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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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not to be a huge downer or anything but it makes me wonder if these are the 'best' tracks from the album and that's why they were chosen for radio play, while they are good tracks they aren't blowing my mind as much as the stuff i remember coming out early for Quaristice. I remember Simm being one of the earliest tracks from Quaristice to leak, and it's definitely one of the album's highlights, while great tracks like the Plc and Chenc9 were never broadcast before it came out.


edit: but at the same time 'see on see' was the first track from Oversteps to leak and imo it's one of the least interesting from the album


Have Autechre ever had bad quality control? Is there a single Autechre album in memory that you could pick two tracks off of that are good and the rest are crap? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you aren't an Autechre fan we have opinions that differ greatly.

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not to be a huge downer or anything but it makes me wonder if these are the 'best' tracks from the album and that's why they were chosen for radio play, while they are good tracks they aren't blowing my mind as much as the stuff i remember coming out early for Quaristice. I remember Simm being one of the earliest tracks from Quaristice to leak, and it's definitely one of the album's highlights, while great tracks like the Plc and Chenc9 were never broadcast before it came out.


edit: but at the same time 'see on see' was the first track from Oversteps to leak and imo it's one of the least interesting from the album


Have Autechre ever had bad quality control? Is there a single Autechre album in memory that you could pick two tracks off of that are good and the rest are crap? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you aren't an Autechre fan we have opinions that differ greatly.


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i'm just lowering my expectations and wondering if those tracks are very indicative of the whole album. There is definitely no pre Quaristice, Untilted-esque complex beat programming happening on either track we've heard so far. So ill probably be better of just assuming that's as complex as the beats are going to get, and if i'm wrong i'll be happier when i finally hear it.



edit: Based only off these 2 tracks i'm hearing much more Move of Ten and Quaristice than Oversteps or Untilted, what do you guys think?

Edited by Awepittance
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modey, on 28 Jan 2013 - 17:33, said:

This thread is such a rollercoaster of emotions; it encompasses everything I love and hate about WATMM. I just don't know what to think anymore.

Come on, 200 pages. We can do it.


disoriental express, on 28 Jan 2013 - 17:34, said:


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There is definitely no pre Quaristice, Untilted-esque complex beat programming happening on either track we've heard so far. So ill probably be better of just assuming that's as complex as the beats are going to get, and if i'm wrong i'll be happier when i finally hear it


I may be wrong but i think they've abandoned that approach...i remember they even said something about that in one interview. :(

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Wha the faeck are you guys talking about Oversteps ??? this is hardcore beat stuff like untilted and draft 7.30, and its woonderfuuull


in what way are these beats similar to those albums? I see zero similarity so far, those albums had incredibly complex and elaborate beat sequencing, these do not.

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I have to say I agree with Awepittance.


slp9 was muddy and this is noodley... beats are basic and repetitive + sound fx in good reverb. Not saying its a bad thing, but not saying its revolutionary either. This formula already seemed played out with Queersauce.


NOW don't get me wrong...

I've heard incomplete versions of two songs, out of context of the whole album. SO, I remain hopeful. However, I look forward to the complex beat structures of Confield with the melodies of LP5, assuming some of these people are correct.

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I get the impression that neither of these tracks are the center of attention on this album. Tuinorizin seems like an intermission because of its' length, and spl9 has that sorta trancy y7 vibe they've had in the odd slow track on each album. We still haven't heard any of the giants and considering this album is supposedly covered in beats in every corner, we'll probably get some Surripere level shit.

Getting your expectations low almost always improves your impression of the final product though so there is merit there, just in case it doesn't completely blow us away. That being said I think this will be the album we really wanted after Oversteps.

Edited by thehauntingsoul
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Donut despair there is still 1hr 50mins of music to be heard!


I bet there is some untilted style stuff on there, sort of like how Quar has chenc-9, fwze, bnc cstl which feel untilted-esque (to me anyway) and MOT/Oversteps doesn't really have those beats.


I bet at least one track has the ganz graf/augmatic disport fuckery going on.


I hear a hint of LLC in SPL9, but it's just the machinedrum FM snare and the 3 hits at the end of the bar, it's not complex but def reminiscent. So I can see why that connection is being made.


Fuckin love that snare.


Worst case scenario is Oversteps/MOT part 3 but with more beats in a Quaristice style. Which to me would still be amazing.

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I'm not loving either of these tracks, but going in with my expectations low and hoping to be blown away still. I really loved Oversteps more than anything since Confield, so I'm just taking things with a grain of salt.

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i'm just lowering my expectations and wondering if those tracks are very indicative of the whole album. There is definitely no pre Quaristice, Untilted-esque complex beat programming happening on either track we've heard so far. So ill probably be better of just assuming that's as complex as the beats are going to get, and if i'm wrong i'll be happier when i finally hear it.



edit: Based only off these 2 tracks i'm hearing much more Move of Ten and Quaristice than Oversteps or Untilted, what do you guys think?


I think that too. I think I like tuinorizn more than anything else since Quaristice. Kind of reminds me of Etchogon-S but I much prefer this, it has a rhythmic tightness i think has been lacking in Oversteps and MOT, it doesn't sound tired and bored like someone has put a gun to their head and forced them to make Autechre music. I think it's just good, as a short track in between something more epic, but thinking of Quaristice's early leaked tracks Rale, Simm and Theswere...they sound monumental, I think Rale is a classic. This is more in the vein of the sketchiness of 90101-5l-l.


But i like it more than Steels.


I hope people aren't far off with their LP5/Untilted/Acroyear2 comparisons based on hearing the whole album though, I love the energy and propulsion of that track, one of the few autechre tracks I can turn up loud and really get a kick out of the bass. Not sure why LP5 isn't more loved by autechre fans, I don't think they have really bettered Rae, Under BOAC, Vose In.


It's weirdly true that given that Oversteps is no longer their newest thing I despise it a little bit less. I don't know what I disbelieve more sometimes, that it's actually Autechre, or that people like it and can listen to any of it without being bored, unsatisfied, and wanting to just skip the track.

Edited by Suffocate Peon
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I have to say, I was actually kinda hoping for an extension of the Oversteps sound but with more focus. At this point though I'd be happy with anything as long as it's not too Quaristice-y.

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Guest RadarJammer

do you guys really think Sean or Rob would really want tracks to be displaced from their album context so people could nitpick on them before they have the chance to experience the overall story arc of the album? I would bet that they had no say in the matter or begrudgingly allowed warp to deep dick two tracks and squander Awepitances and friends first impression.


lots of ass fingering in this thread

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