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AAA - Ask Autechre Anything - Sean and Rob on WATMM!


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Can you think of any other legendary musicians in the 'genre' that are long overdue for a new release that you'd quite like to hear new music from?


Sorry if this has already been asked, but who influences you this week?


other than our stuff i've not been listening to much apart from old stuff lately

not for any reason - just the relative amounts of new and old stuff in a lib spanning 90 years (well not really more like 50) tends to weigh in favour of the old

What do you think of the whole all-of-our-communications-are-being-surveiled-by-the-US-government-under-the-guise-of-anti-terrorism thing?


a necessary phase in human development

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What do you think about cheeky fans creating fake Autechre tracks in the lead up to an album release in order to fool leakers?

yeah what do you think of awepittance?



clearly a thoroughly nice chap

Can you clarify when the Japan earthquake track 6852 was made? Was it an older track dusted off, or something created fairly close to the time of the quake? (fantastic track by the way)

really close, was made like a few weeks b4 iirc, but unrelated until we were asked, and it seemed to fit in some way

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A lot of artist turn "mellow" with the years, going into dad-rock and stuff like that. Others create their best work as they age (architects, classical music composers, etc...). After all these years, what are your plans for the future? Is the duo something you would like to continue for another 25 years?

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How do you create your sounds? Do you create them completely in your minds or do you discover them tweaking the knobs?




i get ideas for things to try out, but rarely get ideas for actual whole finished things which i then have to approximate

i read interviews where people say they did that and then when i check their tracks its like, i can't even figure out what the idea was half the time. like the track is often something i already heard, at least from a formal point of view

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Many on the forum really enjoyed your Quaristice era live set with the elektrons in full swing. Is there a possibility of it being released? There are so many awesome melodic hooks in that set.

can't rem if there were any recordings

i think not actually


guess you had to be there

When was Cichlisuite made?

Do you have mutant sound thigs? If so; Does it happen in between the transitions of release material? I mean, tracks mixing gear and techniques used in Tri Repetae and Chiastic Slide, for example.


cichlisuite was done in 97 (i think it was 97 anyway), after the tour we did with edgar


yeah we have tons of mutant half-things, but quite a few are on DATs that won't play without glitch hell. one day we'll get round to mothballing it all


I meant to say hybrid, not mutant.

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this whole "questions only" approach ends up feeling a little one-sided, just want to say thanks again for doing this, and also I can confirm Awepittance is indeed a nice chap - we went to your SF Quaristice show together!


Question: What is a question you've never been asked in an interview, but always wished you had?

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A lot of artist turn "mellow" with the years, going into dad-rock and stuff like that. Others create their best work as they age (architects, classical music composers, etc...). After all these years, what are your plans for the future? Is the duo something you would like to continue for another 25 years?


no plans, just see what we feel like doing

the future is the kind of 'elephant in the room' of mysteries

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Do you guys like italo disco? New beat?


if i had to answer with a word, nah to both

i mean there are bits i hear and like sometimes, but there's a slight element of shitness to both genres

plus they are often liked (as an entire genre) by awful tasteless people who can't seem to discriminate the good tracks from the shit ones

i mean i'm pretty uninformed tbh, i grew up with american electro so to me italo and newbeat sound a bit wrong somehow and i ignored them for years

Which team do you support?




Many on the forum really enjoyed your Quaristice era live set with the elektrons in full swing. Is there a possibility of it being released? There are so many awesome melodic hooks in that set.

can't rem if there were any recordings

i think not actually


guess you had to be there

When was Cichlisuite made?

Do you have mutant sound thigs? If so; Does it happen in between the transitions of release material? I mean, tracks mixing gear and techniques used in Tri Repetae and Chiastic Slide, for example.


cichlisuite was done in 97 (i think it was 97 anyway), after the tour we did with edgar


yeah we have tons of mutant half-things, but quite a few are on DATs that won't play without glitch hell. one day we'll get round to mothballing it all


I meant to say hybrid, not mutant.


mutant is better

after years of techno/noise gigs, my ears are kinda damaged, bit deaf (grandpa style), so how is your earing ?

better on the right

lost top end on both but you just eq your monitors and boom, new ears

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Did the collaboration with Venetian Snares inspire you at all? Was it an over the internet thing? Are you into his music?


What you do is so unique - I often get the sense that in your music you are making something which has it's own life separated from this reality, that interacts with itself in it's own space, is that deliberate?


Some of your tracks (particularly on Exai) make my legs feel kind of epileptic, do you get any of those kinds of reactions?


Do you consider your music to have a stoner sensibility?


Do you have a sense of trying to make something 'different' or 'other'?

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I shall revamp my questions:

Will we ever see any footage from ATP '03 in a formal way?


Do you get tired of people saying your music is weird?


Should we as musicians strive to make the world a better, more interesting place to exist in?

Edited by Atop
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this whole "questions only" approach ends up feeling a little one-sided, just want to say thanks again for doing this, and also I can confirm Awepittance is indeed a nice chap - we went to your SF Quaristice show together!


Question: What is a question you've never been asked in an interview, but always wished you had?


can't think of anything i want to be asked

i mean i can write anything here so it really doesn't matter what the questions actually are

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re-listening to Amber, i find some stuff in there very cinematic (Silverside), if offered would you guys do a soundtrack for a film (kind of like what plaid are doing)


were you ever offered to do a soundtrack?

Edited by mcbpete
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i seriously consider Autechre as musical semi gods, but i always been curious about artists mistakes/regrets.

is there any specific track you would do totally differently now ? that you would like to re-record or you wish you had not released in the first place ?

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