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could this be produk 29?



This is the ATP/Minehead track



My question regarding this and metz tracks..


how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. is that something to do with it? do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half??


I'm sure that having amazing gear contributes significantly. That and half a lifetime of experience.



Eh, I hate to vomit this stale old nugget but...it's not the gear.

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i think it's def the gear + his triumphant touch

seriously, he's always made the most of what he has... his super early stuff is still really creative and amazing, but the dude has access to probably any gear he wishes, so i'm sure he's not fucking with VSTs, at least on the super thick analogy riffs that are the focal point of a lot of these songs

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boils down to good mixing, essentially. shaving out frequencies. plus whatever home brewed tools he may have to facilitate that. there's a lot of gating and ducking on drukqs, suggesting a forced cohesion, plus, the guy's got the time an money to basically tool around all day with this shit. ears, trust in your working environment, and a good ear. so go figure. working with fft and spectral manipulation generally sounds pretty terrible; even the famous face in windowlicker sounds pretty good compared with amateur attempts; my thoughts? either a great and woefully underappreciated studio engineer, or he's just that good.

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Guest Papillon




heh wuttt

It says that if you order from HMV you will get a free tin button with the Aphex Twin logo on it. I know it says in English you get a can but they mean to say a button... While supplies last.


Should probably check Tower Records Japan they might have the free posters, which would be good too.

Edited by Papillon
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Guest Papillon

Would someone be so kind to repost the extended cover image? I can't find it online and it's difficult to read on my mobile Facebook page...

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Guest Papillon





heh wuttt

It says that if you order from HMV you will get a free tin button with the Aphex Twin logo on it. I know it says in English you get a can but they mean to say a button... While supplies last.


Should probably check Tower Records Japan they might have the free posters, which would be good too.

If you order from Tower Records online you don't get anything special, maybe if you buy in store you get the poster??

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What the fuck guys?!? So you got some info and it got you all distracted from the important things. This recent move is obviously a tactic to prevent the cracking of the barcode.

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Tracklist is weird.. What does it mean?

sleuths speculated earlier in the thread..


korg minipops - minipops 67 (source field mix)

sequentia cirklon - cir[c]lon...

akai s950, yamaha tx16, ensoniq asr10 - s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix)


Why those instruments? Does Richard have a sponsorship with Akai, Yamaha and Ensoniq?? This seems so fake.


I thought he uses expensive synths like synthon fenix, synthi stuff and modular systems to the air plus computers. :wacko:


Theyre just old samplers. he's known for recording his own samples and fucking them up!


Don't forget that fz probably refers to the FZ1 or FZ10 sampler in this title: fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 [138.85] and perhaps the 'pseudotimestretch' is done by mapping the slices to keys and playing them in slice order at differing speeds to get the timestretch effect.

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are the basses in the metz and atp/minehead tracks the same bass synth? what is it? you say it is freq shaving? i appreciate it's more than just that, but what freqs do you think he's messing with? it sounds like higher and lower stuff is there but he's cutting out a lot of middle stuff but i could be totally wrong/simplistic?


boils down to good mixing, essentially. shaving out frequencies. plus whatever home brewed tools he may have to facilitate that. there's a lot of gating and ducking on drukqs, suggesting a forced cohesion, plus, the guy's got the time an money to basically tool around all day with this shit. ears, trust in your working environment, and a good ear. so go figure. working with fft and spectral manipulation generally sounds pretty terrible; even the famous face in windowlicker sounds pretty good compared with amateur attempts; my thoughts? either a great and woefully underappreciated studio engineer, or he's just that good.

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Guest amnesiac

I've noticed some sites have listed the vinyl edition image as having more text. Trying to find a bigger one.



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could this be produk 29?



This is the ATP/Minehead track



My question regarding this and metz tracks..


how the HELL does rdj get such liquid, plasticy, smooth, yet still cutting, agressive and super dynamic sounds? it's like everything's floating in a pool of perfect reverb/delay, yet it's it not cuz it's perfectly sharp and defined.. it's like fucking 10 dimensional. windowlicker and flim was the same way, but this ATP and Metz and his other newer stuff is like even more high resolution sounding.. ive heard this similar effect on his rdj album.. ive also heard this type of quality/richness in a number of commercial releases, but not to the affect of how aphex pulls it off.. anyway, i always wondered how he gets those bubbly tones.. is that something to do with it? do you guys think it's more in the production/production tools/programming, or more in the mixing/gear ? or both? like half half??


I'm sure that having amazing gear contributes significantly. That and half a lifetime of experience.



Eh, I hate to vomit this stale old nugget but...it's not the gear.


You can write great tracks on any gear but you can not reach the highest standard of production on any gear. If I sat in his studio, my tracks would probably still sound very amature but given the time and dedication to master that kind of quality gear as he clearly has..


Or to put it another way. As masterful as he is, his tracks would not sound half as nice if he were using my studio.

Edited by A Reggae Lee Bowyer
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This is getting released a couple of days before I go on holiday to Tokyo. Guess it's gonna be the soundtrack to my trip! New experience overload.

same (on all of the above) :beer:
You gonna be there too? WATMMEET
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what is up with the humourless folks here who think there's some sort of explanation for the press release like grandpappy warp had to have their talking to so that they would let it out


it's a joke

it's funny


it'll maybe lighten up the dour landscape of modern electronic journalism in a tiny way

Fair point. I just tend to read aggro into anything RDJ. And I like to make up elaborate stories.


But Occam's Razor. And I'd prefer to think he's a bit happier & mature these days anyway, yet still with the sense of humor. Definitely fits with his humor it seems.


But what is the meaning of 'zis use of the expense list dealio on the CD cover? Can it not be a pisstake? Inquiring minds want to know.

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so did anyone count how much the whole release will cost yet?


it's magnificent, what a piece of art, i'm gonna hang this above my fireplace and be like wow 73 bucks for 'refreshments' that's rad

How hard is going to be to buy the Japanese version on CD?


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