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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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iawmdating eoen and shr doden t thinks so :<



I feel like you're not letting on enough here... how can you date a shemale? is he/she/it post-op? Not trying to judge, I know plenty of trans people. DETAILS, MAN.

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Kakapo is going to score with Madame. She will shit talk him continuously but alpha's gonna alpha. He will close using "wanna see my Doepfer modules and an original pressing of Twoism?"


How about no


It's cwejman darling, and yes I'm going to do her up the bum. There's nothing white knight junkie narcissist betas can do about that.





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Kakapo is going to score with Madame. She will shit talk him continuously but alpha's gonna alpha. He will close using "wanna see my Doepfer modules and an original pressing of Twoism?"

How about no

It's cwejman darling, and yes I'm going to do her up the bum. There's nothing white knight junkie narcissist betas can do about that.








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gah, i come back to the thread to find that i didn't even get an earclipping, let alone a disapproving giffing like kakapo there. Damn alfalfa males!! i don't know why i bother.

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Kakapo is going to score with Madame. She will shit talk him continuously but alpha's gonna alpha. He will close using "wanna see my Doepfer modules and an original pressing of Twoism?"


How about no


It's cwejman darling, and yes I'm going to do her up the bum. There's nothing white knight junkie narcissist betas can do about that.








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I just looked up a cwejman s1 MK2... My god. It's my dream semi-modular aside from the PS-3300. So good.


If you own modules from cwejman, you must have a huge penis and alpha status



.EDIT: Wait, isn't this a thread about that creepy kid who killed lots of people?

Way to detract from the thread you two. Get a room, preferably a sleazy motel- and whomever can go the longest in a bout of ungreased mutual backdoor love-making will be declared winner winner chicken dinner.





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Kakapo is going to score with Madame. She will shit talk him continuously but alpha's gonna alpha. He will close using "wanna see my Doepfer modules and an original pressing of Twoism?"

How about no

It's cwejman darling, and yes I'm going to do her up the bum. There's nothing white knight junkie narcissist betas can do about that.








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Face the fucking facts. Women can, and often are, just as fucking deplorably disgusting and worthless as men.


There's no reason to defend them. It's as if criticizing female behavior in the slightest makes you a misogynist.


YAWN! No, seriously, post more of your social justice worthless moron bullshit on Facebook. It's really, really impressive. Just like that organic food you bought. Totally worthwhile.




In reality, women give men shit day in and day out. Let me clarify my credentials: I've fucked two different great women, who were also my girlfriends for several years each. We cared about one another. I've semi "hooked up" once or twice, and I didn't like it.


But let's be honest here, not DIS-honest. Women can be a *huge* pain in the fucking ass. It goes both ways, sure. But it's different with women. Now, this can't be BLAMED on women. But the fact is that they often do not think the same way as men. The most attractive women exist in a BUBBLE where they can get away with any kind of behavior. Women are babied by everyone around them, and raised to believe they can treat others like complete shit. Let me assure you, an ugly/weird guy goes up to a pretty girl to talk... this pretty girl 9/10 times will make a weird/disgusted face, say "fuck off," and turn away. And imagine you're this guy, and you do this 20 times. Well, I guess in OUR world, we choose to blame the guy for developing negative feelings. Instead of trying to understand him, figure out how to improve the world.


Sorry, fuckers, I'm not with that.


When you're in college, or at a bar, you go to the bar, and you do NOT act nicely, because most people are assholes with their guards up, expecting a certain way of acting. And when you approach women wanting to talk, make out, make friends, you find out very quickly that you can't just "be yourself." You can't give freely, give kindly. You can't relax and smile and expect other people to do the same. Soon after that, you see the biggest fucking douchebag motherfucking pieces of fucking shit walking around with the hottest girls. And then, you're expected to keep watching feminist horseshit telling men to feel terrible about themselves, blaming men for women getting drunk and not showing any level of responsibility and shouting "rape" when they don't like the decisions they made the night before, posting constant streams of horseshit on Facebook (don't ever write any of the things I'm writing on there if you expect to keep your hipster friends).


I guess it's still just a "simple" problem though.


Now, feminists, tell me, why is that? Can you explain that? Or are we just going to pass over this again, cogdis, etc. No, don't tell me. I know that we are. Well, fuck you. Nobody cares what you say anymore. And they shouldn't. You're outmoded. Outdated. It ain't working. These are the facts.

Jeepers. You are misunderstanding the situation a bit. Yes, attractive girls are not wanting for attention or opportunities to have sex but it is in their best interest to be more selective because it's obvious when a guy is only talking to them because they are desperate for sex, aren't being genuine and nobody Is attracted to that awkward vibe. Or it could be the wrong time and place or virtually any reason.


As a straight guy that's been hit on by gay guys, it makes me feel uncomfortable and repelled by that particular person because I think "pfff what gives YOU the right? You just assume I'm into you that way?" And I wouldn't like the way they were going about it even if I was actually gay. This is probably similar how girls feel when a guy they have no interest in flirts with them.


As a guy, the ball is mostly in your court if you want to start up some kind of relationship with a girl and most girls would not be willing to have this conversation with you because they probably won't be attracted to someone who doesn't pick up on the practically subliminal messages they give you when they are into you. Because when you ARE in a relationship, shit gets even MORE subliminal and they want to feel comfortable around you. Everyone wants to be with people who understands them. Lots of girls like being pursued, but in a way that's out of real interest in them. You may think its unfair that you have to get up off your ass and be socially active, but it's also unfair that girls have to deal with stigmas and consequences guys don't. It's teamwork, and you both want the same thing just give up on your current outlook and be with people who make you happy while being conscious of what you're looking for and romancin' will occur.


But sometimes people just wanna smang and that's not something you have complete control over.

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(skips most of thrid)

I can relate to the whole "being alone" thing, but I do so by choice. Elliot Rodgers is nothing more than a fucking tool for murdering womenfolk just because they turned down his advances. I feel bad for the victims' friends and families.

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i'm really insecure about my chopstick technique


i used to just wait til no-one was looking and just eat with my hands


it's ok to eat sushi with your hands, even in japan


your chopstick technique is atrocious, though

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Et tu, WATMM?

Yeah kind of fuck this place sometimes.

great, delet and kakapo chiming in about women. even a nice dumbass post by vamos.


fuck this, I'm going on killing spree, sweeties.





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Levels are some lol shit

Some people are compatible with each other, some aren't


80% of my sexual partners have been people I thought were way the fuck 'out of my league'


Some people have mental health or drug problems, or low self esteem.


Gold star for taking advantage of vulnerable people though.

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