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watched Wrath of Khan as well right after seeing Into Darkness. Makes the movie seem somehow better than i originally remember. Have you seen the directors cut? If not I recommend it, they make Khan seem more evil and the spock / kirk scene at the very end is longer. Makes Spock seem like a crazy mother fucker even more so than in the theatrical cut.

Maybe i watched just that. Anyway, I love Spock.

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can i ask why you decided to fuck up a perfectly decent thread?

anyways, saw Man of Steel today. Id give it a 6/10. Had an awkward start, really enjoyed the flashback scenes of Kent. Felt the movie was based on a very poorly written script. The fight scenes were fun for a little, but not choreographed as well as movies like Spiderman 2 or with high stakes like the aircraft carrier scene in the Avengers. It had far more action than either but instead of making the individual action scenes highly entertaining and artistic, they just went for the overboard constant action aesthetic. I just saw Star Trek into darkness which has a similar continuous action vibe to it, and it was done in a far more consistent and artsy fashion. This movie just convinces me that Zack Snyder is not a great filmmaker. And even as much as I dislike David S Goyer's scripts, the is among his worst. I thought even his Blade scripts were stronger. Shockingly weak script, so i guess i can't place the blame entirely on Snyder. If they use this to create a justice league movie, it's doomed already. For all the flaws Dark Knight Rises had, it was a far more competent film than this was. I would argue that Man of Steel is about on the same level of quality as Green Lantern, that movie was just lower budget and more campy. This movie was super serious, but equally as flawed.
On a positive note, Man of Steel was much more rooted in sci-fi than any previous Superman film. In some ways it was almost a weakness though since there were so many FX shots, none of them individually looked that amazing. Yes there are scenes of superman fighting robots and destroying entire buildings. There is also a strange shift in tone to 'Nolan-ize' the movie at the very end, which is weird since we just watched a whole city leveled to the ground and not witnessed a single death (maybe one off camera). Why is it a normal thing in hollywood now to imply that thousands die but then not show any of the repercussions of what that feels like? It seems like a sort of disturbing reflection of American society and the detached way in which we view mass death.

my feeling on a Justice LEague movie now is, don't fucking bother. IT might have worked as a way to continue the plot in Dark Knight Rises, the movie already had a little bit of a justice leagueish feel to it. But if their idea of a good justice league movie is overly serious and brooding 'gritty' it's going to be shit. How can you include characters like the Flash who's job it is to just crack one liners the whole time? (which is essentially what they stole to create the RDJ movie version of Tony Stark/iron man, yes Iron man in the Iron Man movies is not stark from the comics, he's the fucking Flash, plucked right out of the DC universe)

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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This is the End - 9/10 fucking hilarious, it was really funny. Tons of cameos, and parodies of 2012, The Mist, Pineapple Express, The Road Warrior, The Excorcist. Total stoner comedy and one of the best since Harold & Kumar.


Zero Dark Thirty -7/10 another good Katherine Bigelow historical drama, good casting, a little slow to start but it ramps up as the third act begins. I wonder how much was fictionalized. Chris Pratt can actually buff up when he tries.

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I saw an advance screening of Man of Steel the other night.
I think it was 143 minutes long. Didn't need to be.
Entertaining. Well-cast (for the most part).

My biggest problems were that the action sequences (which were masterfully done) just went on FOR FUCKING EVER. Plus, they were completely over the top, so you would be like "whoa. I can't believe superman had his head smashed 10 times... again!" Or " wow. I can't believe zod and superman crashed through 20 buildings... again."
This was definitely an example of the filmmakers ignoring the "less is more" rule.
I also thought it was lacking a personal/human connection. I could go into more detail, but I don't want to spoil it any more.
It's fun. Worth seeing. Just expect to not relate to any of the characters and to be bored to tears by the most insane action sequences ever.



Wtf was up with Russell Crowe?


boring photos spoiler



That movie is great.

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Guest Shit Attack

man of steel - 1st half was pretty good fun, 2nd half was pretty fuckin boring even tho it was basically just explosions and stuff. the second half might have been more entertaining if any of the characters in it had any depth and you cared what happened to em or watever, but nah who needs that when you can have 40 more minutes of explosions instead , Russel crowe seemed like he thought he was starring in some shakespeare movie or something, but everyone else was totally bland and forgetable particularly emo superman + lois lane. overall it was pretty stoopid but liked it much more than star trek + dark shite rises anyways/10

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Guest Shit Attack

where did the matrix come into it ? other than lawrence fishburne . who thought lawrence would make a good newspaper editor anyways ? i think that was a bit of a token black guy thing thinking about it .... pretty sure newspaper editors dont usually have earrings

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where did the matrix come into it ? other than lawrence fishburne . who thought lawrence would make a good newspaper editor anyways ? i think that was a bit of a token black guy thing thinking about it .... pretty sure newspaper editors dont usually have earrings


Where in the first Matrix they showed how the earth became as it did and how humans had been made into batteries for the machines, the pods were pretty much the same in man of steel. And yeah... Morpheus as well. Who must have watched prometheus and learnt something, if i building is falling don't run with it, run left or right.

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Re Man of Steel


Can someone tell me what order everything with adult clark prior to meeting lois happened in?


See -->



I think it may be:


(After confusing childhood)

- Clark sees dad get sucked my tornado

- Clark works on fishing boat

- clark works as rural bartender

- Clark goes to Antarctica and meets Lois


Right? I'm so confused.



Edited by J3FF3R00
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Guest Shit Attack

SPOILERS (dont know how to make spoiler tags)





ah right yeah i do remember that pod people stuff now, was actually pretty surprised morpheus outran that building too looked like hed spent a few too many evenings hitting the mcdonalds drive thru recently . and yeah ^ i think that was supposed to be the order of the events but really who knows ? you could probably swap the bartender/fishing boat incident but it wouldnt make much difference . kinda seemed like they were just making it up as they went along a bit Also


at the end when superman met lois lane at the newspaper, did she know it was superman ? and how would the military and everyone else in the world not know his identity either they must be really spectacularly thick the bad guys even attacked his mother + family farm and everything. . didnt lois lane already tell that internet reporter guy the whole story when morpheus wouldnt print it anyways ? maybe they covered all this and i just lost attention after the 468th building explosion tho, or maybe its just a dumb superhero flick . still how can they spend all those millions of dollars not get the basics right


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some numbers:

the place beyond the pines - 4/10

the rainmaker - 3/10

a hijacking - 6/10

journey to the west: conquering the demons - 4/10 (which is very disappointing)

hahithalfut (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441368/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3) - 7.5/10 - very strange but captivating and thought provoking israeli art-house kind of thing.

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SPOILERS (dont know how to make spoiler tags)




ah right yeah i do remember that pod people stuff now, was actually pretty surprised morpheus outran that building too looked like hed spent a few too many evenings hitting the mcdonalds drive thru recently . and yeah ^ i think that was supposed to be the order of the events but really who knows ? you could probably swap the bartender/fishing boat incident but it wouldnt make much difference . kinda seemed like they were just making it up as they went along a bit Also


at the end when superman met lois lane at the newspaper, did she know it was superman ? and how would the military and everyone else in the world not know his identity either they must be really spectacularly thick the bad guys even attacked his mother + family farm and everything. . didnt lois lane already tell that internet reporter guy the whole story when morpheus wouldnt print it anyways ? maybe they covered all this and i just lost attention after the 468th building explosion tho, or maybe its just a dumb superhero flick . still how can they spend all those millions of dollars not get the basics right

In this day and age, I think it's much harder to believe no one would know that Clark Kent and Superman are the same guy.

Now, we have the Internet and cellphone cameras. i mean, for real. Especially after he is on every TV in the world. I think there's a chance someone would recognize him.

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