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bah humbug

Soloman Tump

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.... Not at all feeling the Christmas spirit this year.


Dont know what gifts to get anyone, hardly purchased anything. Not got Any decorations up at home. Pissed off with hearing the same 10 christmas songs on the radio for the past month. Depression central.


Cheer me up watmm! Or share your similar tales of festive woe.

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I have foregone a night on the piss with some top work colleagues tonight, precisely because I have bought fuck all presents and need to get up at 8am to rush into town and buy random shit for people. I will spend 3 hours searching and procrastinating and then buy the same shit i bought them for the last umpteen years. Welcome to Christmas. I feel your pain


Oh yeah. And then you are expected to wrap the fucking things. Too much effort

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i used to by cds for all my family as it's the only thing i know more about than them, but now my mum has fucking spotify destroying the need to actually get any cds. I had to find something that wasn't on that fucking thing, Dfjasdlkfjas;dlfkja


FWP i know

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I was all happy for holidays but then I heard Santa Baby


^You and my wife have the exact same dilemma. For me it's those fucking rockin' rudolf boot scootin' whoop dee doo songs. And upbeat versions of "Silent Night." Fuck that shit.


There were a few years where Christmas just wasn't the same for me. I think a lot of people have those years where it just isn't meaningful, magic, or enjoyable. I love so much about the holiday - the music, beloved movies (not just classics but silly and stupid tv/straight-to-video specials too), having an excuse to decorate everything randomly, drinking things like egg nog and mulled wine. I've been far less focused on gifts too - everything my wife and I give friends and family are personal, handmade, unique or at the very least things we know they'd like. I went to a black friday sale for my first and last time this year with a relative and it was just godawful. It's the silly traditions and spending time with friends and family I look forward to - and those terrible-but-awesome cherry cordials they sale for really cheap at grocery stores.


If you treat xmas like that, a time for reflecting on the good in life in the middle of an otherwise dreary and cold part of the year (for the Northern hemisphere anyway, suck it Australia), it won't be as bad. I hope things get better if you truly are depressed or going through rough times.


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I'm working every day until Christmas in a fucking bookshop, people are buying the book of that bloke who won X factor and asking who wrote Dorian Grey, I hate them all and they won't leave me alone.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

For the first time in ages i'm actually looking forward to having time to spend time with my family this Christmas as I've not seen any of them in ages. Unfortunately I have to spend Christmas Day with just my mum and her boyfriend, who's an angsty immature butthole with a drinking problem (I've been staying at my mum's house for two days and already he's refusing to speak to me because my mum wanted me to sell a Sex Pistols record instead of him, lol).


I just want to have a nice relaxed week with the family I don't get a chance to see, but I know it'll just end in arguments and fights as always :(

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I bought everyone gift certificates. I spent less on my mom's boyfriend and my sister's fiancee because I'm not related to them and they aren't all that cool. On christmas I really want to go on a walk with my sister and explain to her that marrying this fucking loser is like flushing years of her life down the toilet.



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I have mixed feelings about the whole "Christmas spirit".

It felt more religious, more sentimental to me when I was a kid. I had fond memories of my parents playing Christmas carols by Mannheim Steamroller around the house as they made holiday preparations.

But the vibe doesn't feel quite the same to me today. I think a large part of it is my family situation having changed significantly since then, and life changes in general. But on a positive note I will still have company and plenty of food and drink. I don't care about gifts as much, but I'll still participate for tradition's sake, even though it's a Christian holiday and I'm no longer religious.

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I like X-mas.


I get to hang out with my 5-year-old crazy-genius sister, and play bluegrass with my uncle and his very awesome and talented daughter. I'm not crazy about every member of my family, but on the whole they're a pleasant bunch.

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