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Million Dollar Extreme's Youtube account got pulled down


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Serious psychology force in the thread, real soul engineers


Well if you're finding any comedy in what he's doing now, feel free to point it out to the rest of us. Otherwise, enjoy the schadenfreude because it's being served fresh.   

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Serious psychology force in the thread, real soul engineers


Well if you're finding any comedy in what he's doing now, feel free to point it out to the rest of us. Otherwise, enjoy the schadenfreude because it's being served fresh.   



And if i don't it changes what? I enjoy watching regardless if it's comedic or not and don't embrace clues for right-wing neo-nazi edgelord mass murderer etc.


You seem especially commited, notice how often you post here lately and how little it differs every time.

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Serious psychology force in the thread, real soul engineers


Well if you're finding any comedy in what he's doing now, feel free to point it out to the rest of us. Otherwise, enjoy the schadenfreude because it's being served fresh.   



And if i don't it changes what? I enjoy watching regardless if it's comedic or not and don't embrace clues for right-wing neo-nazi edgelord mass murderer etc.


You seem especially commited, notice how often you post here lately and how little it differs every time.



I guess I'm just committed to pointing out when people are being absolute garbage. He seems excited about innocent people standing up for themselves getting murdered or seriously injured. Why is he worth defending? 

Edited by Candiru
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I liked his TED talk as well as the MRA-lampooning toga video back when he just seemed to be an equal-opportunity critic, but now I'm afraid if I re-watch them I'll notice the dog-whistling I missed before. He hasn't been funny for years. 

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last thing I liked was World Piss still, excepting some of the more blatant skits. it'd be nice if he wasn't so dysfunctional and hateful (which, as always with human beings, is directed towards the weakest or most "different" people) but managed to retain his dark view of the world and make overall balanced comedy based on that.

Edited by usagi
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^ looks like that to me as well. in the end, Sam is driven not by any real social or political beliefs but by his scorn and loathing for the people (including himself) and the world that have held him back from achieving success in a world he can't find meaning in.

fuck this is the most poignant thing i've ever read about the man. sad reacts only. 


EDIT: if you don't find paradigm shift 2070 funny then wtf u doin son. that single bit alone stops me from every truly hating sam. that and world peace. 

Yeah sadly I think that's the story for a lot of these far right guys. And yes Paradigm Shift 2070 was brilliant, forgot the name of the actual talk just that it was on TED and I feel like that was the exact moment that TED stopped being relevant lol

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where are nick and charls in all of this I wonder


charls is streaming videogames on twitch a lot lately and still tweeting etc, he's also got his own Bombstrap channel/brand with which he's not doing much atm


nick has his antiques store and posts mainly on instagram


thats about it

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where are nick and charls in all of this I wonder


nick has his antiques store and posts mainly on instagram


thats about it



oh shit I might actually follow that 


last thing I liked was World Piss still, excepting some of the more blatant skits. it'd be nice if he wasn't so dysfunctional and hateful (which, as always with human beings, is directed towards the weakest or most "different" people) but managed to retain his dark view of the world and make overall balanced comedy based on that.


I think whatever legitimate ire to be had over it's cancellation was completely negated how fucking godawful MDE fans are, and how much Sam feeds off that and his own increasingly apparent ire toward, well, everything. As someone else pointed out, I can't blame the Buzzfeed guy at all anymore. 


I like the old stuff, not just the TED talk but some of his short skits, the stuff with thankscomputer still holds up: "moms" and "officer maggot" are works of art. The latter is a bit surreal to revisit though - in the past it was more like a really offensive Louis CK bit - hilarious but challenging pushing the boundary of funny versus outright disturbing. Now it's like he was warming up for how he really is IRL.


Old MDE is like like early 90s Burzum. We can all look back and say "well regardless this stuff is still great in and of itself" Now Sam has the same vibe as Varg's youtube channel. This baffling existence that appeals to a lot of fringe people and is worth a few laughs of irony and absurdity (queue image of dad gut sporting Varg hurling rocks to demo post-apocalypse self-defense) but for the most part is devoid of any real artistic merit anymore.

Edited by joshuatx
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where are nick and charls in all of this I wonder

nick has his antiques store and posts mainly on instagram


thats about it

oh shit I might actually follow that

last thing I liked was World Piss still, excepting some of the more blatant skits. it'd be nice if he wasn't so dysfunctional and hateful (which, as always with human beings, is directed towards the weakest or most "different" people) but managed to retain his dark view of the world and make overall balanced comedy based on that.

I think whatever legitimate ire to be had over it's cancellation was completely negated how fucking godawful MDE fans are, and how much Sam feeds off that and his own increasingly apparent ire toward, well, everything. As someone else pointed out, I can't blame the Buzzfeed guy at all anymore.


I like the old stuff, not just the TED talk but some of his short skits, the stuff with thankscomputer still holds up: "moms" and "officer maggot" are works of art. The latter is a bit surreal to revisit though - in the past it was more like a really offensive Louis CK bit - hilarious but challenging pushing the boundary of funny versus outright disturbing. Now it's like he was warming up for how he really is IRL.


Old MDE is like like early 90s Burzum. We can all look back and say "well regardless this stuff is still great in and of itself" Now Sam has the same vibe as Varg's youtube channel. This baffling existence that appeals to a lot of fringe people and is worth a few laughs of irony and absurdity (queue image of dad gut sporting Varg hurling rocks to demo post-apocalypse self-defense) but for the most part is devoid of any real artistic merit anymore.

nope buzzfeed guy is still horrible

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^ I agree he's still horrible but like I said, I can't really blame him anymore or be pissed about it. That unfunny guy from AS is to blame just as much. Not to mention all the media outlets that jumped the bandwagon. I think Atlantic was the only one that actually backed off a bit by posting an update with letters/emails to the editor from non-alt-right fans of the show.


I won't credit him for pushing MDE to air out Sam's truly nasty persona but I feel like it was bound to happen. 

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World Peace wasn't actually very good though, there was a few funny bits perhaps, but ultimately it was pretty amateurish, they're just not very good improvisers or performers, they could get away with that a bit more doing dumb short youtube skits, but making the step up just highlighted how lacking in actual talent they turned out to be.

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World Peace wasn't actually very good though, there was a few funny bits perhaps, but ultimately it was pretty amateurish, they're just not very good improvisers or performers, they could get away with that a bit more doing dumb short youtube skits, but making the step up just highlighted how lacking in actual talent they turned out to be.

For me I never really found all of WP to be funny, but I certainly found it all to be interesting. Reminded me a lot of alternative 90s TV - especially the weird stuff we'd get here on Channel 4 before the channel calmed down a bit.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you guys think it's possible that Sam Hyde is just a performance artist operating at ultra super hyper levels of meta irony? He seems too intelligent to be such a racist asshole. And I also found this

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Do you guys think it's possible that Sam Hyde is just a performance artist operating at ultra super hyper levels of meta irony? 


that's exactly what i think. also i don't get why people think he's racist when he's obviously a massive troll, as well as a free speech advocate and an enemy of political correctness.

it's all clearly exposed in this interview btw: 


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Do you guys think it's possible that Sam Hyde is just a performance artist operating at ultra super hyper levels of meta irony? He seems too intelligent to be such a racist asshole. And I also found this

Interesting article... but I doubt that he would find maintaining such a heavy ironic facade worth the cost of losing his show.

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Do you guys think it's possible that Sam Hyde is just a performance artist operating at ultra super hyper levels of meta irony? 


that's exactly what i think. also i don't get why people think he's racist when he's obviously a massive troll, as well as a free speech advocate and an enemy of political correctness.

it's all clearly exposed in this interview btw: 



Ah yes, this was great... Fantano is definitely the kind of guy that deserved the Hyde treatment.

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Do you guys think it's possible that Sam Hyde is just a performance artist operating at ultra super hyper levels of meta irony? He seems too intelligent to be such a racist asshole. And I also found this


Apologists were saying this over a year ago.

It was fun watching them squirm as Hyde became more and more awful.

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he's a contrarian first and foremost, like a lot of these /pol/ tards. the problem is when the facade of irony breaks down, the reactionary disgust underlying most of his personal philosophy, the superiority complex developed as a bitter reaction to his own failures, eventually all of that comes to the surface and the humor of the thing goes away. i don't know if sam is racist in any kind of concrete, violent, real world way, but you can see in the charlottesville protests the same kind of "free speech advocacy" that is poisoned by insecurity and fear and not driven by inclusivity with marginalized people who don't have a voice to be heard. white guys playing the game of identity politics. that's what sam has become, and maybe that's what he always was. it's definitely present in world peace, but what always appealed to me about mde was the genuine anarchic punk ethos to a lot of their content and the total rejection of consumer culture and marketing that was only touched on in very abstract terms in things like tim and eric. mde was walking a fine line and unfortunately it has crossed over into something very dark and sad, and a lot of that is the fanbase being young and stupid and angry and then sam being apparently not as professional and together as he tries to present himself on hydewars. he's ultimately a bit of a bullshit artist.

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