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GTA in first person is really actually pretty disturbing. it looks like a hardcore murder simulator made by sick, sick people. i think that's kind of cool actually but something about shifting the view into first person hurts... it hurts your brain. it's like violent pornography, you know.


something fucked up about the way the cops get killed at 4 minutes onward


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finally settled on a game, impulse bought Dead Space 2 for 20 bucks. Ive been told its much worse than the original...but I figure ill still enjoy it.


got a nice big bottle of Doublejack IPA ill be sippin to....cuz I like to get my drink on and talk shit to the necromorphs.

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jesus!!! i dunno if ive ever played a console game more than ten times through.....its gotta be worthwhile then.



Im up to Chapter 2 and it was good ol' Dead Space classic fun so far....though the very beginning where you can't fend for yourself pissed me the fuck off (i died about 20 times before I got hold of the plasma cutter), but now its starting to feel good. I housed the fuck out of that Ch. 1 boss.

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Just found out Far Cry 3 is on sale 40% off on Steam. The temptation to buy it is even stronger now.

Now I must consider whether to fall victim to rampant consumerism and hours of counter-productivity once again. FC3 has gotten praise from a few of us here already though...

Fuck it. I'm taking the red pill.

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Thanks to whoever posted this. It's my first game in a while. Kind of like good old Quake (where I left off). It's simple and fun. I enjoy owning and getting owned.


There are pluses to being single y'know? Playing video games for hours at a time is one of them.

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Guest jasondonervan

know none of you guys probably give a sh*t about Tomb Raider, but I worked on it so if you feel like it...show a little love (in cash form :-)


Poor sales make baby Lara cry


Got round to kicking it off yesterday - early days (first few hours in), but I'm liking what I've played so far. It's a real looker too, here's a couple of shots from my first hunt!


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Guest Frankie5fingers

I bought Heart of the swarm, the expansion of Starcraft 2. So far it's pretty fun!


Anyone else in this?

yeah, ive almost beat the campaign. but before i do im going back and replaying all the missions on brutal. the story is great, way better than the Terran campaign.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah, i hate the Terran. protoss are my favorite.

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yes playing hots here as well. havent finished the campaign though.. played a bunch of 2v2s with a friend.. in diamond now YEAH lol


u guys watched the last mlg? foreigners got slapped in the face harder than usual. i seriously doubt if a foreigner is ever gonna win or even be in the final of that tourney ever again.. there were some fucking intense matches


hating the state of the widow mine though, such a stupid unit.. not even exciting seeing pros use it. bane mines at least require micro.

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So guys, I suck. I play normal (can't be bothered to try harder) and last time I played ladder I was still in bronze. But still there's a lot of fun, even if you suck!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

my highest was the top 5 in gold on 4v4. i wouldve gone higher but i took a hiatus from SC for about 6-7 months. i got sick of all the whining. i just play to have fun and all the immature little brats ruined it for me. and no, i didnt watch any of the mlg. cause i think thats just dumb.

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I completely stopped playing it when my friend kokoon bought me Minecraft two years ago.


Watching commented pro games is a lot of fun for me. Almost like watching a Hollywood action movie, only things make more sense.

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liking Vanquish a lot but almost finished it in two sessions. the disco robots and transformer/spider baddie thing is quite cool


Birds of Steel was a slight dissapointment, I like my flight sims but this was far too long winded and a ball ache to actually hit anything


anyone got GOW Ascension yet? the demo is pretty sweeeeeet but im wating till its down in price cos im a cheapskate

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I'm kind of late to the Far Cry 3 party, but there are three important things I've learned so far about in-game wildlife:

1) Turtles refuse to move if you try to catch a ride atop their shells.
2) Cassowaries are creepy as fuck. They will follow you slowly anywhere you go, including small buildings. Then they will attack once they're close enough to you. Also, they sometimes sound like they say "oh my god"
3) Tigers are best hunted with a grenade launcher.

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Guest drukqs


know none of you guys probably give a sh*t about Tomb Raider, but I worked on it so if you feel like it...show a little love (in cash form :-)


Poor sales make baby Lara cry


Got round to kicking it off yesterday - early days (first few hours in), but I'm liking what I've played so far. It's a real looker too, here's a couple of shots from my first hunt!




Is this good? I was really hoping it would be because I like Tomb Raider but the games have gone to utter shit lately. Please be good.

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