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watmm/nostalgia/autechre/past glories/failure


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What's the point of watmm?


The pillars of stone that this website is built on are crumbling.


The BoC forum is a fucking joke, of which I am partly to blame. The Aphex forum is a fucking joke as we masturbate endlessly over bootlegs and Rephlex seems like pisstake. Squarepusher is churning out cheesy funk and solo bass records.


You can't fuck with Autechre. God bless them, true fucking heroes. And we have plenty to look forward to from Clark so he's forgiven.


I dunno, when shit starts become all nostalgic and trading on past glories? Then it's time to bail.


Pull your fucking finger's out!!

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forum is good. IDM era music brings together minds attracted to that style. that style which was the most advanced for its time, and in many ways remained as advanced. we have electro and electronic fans of forward thinking music in general - idm etc.


so, it is a unique place to talk about music, as this could be the only place on the entire internet to find other fans of say, mouse on mars. or the orb. or drexciya. all in one location.


das my take.

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It's better that WATMM's moved on to a wider range of musicians/genres. Forums with too narrow a focus tend to become awkward hero worship affairs or dudes going on about how they are the few & proud who truly understand music. See: any fan forum ever.

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Beerwolf, you're right. It is time that you abandoned the ruins of watmm in the hopes that someday another, more contemporary group of artists will be able to fulfill your need to discuss the nooks and crannies of their lives and every tiny detail that they have left in the wake of their musical careers. And if those new idols stop producing, it will be time for you to move on and once again suck the teat of whatever you and your peers find worthy of praise. It is a noble cycle in which you live, attaching yourself to your artistic loves, sucking them dry of any mystery, and moving on, like a sort of Langolier of music past.

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4 or 5 of the sub forums could be binned, imho.

certainly the BoC one. 'cos they're not doing anything.

Aphex and Cylob sf's also should maybe go, until they release something new. - Cylob, definitely!


Big up Plaid, Autechre and Clark,.. and Pusher, imho.

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Cylob just released and EP and an album.


did he!!? holy shitz! i gave up on him years ago...

when the fook did that come out??

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No one has to read the artist subforums. They're there if you want to read them. I know when I was just discovering Aphex and autechre for the very first time a year ago, i found forums like this fascinating because of all the mythology surrounding these and other amazing artists. But it's true that after a while, it gets old.


sometimes i am baffled by how a thread about rdj pictures can stretch for dozens of pages (I mean, do you really even care about the music at that point?), while the discussion of some new exciting, innovative album by someone else tends to taper off after a couple days. This is watmm's central weakness. I do wish there was a forum that was not tied to the glories of the "warp" days of old, that focused more on the here and now. But thats to be found here too, occasionally, which is the main reason i really come here (i'll be honest though, i am a pretty massive ae fanboy)

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I think the featured artists are the only thing which sticks this forum in that IDM era so to speak so when there are no new albums or tours then we're just left waiting.


I think maybe a general artists section with more artists would be better for reference if nothing else.

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I think the featured artists are the only thing which sticks this forum in that IDM era so to speak so when there are no new albums or tours then we're just left waiting.


I think maybe a general artists section with more artists would be better for reference if nothing else.


add Drexciya, Ceephax, Ed DMX, Flying Lotus, Team Doyobi, Monolith, Jodey Kendrick, Brothomstates, Leila Arab, and a load of others aswell. but again, these all seem to be mostly Warp/Rephlex/Skam associated artists...

but what can ya do!? they're good, heh.


You can't fuck with Autechre.


well you could. but it might not be wise to. seeing as like 95% of all 'IDMz' fans love Autechre!

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sorry but I can't resist posting this little wikipedia quote please don't kill me (!)



The parent is demanding but not responsive. Elaborate becomes totalitarian parenting. Authoritarian parenting, also called strict parenting,[15] is characterized by high expectations of conformity and compliance to parental rules and directions, while allowing little open dialogue between parent and child. "Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents advise the child to follow their directions and to respect their work and effort."[1] Authoritarian parents expect much of their child but generally do not explain the reasoning for the rules or boundaries.[18] Authoritarian parents are less responsive to their children’s needs, and are more likely to spank a child rather than discuss the problem.[19]


Children resulting from this type of parenting may have less social competence because the parent generally tells the child what to do instead of allowing the child to choose by him or herself.[20] Nonetheless, researchers have found that in some cultures and ethnic groups, aspects of authoritarian style may be associated with more positive child outcomes than Baumrind expects. "Aspects of traditional Asian child-rearing practices are often continued by Asian American families. In some cases, these practices have been described as authoritarian."[1] If the demands are pushed too forcefully upon the child, the child will break down, rebel, or run away.



I highlighted that so you don't hit me in the head.



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as I said before:



I was thinking about this today - maybe I've just become jaded and cynical as I get older, but I haven't heard anything that's really blown my mind in like 3 or 4 years. Like that wow factor is gone.

I dunno, I remember the first time I heard those drones on "An Eagle in Your Mind", or the first time I heard "Journey to Reedham", or the crazed beauty in "Xtal" hell even "Little Fluffy Clouds" and just being like goddamn I love this music.

I still like new music but it's lost that wow factor I guess. I dunno.




I am sure this has to do with "thinking outside the box" maybe you are still looking for the best way to get your ice out of a frozen lake while other people are already looking for better fridges so to say. stop trying to find better stuff of things you like but instead look for stuff that is completely different but has a similar dna (harmonics). You would not have been able to find autechre by looking for better pop you used to listen to with 16 but instead you started to look for something completely new. thats how you find stuff that give you the same goose bumps you had back then as it will be completely unknown and new to you

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I was thinking about this today - maybe I've just become jaded and cynical as I get older, but I haven't heard anything that's really blown my mind in like 3 or 4 years. Like that wow factor is gone.

I dunno, I remember the first time I heard those drones on "An Eagle in Your Mind", or the first time I heard "Journey to Reedham", or the crazed beauty in "Xtal" hell even "Little Fluffy Clouds" and just being like goddamn I love this music.

I still like new music but it's lost that wow factor I guess. I dunno.




I think a LOT of people feel the same way as this atm. in fact i know they do.

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Yes. Three albums to investigate:


1 - Rustie, Glass Swords

2 - Machinedrum, Room(s)

3 - Tiger & Woods, Through the Green


i don't get what people find so great about Rustie? i like some elements of his tracks, but... i just don't find him/his music that interesting/inspiring/great really. i spose some of it sounds quite fresh, in some ways. but i dunno, just not much of a fan of it.



not heard Tiger & Woods yet.

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i heard a remix with vocals on the LUDD eP this year that was quite lovely. Sure it wasn't ground breaking, but it sure did hit the spot. And yes, that doesn't happen all the time. Mostly happens when i'm getting something right on the guitar.

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i don't get what people find so great about Rustie? i like some elements of his tracks, but... i just don't find him/his music that interesting/inspiring/great really. i spose some of it sounds quite fresh, in some ways. but i dunno, just not much of a fan of it.


hmm there is thread about it elsewhere. I'm sure some of the guys will explain the appeal in producer-speak.


It's very fresh and exciting music.

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