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Yeah that could have bloody good potential. Hopefully they'll sort out the weight/momentum of things before release - everything seems like it's made out of lightweight polystyrene at the moment

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After months of being really strong and staying away from it i've returned to CRUSADER KINGS II in order to play the latest expansion, THE OLD GODS.


As the name suggests, in this latest expansion you get to cast off the shackles of monotheism and embrace the ways of the pagans. Me, I've been playing as a Norseman, having started in the newly-conquered English territory of Jorvik (York) I have burned a swathe west through northern England before crossing the Irish sea and almost entirely purging Christianity from the island of Ireland (or, in Norse, Irland), of which I am now king. Mercia and Wessex have consolidated into the Christian kingdom of England, in a pathetic attempt to forestall the eradication of their religion, but I fully intend for me son to pillage their lands, enslave their women, and sacrifice their children by hanging to Odin.


Good game basically.

wow, that is very similar to my situation but it went really bad with this fucking gavelkind succession. i bit off a few territories surrounding jorvik and then crossed to ireland capturing a few territories and creating a kingdom of ireland, but then the king died and everything went to shits: i had like 5 sons and every one of them started a faction to grab the king of ireland title, this completely decimated everything i've built. some years later i've ended up playing as king of ireland with just one territory and who actually converted to christianity because of fucking scottish holy wars, i did manage to grab a few territories of ireland but now there are strong england and scotalnd and they've managed to erase every trace of norse religion on the island. oh, and now the norseman are planning to invade me in 2 years with a huge potential 20k army (against my 3), flol.

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Guest Iain C

Gavelkind can be an absolute fucker. The best way I've found to deal with it is to give your less-important holdings to your younger sons BEFORE you die - that way you make sure that your key holdings, capital etc, go to your direct heir.


Luckily within the space of a couple of generations I'm in a strong position, I'm king of Irland and Skotland which also includes most of northern England. I only have one son right now - a dangerous game to play, but it does mean he'll inherit both kingdoms. Another son would really fuck everything up because he'd end up getting Skotland and no doubt invading me. Now it's a race to claim enough English counties to form an empire-level title to hold everything together. Then and only then can we scour Christianity from these isles for good.


But yeah my last ruler ended up imprisoning like 3 family members for factionalism and rebellion. Thankfully his son was strong enough to claim Skotland back. You get a cool event if you sacrifice a close family member to Odin during a Great Blot... I won't spoil it any further though.

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update: i did get invaded by my distant norse relatives with a nasty army, but pretty much everyone (scotland, england, some irish counts) offered me their help (which was fucking awesome, but also kinda sad because i felt like i was betraying my heritage) so the norsemen were repelled easily. shortly afterwards a peasant rebellion started with which i could have dealt with by myself, but two neighboring counts exploited the opportunity and pressed their claims (one fabricated) in a war, i only managed to beat one of them but i lost two territories once again, one of which got swallowed by the mighty scotland. still hoping i that i can grab the remaining irish independent and hope for some turmoil between england and scotland to get into the big game again.


this is the best game ever, why are there only like 3 people playing it ?

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Guest Iain C

update: i did get invaded by my distant norse relatives with a nasty army, but pretty much everyone (scotland, england, some irish counts) offered me their help (which was fucking awesome, but also kinda sad because i felt like i was betraying my heritage) so the norsemen were repelled easily. shortly afterwards a peasant rebellion started with which i could have dealt with by myself, but two neighboring counts exploited the opportunity and pressed their claims (one fabricated) in a war, i only managed to beat one of them but i lost two territories once again, one of which got swallowed by the mighty scotland. still hoping i that i can grab the remaining irish independent and hope for some turmoil between england and scotland to get into the big game again.


this is the best game ever, why are there only like 3 people playing it ?


It is the best strategy game ever, hands down. A masterpiece.


Don't forget to make full use of your council, scheming and plotting and sowing dissent in England and Scotland! And if you notice a monarch has a young child as an heir, try and bump them off - nothing sparks a succession crisis like a regency.

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update: i did get invaded by my distant norse relatives with a nasty army, but pretty much everyone (scotland, england, some irish counts) offered me their help (which was fucking awesome, but also kinda sad because i felt like i was betraying my heritage) so the norsemen were repelled easily. shortly afterwards a peasant rebellion started with which i could have dealt with by myself, but two neighboring counts exploited the opportunity and pressed their claims (one fabricated) in a war, i only managed to beat one of them but i lost two territories once again, one of which got swallowed by the mighty scotland. still hoping i that i can grab the remaining irish independent and hope for some turmoil between england and scotland to get into the big game again.


this is the best game ever, why are there only like 3 people playing it ?


It is the best strategy game ever, hands down. A masterpiece.


Don't forget to make full use of your council, scheming and plotting and sowing dissent in England and Scotland! And if you notice a monarch has a young child as an heir, try and bump them off - nothing sparks a succession crisis like a regency.



im an old PI fart, still absolutely love EUIII. but yeah, Crusader Kings is one of the best strategy games ive played in quite some time.

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wow...skyrim legendary edition for 35...im fucking pissed....wish i had a decent computer...


edit: and i can't run Dragon Age either. fuck my computer fucking christ.

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Played a game with the new Civ 5 expansion yesterday. Some depth has been reïntroduced by revamping diplomacy and cultural victories. Still, I won the diplomatic victory while I was aiming for a cultural victory... :s I just asked a few leaders to put in votes for me in return for some resources a few turns before the world leader vote. I think it still has too much balance issues. There's also some weird screen where you need to match types of works for an extra tourism bonus and that looks like such a needless time sink which is a real problem in multiplayer.

Edited by Ego
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