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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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In Skopje they have it everywhere in the city centre to drive off street dogs. But those lazy fuckers just lay there and sleep nonetheless. I kinda like this sound

Fuck, I remember thinking what the fuck is that high frequency sound near the bridges to the bazaar where that ridiculous Alexander the Great statue stands.
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No consolation here! I'd be more consoled knowing my fellow watmmers are having nothing but safe road experiences that aren't bringing them inches from death. I actually think bikes should be ridden on the sidewalk whenever possible. There might be more accidents overall, but none would ever be fatal.

yeh nah the sidewalk is for walkers.


cars simply need to fuck off. Imho it’s best to just block their way whenever u feel unsafe. Just visibly and obviously be in their way. They will be mad af but they will not run u over ime.

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Now I haggled myself a slingshot, 40% off.. but it's a very nice slingshot. Might be able to use it against some baboons or stray dogs that get too aggressive.

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In Skopje they have it everywhere in the city centre to drive off street dogs. But those lazy fuckers just lay there and sleep nonetheless. I kinda like this sound

Fuck, I remember thinking what the fuck is that high frequency sound near the bridges to the bazaar where that ridiculous Alexander the Great statue stands.


Oh yes, that statue lol. The whole architecture in the city centre is so ridiculous and exaggerated that it's almost good again. Very new buildings in Roman style so they look old and historic but made from cheapest materials to attract tourists and give the impression that it's a historic city. And citizens throwing colour bombs at them for wasting the public money on this shit. I've never seen so many statues in my whole life. They literally build fences from statues. Fun city

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Yeah, it's basically what a historical city center would look like if it was designed by the same guy who does casinos in Las Vegas.


You really have to go there to experience it. The photos don't do justice.

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^ yo I had a nosebleed last night too. Nosebleed symbiosis *hi-5*


I too thought my nose was running and I was power-walking to work. Went into a supermarket on the way and blew my nose as I entered. As I continued walking after leaving my nose was still running so pulled out the tissue from my back pocket and realised it was almost entirely red. Then realised the lower half of my face was covered in blood. Wondered why the guy that served me hadn't said anything then remembered everyone was celebrating halloween and he probably assumed it was fake blood?


Additional fwp: Just learned one of my fave bit of Bravo channel back-in-the-day 90's hokum Brain Dead (not the Peter Jackson one, the Bill Pullman one) got a blu ray release, but it's region A only. ugh.




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jair bolsonaro just became president of brasil which means the nation with the fourth largest economy in the world is now run by a guy that's worse than trump.


wtf is happening?

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I've been yawning these huge jaw popping yawns for 4 hours straight.  Probably the most continual yawning I've ever experienced in my life.  It started happening right after I drank a Neo-Citron that is supposed to be "non-drowsy".  But there seems to be a direct correlation there.  I mean, it's also true I haven't been getting enough sleep in general, but not in an abnormal way.  This yawn attack is pretty abnormal.

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WiFi at home is down. Basically we kept using a previous tenants WiFi/internet plan but now it’s over.


no problem tho! The unlimited LTE plan I have is superior to that WiFi and I use that for internet.


But! Problem:

My Apple Homepods now can’t connect to the internet, they want WiFi. I can still stream music from phone to one of them, but stereo pairs need to be in a WiFi with internet connection. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TLDR I can only listen to mono music because the internet is down

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yeh, but... the hotspot created by the iPhone is restricted... you can’t really use it to create a local network between multiple devices.. and the HomePod doesn’t have much of a setup menu, it just wants to be in the same WiFi as your phone, and the phone obv does not connect to its own hotspot.


Life is *tough*

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