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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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I thought racism was over when Obama got elected...what happened?


The Muslims. No wait, the Jews. No wait, the gays. No, sorry, it's still the black people. Actually it might be the feminists.

Whatever - if the world would just accept that white men should have a dominant place in society, everything would keep running smoothly (for white men).

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he simply stumbles

I have no doubt that this cop is a dangerous piece of shit, but yeah, it looked like a decent recovery to a trip rather than a tactical maneuver.


Not sure what why the approach from afar and burst of speed resulting in the trip was at all necessary, mind you.

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I fear this type of uncivilized behavior will only become more widespread. And Wal-Mart employees are virtually absent at the scene.


It's at the point where Idiocracy is going to have to be shown in grade schools just to educate and raise awareness amongst future generations.

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lol gotta say i'd do the exact thing as the camera man, worldstar

Please remember to film in landscape orientation.


For realz.

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this woman has been masquerading that she's black. she was asked if she's black and she said she didn't understand the question




Go look up the hashtags #wrongskin & #transracial on Twitter if you want a solid series of lols. I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back of the Twitter/Tumblr social justice crowd bloggers.



The basic conceit is that if a 65 year old man can declare himself a woman and be on the cover of Vanity Fair in lingerie and get an award, then surely a white woman should be able to declare herself black and become head of a chapter of the NAACP, no?





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this woman has been masquerading that she's black. she was asked if she's black and she said she didn't understand the question




Go look up the hashtags #wrongskin & #transracial on Twitter if you want a solid series of lols. I think this is the straw that finally broke the camel's back of the Twitter/Tumblr social justice crowd bloggers.



The basic conceit is that if a 65 year old man can declare himself a woman and be on the cover of Vanity Fair in lingerie and get an award, then surely a white woman should be able to declare herself black and become head of a chapter of the NAACP, no?








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