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Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest


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lol @ oscillik better listen to some VHS head then lol

Is he like 52 or summit...well jaded and shit? I don't get it/him/her.


he's an miserable old bastard trapped in a miserable young bastard's body.

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what's with making it personal Kaini? The disappointed folks (self included) should be able to vent without being treated like traitors.


I've been a bit surprised that the place most willing to be critical of the album in xtronic.

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Guest dylanmcknd

what's with making it personal Kaini? The disappointed folks (self included) should be able to vent without being treated like traitors.


I've been a bit surprised that the place most willing to be critical of the album in xtronic.

Yeah, the reactions that some people have had to people not liking the album are really weird to me. I definitely understand why people would be seriously let down from the album.


Anyway, now that Bleep has the high quality mp3s I heard the album for the first time since the stream.

Really good, not REALLLLLY good, but a really solid album.

Get the feeling it'll grow on me quite a bit.

And although I know they did the lengths of the songs intentionally, I think the album would be a lot better if it let the tracks were let to breath to the right length like New Seeds was, and not get overly stretched out like Jacquard Causeway, although that's a pretty minor complaint, since the tracks are very well done and enjoyable to listen to.

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Guest dylanmcknd

Wait, nevermind.

I'm listening to it again, and replaying some of the tracks and it's really good.

Like REALLY good.

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what's with making it personal Kaini?

taint personal


i just think it's a shame to be miserable when you have a new BoC album and you refuse to listen to it because of format. we live in the year 2013. it's there, but you're not listening to it because of format? well, okay, but that's a bit nuts.

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I think all thia victimizing of those who ain't feeling it is super twoism. But there's more to it with Oscilik.


It's not just his bizarrely strict principles about trivial things, and definitely not just because he didn't enjoy his first listen on a format that I'm surprised he would even use.


It's that you will never hear him say something like "boy it's a shame they didn't ". Or "the way the melody comes in..."


It's always something like "Completely disgusting" or "triumphantly pathetic." Or some other way of showing his seeming utter contempt and disdain after one listen.

Edited by LOL Alzado
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Guest feralkittens

At least he is honest, i bet there are some fanboys out there that don't like it but say they like it.

On the flipside there are probably people who went into it wanting to hate it. But you never can tell with people so I'm just gonna take people at their word when they say they love/hate it. And for those who do hate it, it probably chafes that there was so much hype for it.


I really think this is some of their best stuff ever. I think the album works perfectly, the concept is strong, the music is amazing. It's a brilliant work of art. All the promotion and stuff is in the past for me now that it's here. The album speaks for itself.

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Given it a few good listens now and I have to say I'm eating my words. I'm a pretty fucking miserable/bleak/cynical dude and going into this a raging Geogaddi fanboy I was a bit resigned to it being 'definitely more sinister than headphase but probably a bit samey' - I'm happy to find it stands on it's own and actually shows development from their older work. Some of the kicks just evoke something that's been hair-splittingly worked. I'm not fussed by Introgate because to me I see vigbettes and what have you as part and parcel with boc. Starts strong and ends strong. Nothing Is Real has every bit as much sacchirine sweetness as roygbiv and it's essential relief


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Glad bleep has put the mp3s up a bit early. I was going to hold out for a vinyl first listen, just to make a big goddamn production out of it. I'll probably cave within the next 12 hours, though.

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Just do it. The vinyl version is great, but it's not so amazing that you'll want to smash your balls with a hammer if you taint your ears with a digital version.

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I've been a BoC cynic on these pages for most of my time here (even though I initially joined because of the BoC subforum, having been a lover of their stuff since maybe 1999). I'm so happy that with this album they've rolled up all my negative words and feelings and rammed them back up my arse. Before you know it I'll be back to playing Geogaddi backwards six times a day.

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Guest dylanmcknd

I've been a BoC cynic on these pages for most of my time here (even though I initially joined because of the BoC subforum, having been a lover of their stuff since maybe 1999). I'm so happy that with this album they've rolled up all my negative words and feelings and rammed them back up my arse. Before you know it I'll be back to playing Geogaddi backwards six times a day.

Yeah, I was really down on BoC and Warp because of they way they handled the release, (which I still don't forgive) but the album itself has completely made me forget about all that because it's so good and almost makes me want to buy from Bleep again!

(Although that won't be happening any time soon)

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Just downloaded. Sounds way better than the youtube stream, but I can't wait to hear the vinyl mastering.

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So I listened to the album yesterday on a longer trip to work. What I kept in mind was a) that I was bored most of the time and b) "playing a four note motif over a whole track" is not enough for me, musically. TBH it makes me angry. Cold Earth: complex? c'mon. To me the album sounds like they have founded it on a minimum of ideas. "New seeds" was alright. There's even one change in notes there, incredible.

Maybe I should not listen too much to Shostakovich etc.... And not judge too fast. I'll see if I may like it more after a few listens.

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I like how the genre in all the tracks states "Other"


edit: from Sick Times on there is no genre tag? curious...

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Funny. I downloaded straight from Bleep. All up to Sick Times have the genre tag "Other", from Sick Times up there is no genre tag (including Sick Times).

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So I listened to the album yesterday on a longer trip to work. What I kept in mind was a) that I was bored most of the time and b) "playing a four note motif over a whole track" is not enough for me, musically. TBH it makes me angry. Cold Earth: complex? c'mon. To me the album sounds like they have founded it on a minimum of ideas. "New seeds" was alright. There's even one change in notes there, incredible.

Maybe I should not listen too much to Shostakovich etc.... And not judge too fast. I'll see if I may like it more after a few listens.

My expectations from the hype ruined this album for me, for around 12 hours or so. After spending some time pissed off and not digging it, the next night I found myself in my car on the highway at 2am blasting it full volume.... a shit eating evil grin on my face. It takes a little bit. Listen to some other music for a while.

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On the flipside there are probably people who went into it wanting to hate it.


certainly not me, I went in wanting (hoping) to love it. I can be as cynical and grumpy as the worst of us, but I think I come round to giving things their due. I was pretty damn positive about Exai. And, after a period of adjustment, I loved Campfire Headphase.


Not sure if I'll end up the same with TH. I've been playing the heck out of it already, though, and my opinion hasn't changed, so I kind of doubt it.


I will admit to one thing, I do like to try to intuit things about artists through their work. I like to imagine I can hear their mental state, their level of creativity, how inspired they are. Sometimes I may be wrong.


If "BoC-ness" were a substance, I just feel like these tracks don't have a lot of it. BoCness being some sort of otherworldly essence, otherwordly melodies, unexpected musical flourishes that seem to come from a deep well of inspiration. Something that moves me (even in a disturbingly autistic way). The TH tracks are well polished, solid from a workmanlike perspective, but they seem to be missing much of that BoCness.


They seem to be playing it safe. Actually, after reading that interview, I think they are probably trying their hardest, but just coming up short. I mean, I just listened to "Music is Math" again. There are things I've never really liked about that track - I think the drums are mixed a bit too strongly, and the way it frays apart at the end isn't my favorite - but that one track is more chock full of ideas, sounds, and mysteries than the entire first half of TH. Really, just re-listen to it. The melody is certainly more developed that almost anything on TH.


I guess my crits of the album fall under: 1) several tracks too short, aren't given time to develop; 2) sounds too clean and digital; 3) not many good melodies; 4) some BoC by numbers (Cold Earth); 5) too many arpeggios (seems like every other track, almost); 6) not much element of surprise (I think the only track that really surprised all of us was Palace Posy, right?); 7) despite the theme, lacking that unique BoC sense of "damaged music" or "melodies from damaged minds." 8) trying too hard to be epic.


I do really like the stretch of Sick Times-Collapse-Palace Posy. And, if I'm feeling generous, could extend that run through Split-Your-Infinities-Uritual-Nothing Is Real. I don't think those are at quite the same level - Split Your Infinities sounds a bit too much like Shpongle, and Nothing is Real doesn't quite hit the spot somehow, despite the lovely Trails-like repeating melody (maybe drums are too strong, or maybe it's just too long, would work better as an interstitial track...vox are certainly interesting though).


I realize I'm being picky but that's the high standard they've set themselves to. On an emotional level, nothing on the album makes me want to exclaim "that's like a window onto my childhood!" or "that's really disturbing!", or "that makes me want to cry" or even "that's a siiiick jam!" It's all a bit safe and samey.

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So I listened to the album yesterday on a longer trip to work. What I kept in mind was a) that I was bored most of the time and b) "playing a four note motif over a whole track" is not enough for me, musically. TBH it makes me angry. Cold Earth: complex? c'mon. To me the album sounds like they have founded it on a minimum of ideas. "New seeds" was alright. There's even one change in notes there, incredible.

Maybe I should not listen too much to Shostakovich etc.... And not judge too fast. I'll see if I may like it more after a few listens.

word...very curious if acroyear's experience will rub off...

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