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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Re: the roommate shit — he has agreed to pay for all the items, they were indeed donated by them when clearing shit out for her stuff. He was extremely apologetic about that part and has given my half the value of the items with the other half coming this Friday.


The parking space thing is still an issue which is just plain pathetic. so to satisfy I’m just going to park my shit on the street even though it’s new, because at least my car has an electronic keyfob and security. I was very frank in that I’ll move my shit but the fact that he moved this crazy broad in here without telling anyone, donated a solid grand worth of my possessions and didn’t do shit but back down to his crazy lady after she was ridiculously over-bearing to my GF for having a conversation... Im pretty fucking pissed and the whole thing definitely drives a wedge into my relationship with him no matter how ‘sorry’ he is.


Fucking aggravating. It’s been 5 years of peace in this house and a comfortable cheap living situation. Now he’s literally dragged in his toxic relationship and she’s starting to treat the place like we all signed the lease together and she has an equal share just for paying rent and moving her shit in. She has never once even said ‘hey guys I’m moving in’ or anything. It’s all been through him when he told me a day before she moved in.


Re: the ‘just move’ comments - we live in a 3bd 2bth with 1800sqft and a closed in yard... for 1600 in the prime part of Seattle. I can barely get a one bed for that if I went to an apartment complex down the street. GF is in school still so I can’t (comfortably) afford to pay what I do for the two of us here somewhere else, unfortunately


*hands out more candy*

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Been having some next level insomnia over the last two weeks. I usually stay up later than I should for school or music making, but I can always crash. Lately it doesn't matter if I go to bed late or early, I'll still lay in bed for hours, uncomfortable, and my heart is beating harder than it normally does.


I've tried doing things like avoiding electronics and caffeinated beverages, to some extent. Might be time to see my primary doctor.


It's 7am, and i tried going to bed around 2 am.

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Sleeping problem here too. Grinding teeth at night. Wake with headache in morning.

Tried quitting the obscene amount of coffee I’m putting down for tea instead, but that was a hilariously misguided idea and not happening.

melatonin tablets work for me when I have a really hard time sleeping (I work a lot of weird shifts).
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Sleeping problem here too. Grinding teeth at night. Wake with headache in morning.

Tried quitting the obscene amount of coffee I’m putting down for tea instead, but that was a hilariously misguided idea and not happening.

Howdy there - have you tried chelated or coupled magnesium supplements? Most mag supplements are oxide or citrate form which are poorly absorbed and make you poo (think laxative before colonoscopy). Certain forms like glycinate and some of the other amino-bonded magnesium compounds are amazing for sleep and relaxing bruxism during circadian cycles.

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One night when I was about 20 I was eating a meal with my housemates when a tiny little spider landed on the middle of the table . Then another. And another. We looked up to see about 200 baby spiders all crawling towards the light . We had a bunch of nests in the back yard and went and burnt them all and when they combusted you could see the hundreds of burning spiders fall to the ground and the big mother twisting and turning like the liquid terminator in the final scenes of t2.

you a real one fo this

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About that roommate shit: fuck “decency”. Run a train on that ho with that dude handcuffed to the radiator while he watches, crying. And I mean that in a real Christian forgiveness kind of way. They’ll both be better people because of it and if they’re not, it they’re own fucking fault. Seek righteousness and compassion.

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Sleeping problem here too. Grinding teeth at night. Wake with headache in morning.

Tried quitting the obscene amount of coffee I’m putting down for tea instead, but that was a hilariously misguided idea and not happening.

Howdy there - have you tried chelated or coupled magnesium supplements? Most mag supplements are oxide or citrate form which are poorly absorbed and make you poo (think laxative before colonoscopy). Certain forms like glycinate and some of the other amino-bonded magnesium compounds are amazing for sleep and relaxing bruxism during circadian cycles.
Appreciate the advice. I actually do take magnesium citrate daily but just ordered chelated instead to see if that makes a difference. Dentist is warning me it’s time for a mouth guard.
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It's been 10 years since Breaking Bad first aired, and I still think of it as recent television. #accelerated aging


All video games that have 3D graphics (instead of 2D sprite graphics) still feel modern and vaguely futuristic.

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