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audience lobotomy


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Ok i went to see my bloody valentine a couple of months ago. I couldn't see the stage due to the venue set up, even from the balcony there was naught vision on the spectacle.


This wasn't what annoyed me though. My massive misgiving with the punters was that they didn't dance. They were at a concert with music and just stood shoulder to shoulder like some gollum army. They all wanted to keep their place close to the stage and yet didn't want to get any closer lest they upset the person in front (this might cause mosh pit mode).


Anyway, i stupidly and yet sanely didn't go to bluesfest this year. //read mud and camping and mud// Anyway, i've been viewing vids from that spectacle, and even for a reforma tion of iggy pop and the stooges where iggy is trying is hardest, all the /normals/ (admit it they exist) DO NOT fking dance. Shame australia. shame.




Anyway, is this some new condition amongst the youth around the world? What is going on? Why ppl no dancy?

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MBV is isn't really that dance-y is it? If I am at a non-dance concert I don't dance, I stand still and listen, maybe a foot tap or a head-bob at best. I reserve my dancing for the disco musics, man.

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@ mbv they didn't even head bob mate ... noone !! There was an older guy at the door that they wouldn't let take a camera in, and yet every arsetroll had their camera phone up ...

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@ mbv they didn't even head bob mate ... noone !! There was an older guy at the door that they wouldn't let take a camera in, and yet every arsetroll had their camera phone up ...


This is part that fucking baffles me lately - I've seen amazing shows with other sincere fans that I often recall with incredible detail where not one fucking person even took a picture... and yet thousands of shitty videos and crappy pictures are uploaded daily of bands that are just playing the same mediocre songs exactly the same fucking way they do on their albums - I mean I know such miserable self-centered "arsetrools" have always existed but now they make such a scene and give off such a bad vibe at shows in what seems like greater numbers than ever. I think in the past they would simply yelled and dance like drunken idiots.


Even the swaying and head-bobbing or hell, even at least being noticeably transfixed and into the music while still but mumbling lyrics or tapping you foot is a lot more than a lot of people do now. I saw the xx a month or two ago and there people texting every 2-3 minutes and talking about tv shows they watched recently during the fucking show. It was absurd.

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It's also too bad you can't toss out apathetic or rude audience members - at that show other fans were annoyed but we knew the venue would never through them out. There's a theater chain in Austin that throws out anyone remotely loud or who even glances at a phone during the film (they give one warning) and I wish more music venues, especially big venues with ushers or small ones with manageable crowds, would do the same.

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Ok i went to see my bloody valentine a couple of months ago. I couldn't see the stage due to the venue set up, even from the balcony there was naught vision on the spectacle.


This wasn't what annoyed me though. My massive misgiving with the punters was that they didn't dance. They were at a concert with music and just stood shoulder to shoulder like some gollum army. They all wanted to keep their place close to the stage and yet didn't want to get any closer lest they upset the person in front (this might cause mosh pit mode).


Anyway, i stupidly and yet sanely didn't go to bluesfest this year. //read mud and camping and mud// Anyway, i've been viewing vids from that spectacle, and even for a reforma tion of iggy pop and the stooges where iggy is trying is hardest, all the /normals/ (admit it they exist) DO NOT fking dance. Shame australia. shame.




Anyway, is this some new condition amongst the youth around the world? What is going on? Why ppl no dancy?


I generally have the same experience at Autechre gigs in Germany. It's like they go to see Autechre because they think it's arty and cool but are not able to really connect with the music. But if you don't connect what's the whole evening worth?

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