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Guest Pennywise

Fuck this. I think i'm too much of a pussy to play games like this. This is only the beginning of these type of games too. What will be playintg in 10 yrs time?



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I suddenly got bored with Fallout 3 yesterday, so I stopped playing and went to bed.

I dunno what to play next. Something relatively simple, perhaps. And maybe a non-FPS.

Or maybe get back to making choons. Been too long.

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Guest bitroast

Hotline Miami !!

Very obsessed with this at the moment. Bought it for playstation and it downloadable for ps vita and ps3 so I've been playing it back and forth, cranking it at home blasting the sick soundtrack through speakers, and playing it on vita when put&about. Lush as.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


Oculus is having a VR jam and there are some really cool things coming out of it

A lot of demo's here. It's incredible how fast people can prototype ideas with Unity these days.



I caved in and ordered myself a dev kit. Probably at the worst time because they already have some prototypes running at 1920x1080. Still, I'm excited and want to try some stuff in Unity with it anyway. Arriving monday! :w00t:

I read most of the forum and Reddit posts covering Oculus. I really think the consumer version will be released Q4 2014, so a year and a quarter from now. I think you will really feel you got your 300 bucks worth. My friend wants to buy mine when I get the consumer version but I might keep it for a few reasons. Indeed, Unity is great, especially when you add some of the 3rd party apps to it, it becomes incredibly quick and fun to work with. Congrats, I've had my OR for about 2 months now. It's really cool. Introducing your friends to the experience is pretty awesome. With Stereoificator, Vireio, Tridef and Deskope. You can play just about any game out there. Actually, with Deskope you can play ANY game without 3D depth, but still get most the HMD immersion.
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Oculus is having a VR jam and there are some really cool things coming out of it

A lot of demo's here. It's incredible how fast people can prototype ideas with Unity these days.



I caved in and ordered myself a dev kit. Probably at the worst time because they already have some prototypes running at 1920x1080. Still, I'm excited and want to try some stuff in Unity with it anyway. Arriving monday! :w00t:

I read most of the forum and Reddit posts covering Oculus. I really think the consumer version will be released Q4 2014, so a year and a quarter from now. I think you will really feel you got your 300 bucks worth. My friend wants to buy mine when I get the consumer version but I might keep it for a few reasons. Indeed, Unity is great, especially when you add some of the 3rd party apps to it, it becomes incredibly quick and fun to work with. Congrats, I've had my OR for about 2 months now. It's really cool. Introducing your friends to the experience is pretty awesome. With Stereoificator, Vireio, Tridef and Deskope. You can play just about any game out there. Actually, with Deskope you can play ANY game without 3D depth, but still get most the HMD immersion.


Yeah I'm trying some things with Tridef right now. I have GTA IV running with headtracking and a first person mod but when I increase the 3D I get horrible double vision. Without 3D I don't really get a good sense of scale which I really like about the Oculus experience. I'm going to try Just Cause 2 too since it has a first person mod as well. (edit: not working, JC2 can't run in dx9) I wish I could do a flight simulator but I'd really need positional tracking so I can lean closer to the virtual cockpit controls. Or maybe I should try using my TrackIR with the Oculus for positional tracking.


I just finished Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons which was rather good. The gameplay is a bit simple and I never got a good grasp on controlling 2 characters at the same time but the environments and art are stellar and the story is pretty unique for a video game.


I'm also playing the PES14 and FIFA14 demos. FIFA is a bit more responsive than last year but I think PES might finally take the crown back. They made great strides on their animation library and the pacing feels much better.

Edited by Ego
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Hotline Miami !!

Very obsessed with this at the moment. Bought it for playstation and it downloadable for ps vita and ps3 so I've been playing it back and forth, cranking it at home blasting the sick soundtrack through speakers, and playing it on vita when put&about. Lush as.

Just bought Hotline Miami today and decided to give it a go. Wasn't quite what I was expecting gameplay-wise. You have to be quick on your toes, and one hit means death. It's challenging but addictive.

As for the soundtrack, I recognised Sun Araw right away at the menu screen. I like the "8-bit" aesthetics too.

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Guest bitroast

The music is good fun. I tried to give a Sun araw album a listen in the past and it clearly didn't click because the tracks were new to me, and resulted in me going back and giving the albums a proper listen.

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Guest disparaissant

just got a spankin' new macbook retina 15", and decided to dual boot windows so i could play skyrim all maxxxed out. loving it!

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Guest bitroast



Rayman Legends is brilliant. Fantastic art, controls, level design, animations, sound... So much charm. Haven't been into a platformer like this in ages.


How does it compare to Rayman Origins? I really loved that game, but I'm afraid my laptop can't handle Rayman Legends' improved graphics.



Not sure, never played Origins. It's like Origins but better as far I as I've read in the reviews. It's all so well crafted, inventive and varied. I'm a big fan. It runs very smooth on my PC, doesn't seem that taxing.


Oculus is having a VR jam and there are some really cool things coming out of it like this one:


A lot of demo's here. It's incredible how fast people can prototype ideas with Unity these days.



I caved in and ordered myself a dev kit. Probably at the worst time because they already have some prototypes running at 1920x1080. Still, I'm excited and want to try some stuff in Unity with it anyway. Arriving monday! :w00t:



LOL. i need to see more of these..



edit* again*


i actually find the original funnier. the lack of game objectives and just straight up, cheap chicken simulator seems funnier.

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Borderlands 1. playing Roland the soldier, currently level 21 after 14 hours of play. it's starting to get boring. the gunplay is kinda fun with certain guns, but it's mostly just shoot, loot, repeat. quests are kinda boring. this game is really for co-op imo, not singleplayer.


also replaying Bioshock. fuck I love this game.

Borderlands 1 & 2 have the same basic loot-and-shoot premise. However, the series is unique in that all the guns, grenade mods, and shields are algorithmically generated, so it's very rare to get two that are identical. BL2 I like more tho cos it has an actual story, along with a grafix upgrade and a bunch of new enemies and NPCs.


As for Bioshock, the gameplay is hard to beat. I'd say it's still better than BS Infinite in that regard.


I'm having a bit of gaming fatigue lately, so I'm kind of in limbo about what to play. Deus Ex 1 is excellent, and Raptor: Call of the Shadows is a good arcade 1941-style airborne shooter. I left off on Hotline Miami a couple days ago, but it just got too difficult and I've lost the motivation to continue. Good soundtrack tho.

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I agree S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is better overall. Armed with only a couple of the higher end guns (like the HK G36 and VSS Vintorez - both highly versatile) you can take down pretty much any "bad" Stalker or mutant in your way, provided you remain stocked on ammo.
And in Call of Pripyat they've taken customisation even further with tier-based fine tuning. For instance, if you find the right tools, you can have a craftsman give you sprinting ability for Exoskeleton armour, after you've bought the upgrades for previous tiers.

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Girlfriend helped me pay for GTA V today because I couldn't afford it and she wanted to watch me play, got to play for a few hours and it seems amazing so far, and crazy in-depth. Gf had to go to bed though because she works in the morning, which means because she helped pay for it I have to wait to play again. Kinda sucks because I really want to dive-in and go nuts, but I'll deal.

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Girlfriend helped me pay for GTA V today because I couldn't afford it and she wanted to watch me play, got to play for a few hours and it seems amazing so far, and crazy in-depth. Gf had to go to bed though because she works in the morning, which means because she helped pay for it I have to wait to play again. Kinda sucks because I really want to dive-in and go nuts, but I'll deal.


That's not even a first world problem, that's like, a 0.5 world problem.

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*whizz* *bam-bam* *aargh!* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *bang!* *rrrooaarrr* *tatatatatatatatata*

Me too (via Quake Epsilon) currently near the end of Episode 2 with my first non-cheating play through on 'Hard' setting. The skill level certainly lives up to it's name !
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*whizz* *bam-bam* *aargh!* *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* *bang!* *rrrooaarrr* *tatatatatatatatata*

Me too (via Quake Epsilon) currently near the end of Episode 2 with my first non-cheating play through on 'Hard' setting. The skill level certainly lives up to it's name !


Still a great game. I finally finished it on Nightmare last year playing with the Darkplaces mod. It's definitely much easier after playing TF2 regularly for 5 years.

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Yeah I really love the atmosphere of it - still nothing quite like it. The slow mutation from the base/warehouse start descending into a medieval hell, the responsiveness of everything, the reason to favour certain weapons depending on different situations. Pure FPS fun with none of the nonsense.


Hats off to make it through on Nightmare !

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