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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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3 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:



I'm trying to draw a comparison between eraser scent and shit scent and coming up empty handed.  Unless a "number 2" pencil is some cheeky double entendre.


think about if a big batch of patchouli went wrong and got mixed w/diarheehaw. and set on fire

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35 minutes ago, ignatius said:


think about if a big batch of patchouli went wrong and got mixed w/diarheehaw. and set on fire


I encourage one of our more junior members to put this as their signature with no context whatsoever.

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23 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:



Why's that? 


36 minutes ago, Braintree said:

think about if a big batch of patchouli went wrong and got mixed w/diarheehaw. and set on fire


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It's just a ridiculous thing to put as your signature. Especially for someone that just joined.

Keep in mind that it's a long time watmm tradition to use a quote as another forum member saying something ludicrous as your signature.

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3 hours ago, Braintree said:

I think it adds a bit of character to the party.

Can I tag in @Alcofribas

I forgot all about sigs. Haven’t seen sigs in years. I can’t remember why I turned them off but I think someone had an annoying one once maybe. 

Am I involved in a sig-situation here?

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34 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

I forgot all about sigs. Haven’t seen sigs in years. I can’t remember why I turned them off but I think someone had an annoying one once maybe. 

Am I involved in a sig-situation here?


Alco hunny I can see your sig still? Can you see mine?

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It says "quote".  I will click your signature now and see what happens.

1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

I have a sig? What does it say lol


Whoa... it DOES quote something from a watmm user... but it's you, and it's identical to the post you only JUST posted.  How did you do that???




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2 hours ago, milkface said:

many uni deadlines and im completely burnt out. i dont even want the degree i might get in 2 and a half more years. what kind of a life is this


get into plumbing. in usa there is a shortage of all the trade jobs.  5 year paid apprenticeship w/ability to make 6 figures pretty easy.  plumbers in seattle recently raised rates from $60 per hour to $90 per hour because of huge demand.  one guy said he has plumbers working for him making $200k.


electricians i demand too.  all these college kids graduating w/huge debt and shitty job market expected to work away their lives for capitalism could showing asscrack under the sink for profit.


that being said i hope shit gets better for you

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went through my local pharmacy to make vaccine appointment. answered their question on their site and it said i'm eligible because serious underlying health condition (cancer). was able to get an appointment for 1st dose on thursday. yay. 

check w/state guidelines which say i'm not eligible yet and won't be eligible for 2 weeks. 

tried to edit appointment but cannot because their site is overwhelmed i think. might have to cancel it but confused as to why their site would say i'm eligible after clicking through the boxes.  will try to edit appointment later.. might just keep it though and feel guilty forever about it. 


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@ignatius is it CVS? I had an issue with them one time trying to schedule an appointment online (not covid related) because they have both the pharmacy and the minute clinic, which operate under a different set of guidelines apparently.

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everyone i messaged for guidance said "that's bullshit.. keep the appointment" or "flex your cancer privilege".  so that's that i guess. 

the state system says march 29th is when my group will be eligible but walgreens asked "do you have cancer?" and i said "yes to cancer" and they said "Fuck yeah bitch! come on down!"

i got the confirmation emails for both 1st and 2nd dose appointments so i'm locked in.  my appointments straddle the eligibility date.

edit: @toaoaoad i hear ya.. it's a gray era i guess. one of the things that's making people eligible is getting any healthcare services in the home. i do get my cancer Rx delivered to me via courier but not sure that applies. 

but all medical personal and people who work in a medical setting like in the office in any way are eligible here. so, people who make appointments and do billing etc.. all are eligible. 

interestingly, one of my neighbors who i wish had my phone number, is part of emergency management for portland and set up vaccinations for all the firefighters. they did vaccinations at fire houses. one night they had a bunch of left over vaccines that would go bad.. so they called all the people they know to come get the vaccine. my neighbors.. who i'm closer with are close w/her so they got the call and all got vaccinated like 2 weeks ago for 1st doses at midnight that night. 

was kicking myself for not having exchanged phone numbers w/the neighbor who is emergency worker. i know her husband somewhat. but my direct neighbors who got the call from her have my number so i was like "hey, uh,, next time, uh, get me in on that please"


Edited by ignatius
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I ate a meal, and now I'm tired and useless.  Am I not supposed to get energy from food?  Isn't that the point?  Why is it then that any time I eat something more substantial than a piece of toast I feel like I need to lie down and do nothing for two hours?  If I go without food until 10pm I'm productive, but put a meal in there somewhere and it all comes crashing down.

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44 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

I'm sorry my last reply ended the SFWP thread.  That was not my intention.  My new SFWP is that someone I knew in high school posted a picture of their baby, and I was horrified by it.

A girl I knew from school a year younger than me posted a pic with her two babies and she was topless. But her babies weren't feeding they were on either side and it was really just her posing with her tits out. 

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1 hour ago, yekker said:

A girl I knew from school a year younger than me posted a pic with her two babies and she was topless. But her babies weren't feeding they were on either side and it was really just her posing with her tits out. 


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