onto the sofa with me that are made out of steam so they dissolve into nothingness when i look directly at them

and an unhappy soul that lives in the fridge and tries to get out - really weird sometimes the fridge lights up and then there is this noise like padding wet feet

i brought them back from a cemetery i think

they weren't here last week

they're only really about when it's late and i am the only one awake - there can be someone else in the room looking the other way etc

while i know tis is just a psychotic break brought on by recent trauma and sleep deprivation it's making me think are all ghosts psychotics breaks?

so doesn't that mean the ghost is causing the psychotic break? like it's obviously only haunting me not anyone else

and i get a vibe that they're here just to temporarily make me think long and hard, like, don't relax just yet mate there's things to think about that you can't fully comprehend yet

tl;dr mental health issues haunting me in form of steam cats and fridge mosnter

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FWP mixed with FWS - FWS is that I'm getting my final medical co-op garden pay-out, which is about enough to buy a new mid-line sedan up front if - ya catch my drift... FWP begins when the person doing the pay-out wants to do it in cash because of possible legal issues. Stupid federal government being all weird about cannabis businesses, on one hand I'd rather not get taxed, but on the other hand, paying in cash and having to deposit money all the time for bills and the like looks weird and I'm not earning it by doing anything that is illegal in my state...


fucking PhD students with no numerical literacy. Fuck the fuck off.


My small brain doesn't understand this...

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I'm doing mix work for this girl, and she sent me literally every vocal take she did to sort through and figure out... there's like 50+ takes, completely unorganized. On the one hand it's cool, because I charge by the hour... but on the other hand it's also totally ridiculous. I'll probably charge a bit less, since she's been really struggling to learn her software and is trying her best.

why dont you just tell her to pick her favourite 6 takes?


There might only be a few good words from each take, and I'm using doubles... so i actually have to sort through several to get a near-passable match, and then pitch shift bits that are still off. I don't think she knows how to make a composite take of best bits, and she mostly likely does not have a very sharp ear. Her tone and singing technique is decent, but her sense of pitch is not accurate at all. So I think I just need to sift through all this stuff. There's no way around it. But they're not 50 takes of the whole song... rather 10 of each verse, 10 of each chorus, and lots of random bits here and there.

So you're doing a mix job for a female, singing Ulillillia?

lol... yeah kind of!

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fucking PhD students with no numerical literacy. Fuck the fuck off.


My small brain doesn't understand this...


I'm sure he has some numerical literacy, it's just that he can't figure out how to do some very basic excel calculations to update our data based off textual analysis from the previous year. I'm like, if I can do it, any fucking monkey can do it.

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traffic wardens/rangers/whatever they're called are the most useless cunts in the world. piling one fine on top of another for a single incident, which wasn't causing anyone any harm or inconvenience. it ticked 45 mins past the hour at which the parking zone I'd parked in turned into a taxi zone. not one taxi in sight, nobody fucking needs a taxi at 3pm on a quiet sidestreet let alone an entire cab rank in this bitch. I end up with a fine for parking in a taxi zone, plus another fine for "parking longer than permitted". fuck off. what a blatant money grab.

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fucking PhD students with no numerical literacy. Fuck the fuck off.


My small brain doesn't understand this...


I'm sure he has some numerical literacy, it's just that he can't figure out how to do some very basic excel calculations to update our data based off textual analysis from the previous year. I'm like, if I can do it, any fucking monkey can do it.


To be fair, though, every time I use Excel I want to throw the computer across the room. Spreadsheets suck. Macros only make it slightly less shitty and sometimes they actually make it worse. Someone needs to invent a replacement to the spreadsheet and get rich.


My FWP: I made the coolest 4-bar loop I've made in years and I have no idea what to do with it now.

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fucking PhD students with no numerical literacy. Fuck the fuck off.


My small brain doesn't understand this...


I'm sure he has some numerical literacy, it's just that he can't figure out how to do some very basic excel calculations to update our data based off textual analysis from the previous year. I'm like, if I can do it, any fucking monkey can do it.


My FWP: I made the coolest 4-bar loop I've made in years and I have no idea what to do with it now.



Make a copy of it so that you have an 8 bar loop. :emotawesomepm9:

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traffic wardens/rangers/whatever they're called are the most useless cunts in the world. piling one fine on top of another for a single incident, which wasn't causing anyone any harm or inconvenience. it ticked 45 mins past the hour at which the parking zone I'd parked in turned into a taxi zone. not one taxi in sight, nobody fucking needs a taxi at 3pm on a quiet sidestreet let alone an entire cab rank in this bitch. I end up with a fine for parking in a taxi zone, plus another fine for "parking longer than permitted". fuck off. what a blatant money grab.


from what i've heard, australia is pretty much becoming a fascist police state (which puts it in the 'serious first world problems' thread). Am i completely off on this though?

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^ not quite on the mark. we don't have a police problem like the States. if anything there are lots of complaints of being a "nanny state", which is different. that implies hand-holding, rules, excessive bureaucracy, etc. there may be some truth to that, as much as I hate to admit it, because this is the first thing that will come out of the mouths of a lot of 'freethinking' individualist quasi-libertarians and right-wing boganoids.


in the state of NSW (Sydney) for instance, there's increasing backlash against things like the lockout laws, which were initially introduced in a misguided attempt to quell alcohol-related violence but have been destroying our once-vibrant nightlife for some time now. lots of venues have gone out of business. there's a big anti-lockout rally this weekend, actually. I'm going.

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Good onya, they're pulling that shit here too. In the absence of any real policy progress for the benefit of the people these types of 'enlightened' policies get thrust forward as meaningful and part of a legacy of 'achievements' for said state premier. I was reading about the high profile knock-out that has been used to justify your regressive nightlife prohibition laws, and the kid that got punched was punched before midnight, which invalidates their already ludicrous and paper thin logic for these laws.


To others here, the laws are justfified because of purported 'alcohol fuelled' violence that occurs if the kids are allowed to drink for too long. They turn into scary pumpkin monsters after midnight don't you know. So they want to shut down drinking some time after midnight and have been progressively turning back the clock in order to achieve this aim. Here in Queensland it started with a 3am nightclub lockout, you could remain drinking in the club till five am but if you were between clubs you were trapped outside, no more fun for you. It made no sense other than to bully young people, what's the difference whether you are drinking here or there, you are still drinking and the walk between clubs in the fresh air might actually do you good. It's purpose of course was to soften the public up to the government abitrarily deciding when you should go to bed, it had no other goal, the 'good idea' actually increased violence due to everyone having to queue to catch a cab home at the same time, this led to desputes, squabbles, and chaos on the street after 3am. So now they have used this increase in unruliness (even though overall violence is down in society, a lot, has been in a decreasing trend for decades longer than these laws have been in effect ), to justify the current round of civil liberty removal.


I see no problem with the term nanny state, even though I don't use it myself. If I was pushed to define it, I would say it's totalitarian, authoritarian, one of these more formal terms.

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Couldn't find a weird site from the early 2000s that featured what looked like a weird Japanese politician dude wearing heavy makeup and had a big talking wart on his face that was actually a smaller copy of his own head, and had a fly buzzing around, which would buzz more angrily if you dragged your mouse cursor over it. Also the music was actually the beginning of Autechre - Vose In time-stretched and looped. It was all done in Flash I believe.

Pretty sure it was called corpusgroup.net at the time, but the site by that name is something totally different now. Wish I could find it.

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I'm late to the party, but...



what we see:


what ambermonk sees:








SURE ENOUGH. "Kenya girl" contacted me again and asked for money help. I unfriended her sorry ass in response.

FWP resolved.




Here's a quick tip... if a girl, you don't know, contacts you on Facebook then wait a couple of days before accepting her request and I guarantee you that 90% of the time the profile will have been deleted the next time you take a look at the friend request.

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My ex is keeping my kid from me because we play Team Fortress 2 together. I had removed all the blood and gibs from the game. He's 8yo and pretty good!

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