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stupid first world achievements and successes


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For the last week or so, I've managed to limit my daily internet use to less than ten minutes or so. I had to check my e-mail and stuff after all. Other than that, it was pretty enjoyable. Will try again.


You're a slave to the internet, don't ever forget that.

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For the last week or so, I've managed to limit my daily internet use to less than ten minutes or so. I had to check my e-mail and stuff after all. Other than that, it was pretty enjoyable. Will try again.


You're a slave to the internet, don't ever forget that.



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Called t-mobile to cancel my account (contract is over, bill's too high). They wanted to keep me around so bad they cut my bill in half with no contract and gave me an upgraded data plan. I'm also now eligible for a new phone. :cisfor:

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Went to court for the first time in my life, and won! No lawyer, just a good, well reasoned argument against a bunch o' BS.



Walked out feeling like a badass. Was tempted to strut.

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haha thanks guys! tbh it was a case in traffic court, nothing huge, but i had to challenge it. I always fess up and pay in the past, but this one was just flagrantly made up.



I couldn't afford to pay the ticket or afford the pts. without my insurance increasing. I basically brought a shitload of evidence including diagrams and photographs showing that it was practically impossible for me to have been driving at the speed alleged by the officer. I then showed the judge the copies of specific evidence collected in the police incident report that showed a number of inconsistent statements. The big one that did it was that the officer was assigned to a speed trap, which was placed on a part of the road where I was certainly going the speed limit. But according to the documentation, he had found me in violation well before the speed trap (ie. he was lying through his teeth). So I basically argued that if he claimed the ticket was accurate and the violation occurred where he claimed, he was not participating in the speed trap, which would contradict the filed evidence aka. false and inaccurate documentation.


Judge ruled in my favor, I'm a happy camper.


All I can say is, if you think an officer is BSing you when you get a ticket, fight it, and fight it well. If you are in the right, there is no shame in getting all the info you can. One of the greatest things I've learned over the course of this is how valuable written requests for "discovery" are against police testimony.


For those of you that aren't familiar with the term (i just became aware of it a few weeks ago), you as a defendant have a right to access all the documented information on said incidents. You send a written request for discovery to the police dept., and they are apparently legally obligated to provide that evidence. If they refuse, your case could get thrown out. Because of discovery I was able to look at and comb over the incident/citation reports and note the specific location of the speed trap vs. where I allegedly was speeding. Without that I'd be SOL.


So yeah, discovery is awesome. I dunno if LOL Alzado is still around; he could probably clarify. Im sure Im not adequately explaining this procedure.


My guess is that the speed trap was designed to bring up "ticket quotas" which is something that occurs rather frequently around the U.S. The thing that slightly pisses me off is how there were probably a lot of innocent people that ended up paying fines they shouldn't have paid.

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ahh so he was noting your speed for a different speed zone up the road, and then stating that you were doing that speed in the slower section.


I think the system is so designed so that people with money for lawyers can get off this shit, whilst the poor or naive, have to pay.

Also, perhaps you've found your calling SR4.

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ahh so he was noting your speed for a different speed zone up the road, and then stating that you were doing that speed in the slower section.


I think the system is so designed so that people with money for lawyers can get off this shit, whilst the poor or naive, have to pay.

Also, perhaps you've found your calling SR4.



haha don't encourage me! i've enough money problems going to school as it is...though I have heard of a lot of historians later moving on to law....

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ahh so he was noting your speed for a different speed zone up the road, and then stating that you were doing that speed in the slower section.


I think the system is so designed so that people with money for lawyers can get off this shit, whilst the poor or naive, have to pay.

Also, perhaps you've found your calling SR4.



haha don't encourage me! i've enough money problems going to school as it is...though I have heard of a lot of historians later moving on to law....


I read that as "mowing the lawn"....


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So yeah, discovery is awesome. I dunno if LOL Alzado is still around; he could probably clarify. Im sure Im not adequately explaining this procedure.




LOL Alzado isn't watmm's only lawyer! :kills self:


PROTIP: In most civil cases, discovery is used by plaintiffs and defendants to harass and burden the ever living fuck out of the responding party so that the responding party becomes mired in legal costs and is forced to settle. It's abused constantly, by everyone. It's terrible. Fuck discovery.


In US Federal Court there's an ongoing discovery process, and you still propound formal discovery requests, but you're also forced to disclose all the information you have at the outset under Rule 26 (and to continue to produce new evidence and information and disclose witnesses as you acquire that knowledge, without waiting for a formal request). That's much more egalitarian in theory. In practice everyone just continues to play hide the goddamn ball until the propounding party is forced to file a motion to compel with the Court to get the responding party to actually cough up anything GODDAMNIT I HATE DISCOVERY*


I mean, congratulations.



*It's called "disclosure" in the UK system

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It seems like the word from the UK system was generated from perspective of the party having to give up the information and vice versa in the US system. I wonder if that dichotomy says something about either system.

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Guest Sprigg

I've somehow managed to get the whole weekend off every week for the entire last month.

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Moved over the weekend, as a result my car insurance payments decreased.


i enjoyed this feeling recently, moving out of the city, having my own drive and garage. then i realised my council tax, life insurance and home insurance raised way beyond any saving i'd made.

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amazing! Before Scintilli I had a high res version of the Envane artwork that I traced myself in Illustrator. I fucking love vector artwork. The more precise, the better (I have a huge design boner for isometric artwork).

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amazing! Before Scintilli I had a high res version of the Envane artwork that I traced myself in Illustrator. I fucking love vector artwork. The more precise, the better (I have a huge design boner for isometric artwork).


If you still have that Envane artwork can you hook a brother up?

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Board wouldn't let me upload the AI file for it, aww. But here it is in a square format and a widescreen format for desktop image use. Enjoy!


edit: I deliberately omitted the giant 'crosshair'; it didn't look very good on the desktop version.


edit again: gah, the board resized it. Just a moment..



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