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Polytron has posted this on its website:


FEZ II is cancelled.
i am done.
i take the money and i run.
this is as much as i can stomach.
this is isn’t the result of any one thing, but the end of a long, bloody campaign.
you win.




What a fucking cry baby.

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1) make fun of other people's games (primarily Japanese games)

2) tell people to stop being sensitive

3) someone makes fun of him

4) he gets sensitive and cancels his game

5) ???

6) no profit
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started up a new minecraft survival game on a great public server with a friend of mine. currently making camp in an epic ravine before we move off and establish a mountaintop base.

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The Binding Of Isaac









why the face? ive heard this game namedropped tons of times but i still know next to nothing about it.



It's a randomly generated independant action RPG shooter and the :wtf: is a combination of great game, can't stop playing, and THIS SHIT IS IMPOSSIBLE WHAT THE FUCK let's 'ave another go at it OH FUCKING SHIT FUCK oh one more try FUCK THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY maybe one more try OH GOSH DARN IT ALL TO HECK

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Aye it's a modern tongue-in-cheek homage to the dungeon sections of the original Zelda with lots of disgusting enemies and comedic weapons and powerups. Great for a 'oh I've got 5 minutes to waste which somehow becomes an hour or two' situation.

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The Binding Of Isaac









why the face? ive heard this game namedropped tons of times but i still know next to nothing about it.



It's a randomly generated independant action RPG shooter and the :wtf: is a combination of great game, can't stop playing, and THIS SHIT IS IMPOSSIBLE WHAT THE FUCK let's 'ave another go at it OH FUCKING SHIT FUCK oh one more try FUCK THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY maybe one more try OH GOSH DARN IT ALL TO HECK


Welcome to rogue-likes!


I've been playing Sword of the Stars - The Pit which seems similar?


If you like the 'just one more try' itch, FTL should scratch that nicely too.

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i agree with pretty much everything said in this video though. they could be a lot less douchey about it, but still.

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After watching the video up there, I think I see why people all over the place dislike this guy so much.. Actually, a lot of those indie people are painful to listen to. If the games they made were actually fun (or at least interesting) for more than an hour or so, after you get used to the one gimmick that make their pretentious games stand out from the rest (rotating the screen, manipulating time and all that stuff), maybe their weird behavior would be kinda justified. As it is now, all they do is make mediocre games and hiding them behind stylish visuals and paper-thin plots that makes vidja gamers feel all deep and smart for figuring them out.

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I've been playing the new Killer Instinct in my head. I'm so happy that Double Helix Games has got their shit together, cuz they seriously know what they're doing. I get a sense for humanity's hope, when I see projects that are executed with obvious love and care; attention to detail and subtlety of design; conceptual creation of characters; taking the best of the old and building upon. On the other end, is shitt shit shit like Mortal Kombat 9, which has characters that were programmed by people who've never actually seen people move; by programmer's who don't have the ability to recognize the difference between realistic/dynamic movement (ala Japanese fighting games) and bullshit, like what they programmed. Shit design by a bunch of 8 year olds wearing t-shirts with tribal tattooed bodybuilders on them holding machine guns (surrounded by big tit blondes), shit fucking everything, no style wannabe assholes- fuck MK9. If I had a billion dollars, I would buy NetherRealm Studios and fire everybody.


So yah, I've been playing Killer Instinct in my head, and it's pretty fun. I can't believe how good the game is coming along, and I'm looking forward to the completed game, even if I never buy an Xbox One.

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Aww, man, I feel horrible for my above incorrect apostrophe. "programmer's"->"programmers" Fuck, I'm starting to feel incompetent, like NetherRealm Studios. GOTTA UP MY GAME, SON!

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Aww, man, I feel horrible for my above incorrect apostrophe. "programmer's"->"programmers" Fuck, I'm starting to feel incompetent, like NetherRealm Studios. GOTTA UP MY GAME, SON!

:wtf:...lol j/k


The solution is BEER

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Fish might be a wiener but at least he's not a self entitled journalist prick. I haven't played fez as i can't stand retro throwback stuff but I'm sure it's stressful making games. Sure, the guy should grow up. But maybe some fuckhead journalist should remember his place. Below. I mean, there is little more pathetic than the sight of a critic who has begun to mistake himself for the creator.

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i agree with pretty much everything said in this video though. they could be a lot less douchey about it, but still.

A lack of social tact doesn't make someone a bad person, they might not know how to be polite but isn't there something good about stating your opinion flat out. I think it is an admirable quality, even if a huge portion of the audience starts to cringe. It all depends I guess. It seems like a logical error to equate that pretentious behavior with a persons being worthy of hate or aggressive personal attacks and criticism. Then again, not everyone has been blessed with logical abilities.

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Absolutely - I think it was just a misguided deliberately-provocative opening statement that he swiftly realised needed to be qualified, and so 'corrected' himself from 3:47 onwards of that video.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i think we need to stop all this hatin' and get back on track here. ill start,


Just finished Last of Us. holy crap was this amazing, right from the beginning. kinda sad that it was short, but maybe in a way thats a good thing. cause when i finished it i started playing again, this time in black and white. i cant wait for the DLC.

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Guest trananhhung

I'm currently playing RAGE on the PS3 and it has been of the best games I've played this generation, along with Demon's Souls, Shadows of the Dammed, L.A. Noire, Yakuza 3 and Bayonetta.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

How is Yakuza 3? i started with 4 and its one of my favorite games on the PS3. is it the same?

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Guest trananhhung

It's the same game but the story is much more interesting and you get to run an orphanage on a beach coast. :yeah: Still waiting for Sega to announce Yakuza 5 for the west. Anyone has news regarding this?

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a buddy & I both purchased borderlands 2 during the steam summer sale and have been playing through the co-op story. It's a pretty badass game. Up to lvl12 now and the guns choices are great.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

It's the same game but the story is much more interesting and you get to run an orphanage on a beach coast. :yeah: Still waiting for Sega to announce Yakuza 5 for the west. Anyone has news regarding this?

I MUST BUY IT. in all honesty though i still havent beaten 4. i get like 70 some hours in and i just get distracted doing all the optional stuff. like Mahjong. I never knew i had a gambling problem until i played Mahjong in 4. lol i also need to get Dead Souls. i wanna kick some Japanese zombie ass.


the last thing i heard from SEGA about 5 was a Haiku

Hello Loyal Fan,

I cannot comment.

Stay tuned to the Sega site.

Good information.


An original haiku by the Sega staff



Sega of America

Customer Support


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