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is the heat/night-debate a false flag to keep the critical minds busy with anything but questioning the official warp storylines?

Guest dese manz hatin

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Guest Aserinsky

Yeah, it's night. Why would something come out in the heat? How the fuck would bugs know?


English Bug #1: Oh, Willis, it's getting rather hot, isn't it?

English Bug#2: Goodness me, yes - and that ginger chap who can't be bothered keeping his flat tidy has all that bloody electronic music equipment heating up the room something dreadful!

English Bug#1: Quite so, quite so - shall we go out to get some fresh air?

English Bug#2: No, I'd much rather wait until he's gone to bed and turned off the lights - better for us to scuttle about and not be detected.

English Bug#1: Sharp as a tack you are - sharp as a tack!

Engish Bug#2: Thank you old chap. Quite the compliment!


Actually, fire beetles are able to 'hear' heat by using sensitive infrared sensors that detect heat by expanding fluids which place pressure on a motion-sensitive nerve cell. Not to mention that for carpet beetles, heat would kill them off instantly so the ability to detect warmth and "come out in the heat" would be a pretty nifty survival technique.


I also don't believe that beetles have the ability to grasp the concept of time, therefore they would not be able to choose to come out at night. Especially if we assume that at the time of recording, Richard was a basement dwelling nerd that wouldn't sleep or see sunlight for days making tracks, then the beetles under his feet would not have an ability to differentiate times of the day through light levels.


DISCLAIMER: I am only responding as devil's advocate, I am still of the belief that deze manz hatin has exposed Warp's lies and oppression. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

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regardless of science, he says heat. i mean short of a full blown speech impediment, you dont pronounce night neat unless you were dropped on the head at birth.

implying cornish people have speech impediments... tsk tsk.

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as a member of the WATMM moderating team i hve access to certain files that could prove the conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Why do you think Mike Paradinas left Rephlex?



ps heat.

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as a member of the WATMM moderating team i hve access to certain files that could prove the conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Why do you think Mike Paradinas left Rephlex?



ps heat.


lol. expert :trollface:

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regardless of science, he says heat. i mean short of a full blown speech impediment, you dont pronounce night neat unless you were dropped on the head at birth.

implying cornish people have speech impediments... tsk tsk.



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Okay, I've wanted to say this for a while, but I didnt formulate the idea until after the night/heat debate had gone stale:

I think that there are two sets of perfectly synced up, similar sounding lyrics in Beetles, specifically to cause this confusion. to test this, I synced up a couple of songs uncensored and radio versons, where they use alternate lyrics instead of bleeping, and I found that it creates a very similar effect, where you can hear either one or the other on different listenings, but not really both at the same time.

Doesn't that just make sense with his sense of humor? and why else would he make a song with those lyrics?

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I've been harvesting beetles from cornwall at regular intervals during the last 8 years, and storing them under my carpet. They do indeed come out at night, and scuttle away when I turn the lights on. I have also been conducting some experiments with heat, but short of lighting my carpet on fire there is little movement.


Edit: ps. my attempts at gathering the milkmens wifes has been unsuccessfull, I am still hoping to confirm the lyrical content of that track some day.

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