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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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tldr:if you can't make yourself attractive to others it is your own fault. if you can't get sexual contact it is your own fault.




i wouldn't go that far.


I met a dude without a nose once.

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All of this goes to show that we really need to change our attitudes about legalizing prostitution in this country.

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how does it show this exactly? he could get a prostitute if he wanted that.

Right, but under the threat of being arrested, and with the stigma of picking up a hooker. If we had a system of prostitution without the stigma or the threat of legal repurcussions, a lot of lonely people could check off the virginity-box on their list of things to do. Then at least that way morons like this guy wouldn't have the "I'm still a virgin" chip on their shoulders.


All of this goes to show that we really need to change our attitudes about legalizing prostitution in this country.


And about gun control... and about mental health...


That, too. But that's all pretty obvious, and everyone's already addressing that.

Frankly, if he were able to get laid, he'd find out that it's not all that great, anyway. There, I said it.

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i don't think it's a stigma for a guy really, it's a very dudebro thing to do amongst highschoolers. also its legality wouldn't change the stigma, it's not stigmatized because it's illegal. quite the opposite actually, given the judeo christian values and such.


his issue is pretty clear as already been said: he wanted the girls to come to him, he wanted for them to see a great guy in him. it's how he set it up in his head and locked on it.

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actually i'll go even further, i don't think it's the biological urge that messed up with his head but the idea that he's still a virgin at 22, which was socially unacceptable where he's at.

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You gotta pop that cherry when you're 14. Any older and you're too late in the game. Everything lost. Forever.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Frankly, if he were able to get laid, he'd find out that it's not all that great, anyway. There, I said it.



You're doing it wrong


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his issue is pretty clear as already been said: he wanted the girls to come to him, he wanted for them to see a great guy in him. it's how he set it up in his head and locked on it.

He thought he was better than all the jock's and couldn't understand why all the spring breakers weren't attracted to him before the jocks, who he saw as meatheads.....but yeah, he thought he was a great guy and was bewildered why all the college girls didn't approach him. They were creeped out by him. As were his flatmates who were planning on moving out because he was weird. He had no self awareness, humour or confidence. So he beat his tubesnake.

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And I didn't lay eyes on his ''manifesto'' but didn't Anders Brievik do that as well? He's copied him. Left it behind for people to dwell on after his demise. He's done an American Pie version. What a douche.

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he was such an important human being and he's still relevant cause <>>> he wrote a ...m...






marx and engels was two lowlifes compare to him

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after watching multiple videos I'm taken aback by how similar his music tastes are to Patrick Bateman, sorry if thats already been mentioned, but whats up with all the top 40 80s music? I didn't see him talking about that in his manifesto at all, but I find that in and of itself noteworthy like did he think that was typical of someone his age? Its very bizarre to me

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(at thread title) didnt he kill some guys too?


Yeah, the first three victims were roommates he lured into his room.


I feel bad for saying this but I'm sort of morbidly fascinated with the internet shitstorm around this. Literally everybody on the spectrum is "appropriating" some aspect of it. Feminists are going batshit over this being the perfect example of "male entitlement". And some guys, well...





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after watching multiple videos I'm taken aback by how similar his music tastes are to Patrick Bateman, sorry if thats already been mentioned, but whats up with all the top 40 80s music? I didn't see him talking about that in his manifesto at all, but I find that in and of itself noteworthy like did he think that was typical of someone his age? Its very bizarre to me


a psychiatrist he was seeing said he was modeling himself with that character hence his fascination with wealth and his image. this is another reason he didn't get why women weren't digging him when he was (in his mind) doing everything to present an alpha male image


also, his manifesto is really his explanation of why he did what he did because as he sees it, the world is unjust in how things work (hot girls being attracted to the wrong guys, him not winning the lottery etc). the music is just like his clothing (and $300 sunglasses): it's all him trying to present an image of what he thinks he should look like. the ultimate cool guy. he kind of mentions this in his manifesto because he's constantly trying to copy the people he considers "the cool kids". he even takes up skateboarding because that's what cool kids do, but when they change their interest to hacky sacking, he immediately gives up on skateboarding for that. when he finds out some of them are rich, he's suddenly overwhelmed with material wealth. even his moving to santa barbara is based on watching alpha dog and seeing cool kids partying in santa barbara: so the logic is, if i go there, i too will become cool and party all day long just like in that "cool" movie.

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Frankly, if he were able to get laid, he'd find out that it's not all that great, anyway. There, I said it.



You're doing it wrong



Not according to everyone I have been with...


your mom!


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Frankly, if he were able to get laid, he'd find out that it's not all that great, anyway. There, I said it.



You're doing it wrong



Not according to everyone I have been with...


your mom!





Well if you don't enjoy sex--and you're doing it right--then you're doing it with the wrong person/people.

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What if a girl with an STI jumped his bones? Would he have still felt homicidal? He would be so conflicted. Maybe he would have joined the Bronies.

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Who hasn't been drinking starbucks in their BMW and had chicks not want to fuck them?


I mean my gut reaction is always

'Better double back and nail their ass with his venti pumpkin spice latte'

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