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Election Day 2012: The Thread



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  1. 1. who's gonna win?

    • Obama
    • Romney

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good reason to believe 3rd party voters 00 04 hold indirect responsibility for 9-11, the iraq war, erosion of freedoms, and economic disaster







for Bush's election/reelection. Which one has GOOD REASON TO BELIEVE or at least plenty of evidence to use in saying that 9-11 might have been prevented. Even if not this, then the War might never have happened. Or we have good reason to believe it. On top of these things, perhaps freedoms wouldn't have been slashed so violently. Furthermore, maybe the economic crisis might have been averted.


Indirect responsibility . . . false equivalency to "direct blame" (which I didn't say) of the "mocking" statement regarding towelheads etc


if u think this would have happened under Gore + Kerry to the same level, or that 3rd party voters wouldn't have helped (which is an inherent assumption of the argument, to attack this is to be talking about something completely different) then we can move on to point 2


which is how is voting 3rd party going to help anything? I honestly don't know. If you can't get em on a debate then it seems like a waste of energy, or a false promise. It's way easier to mark an x in a box to not feel dirty @ awepittance than it is to get a third party into a debate or to be taken seriously. it's definitely not as simple as a "yay" or "nay" but that's the only reason I made that comment.


sometimes you have to just make comments to put a dent in what people are saying. sometimes you say it in a way that will deliberately cause irritation because that's the most effective way to drive the point home, as in to destroy the illusion



I think Obama win

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to destroy an illusion you have to say something straight no chaser. you'll hear people becoming physically irritated, ruffling around, shifting in their seats, scoffing. but they won't repeat the same bullshit again because somewhere in their head they've become jacked off.


That said I'm mostly just supporting the way I write things. I'm not really sure about the 3rd party issue but since I don't believe in objective truth almost whatsoever, it doesn't really mean much. I'm not sure about anything at all. FUCK.

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"you should see the office right now, ive never seen anyone celebrate a war criminal this much"

- my sister


i guess even the 'anti american' folks at RT have become sycophantic for Barry


leave it to me and my sister to be super cynical even when the nice black dude wins, lol

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The few non-Texan races I kept an eye on are turning out nicely: moderate Angus King replaced moderate Olympia Snowe, McCaskill beat that rape comment guy, Warren is replacing Brown. I was elated to see Tammy Duckworth won as well. That election was absurdly nasty.

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they must have coached the staff at Fox News for hours on how not to seem like sour grapes whiner-losers when Obama was projected to win. They are actually behaving themselves pretty nicely right now


"The Romney camp has real doubts about our call in Ohio, i talked to the romney staff just now and i said 'you dont agree with our ohio call' and they said 'not really' - chris wallace on fox news




Edit: i take back what i said a little, karl rove is having a little bit of a denial fit right now

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good reason to believe 3rd party voters 00 04 hold indirect responsibility for 9-11, the iraq war, erosion of freedoms, and economic disaster







for Bush's election/reelection. Which one has GOOD REASON TO BELIEVE or at least plenty of evidence to use in saying that 9-11 might have been prevented. Even if not this, then the War might never have happened. Or we have good reason to believe it. On top of these things, perhaps freedoms wouldn't have been slashed so violently. Furthermore, maybe the economic crisis might have been averted.


Indirect responsibility . . . false equivalency to "direct blame" (which I didn't say) of the "mocking" statement regarding towelheads etc


if u think this would have happened under Gore + Kerry to the same level, or that 3rd party voters wouldn't have helped (which is an inherent assumption of the argument, to attack this is to be talking about something completely different) then we can move on to point 2


which is how is voting 3rd party going to help anything? I honestly don't know. If you can't get em on a debate then it seems like a waste of energy, or a false promise. It's way easier to mark an x in a box to not feel dirty @ awepittance than it is to get a third party into a debate or to be taken seriously. it's definitely not as simple as a "yay" or "nay" but that's the only reason I made that comment.


sometimes you have to just make comments to put a dent in what people are saying. sometimes you say it in a way that will deliberately cause irritation because that's the most effective way to drive the point home, as in to destroy the illusion



I think Obama win


So basically all you have is speculation.

Cool story bro.


please tell me how 3rd party voters in the 2000/2004 election caused 9/11? Did they go back in time and actively participate in decades of American interference in the Middle East?


@awepittance - what? the Senate race is 49-42 in favour of the Democrats. The GOP have a large lead in the House (173-123).

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says the house is 49 to 43 now, + 2 new democrats, anybody know the congressional results?


if the dems have a majority in both the senate and house, i guess Obama's fans can't use that excuse anymore


nah dude I'm pretty sure the next 4 years are going to see the most constructive forward progress in a long, long timeeditforgetitifwhatchengodsaidiscorrect


I just have a feeling good shit is Acommin

it's a gut feeling

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I'm proud to be here for this historical moment on WATMM, when we all go about our days and report back on it here.


I am proud to be American today, as in, a member of a country that is hated but also bizarrely idolized (Germans love the Wild West, I think the French admire power, the British fought with us in WW2 but they might be the ones that hate us most, it's admirable, I think it actually has to do with the battle between Detroit techno and rave... Asians live here but don't have even the slightest desire to blend in, Africans are frankly what make this country unique and great providing culture that has more influence in the world than anything the Christians have done for a long time).


Arabs and Israelis the only people still not figured out how to settle down. Also the Congo but that's our fault. Gotta admire the South America land for their strides. I think South America might be the most futuristic place on this great planet.





Oh yeah, but I love America. America is a futuristic land of blending cultures. I love America because it gives me something to feel superior to.


i hope you're fucking kidding dude

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So basically all you have is speculation.

Cool story bro.


please tell me how 3rd party voters in the 2000/2004 election caused 9/11? Did they go back in time and actively participate in decades of American interference in the Middle East?


Yeah but at least I didn't misconstrue your statements.


I said indirect responsibility.


1. Vote 3rd party when you could have voted Dem

2. Rep won due to this vote.

3. Had Dem been elected, 9-11 might have been prevented.

4. Thus your vote can be seen as a choice leading to indirect responsibility for the lack of potential prevention of 9-11.


Warnings were given and security was lax. There are reports that indicate it may have been due to negligence. I don't buy that much, like I said I'm just being as crass as you guys were saying that 3rd party voting is "obviously" better than voting for either of the partys. I was matching and balancing to your pre-established levels of crass. Sometimes you must "match crassness" and oftentimes it causes nauseia.

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says the house is 49 to 43 now, + 2 new democrats, anybody know the congressional results?


if the dems have a majority in both the senate and house, i guess Obama's fans can't use that excuse anymore


nah dude I'm pretty sure the next 4 years are going to see the most constructive forward progress in a long, long timeeditforgetitifwhatchengodsaidiscorrect


I just have a feeling good shit is Acommin

it's a gut feeling




ill let the Obama supporters have their day in the sun. it felt nice to vote today. i voted third party for president, but had a nice smattering of rep, dem and independent on the rest of my ballot.


also voted for recognition of gay civil marriage licenses....and according to polls there is a good chance it might pass!!! ill be pretty damn proud if i hear the news tomorrow.

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So basically all you have is speculation.

Cool story bro.


please tell me how 3rd party voters in the 2000/2004 election caused 9/11? Did they go back in time and actively participate in decades of American interference in the Middle East?


Yeah but at least I didn't misconstrue your statements.


I said indirect responsibility.


1. Vote 3rd party when you could have voted Dem

2. Rep won due to this vote.

3. Had Dem been elected, 9-11 might have been prevented.

4. Thus your vote can be seen as a choice leading to indirect responsibility for the lack of potential prevention of 9-11.


Warnings were given and security was lax. There are reports that indicate it may have been due to negligence. I don't buy that much, like I said I'm just being as crass as you guys were saying that 3rd party voting is "obviously" better than voting for either of the partys. I was matching and balancing to your pre-established levels of crass. Sometimes you must "match crassness" and oftentimes it causes nauseia.


Please point to where I said that voting 3rd party was obviously better than voting for either of the established parties.

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So basically all you have is speculation.

Cool story bro.


please tell me how 3rd party voters in the 2000/2004 election caused 9/11? Did they go back in time and actively participate in decades of American interference in the Middle East?


Yeah but at least I didn't misconstrue your statements.


I said indirect responsibility.


1. Vote 3rd party when you could have voted Dem

2. Rep won due to this vote.

3. Had Dem been elected, 9-11 might have been prevented.

4. Thus your vote can be seen as a choice leading to indirect responsibility for the lack of potential prevention of 9-11.


Warnings were given and security was lax. There are reports that indicate it may have been due to negligence. I don't buy that much, like I said I'm just being as crass as you guys were saying that 3rd party voting is "obviously" better than voting for either of the partys. I was matching and balancing to your pre-established levels of crass. Sometimes you must "match crassness" and oftentimes it causes nauseia.


Please point to where I said that voting 3rd party was obviously better than voting for either of the established parties.


You didn't it was something in the way Awepittance said it and it seemed you guys were on a team against me in that argument












Awepittance make no mistake nobody* has illusions about the Obama presidency. Which presidency had bigger and more meaningful anti-capitalist protests?


A. Obama

B. Bush







*posting in this thread

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it's sort of frustrating that i'll have to wait at least another 4 years for everybody i know to start hating the US government again, oh well


cheer up awe. theres plenty of cynicism to go around.

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