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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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And SFPD just fucking executed a...(you guessed it)...unarmed black dude


There's video, and yes it was a fucking execution



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I dont want video but do you have a link to the article?

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And SFPD just fucking executed a...(you guessed it)...unarmed black dude


There's video, and yes it was a fucking execution



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I dont want video but do you have a link to the article?

I didn't read any article

Someone just posted the video on vine or wherever and I watched it


Apparently the cops' accounts of the shooting contradict the video (as usual)


Oh, there was another shooting (forget where)...4 dead





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The Twitter stuff on the shooting is amazing and horrifying

(I've never watched a Twitter hashtag feed before)

The 'Obama is silent because he's a Muslim' stuff

The insane right-wingers who love guns and prayer

The lefties saying this has nothing to do with religious beliefs

The sensitive celebrities with their 'text such-and-such to this number' causes

The pastors and the Ann coulter-types and the cultural relativists and the gamers and the (third wave) feminists and the 'this is the fault of U.S. foreign policy' and the weird 'this is a good time to interject this random observation about society' people...


From an anthropological pov, Twitter rivals Egyptology for its amazingness



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supposed to goto sixflags w/my family and ride roller coasters and see christmas lites this weekend. my mam is afraid to leave the house. wtf


like, just don't kill people. for real

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The 'Obama is silent because he's a Muslim' stuff



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What do you mean he's silent?


He addressed the entire nation on the San Bernardino shooting.

Stephen and Mesh

I know Obama gave an address

I am literally just describing what people are saying


The religion thing:

As I said, the named suspect's father said he was a deeply devout Muslim

Now, that might not be a factor

But I will gladly bet money that it is (if you think I'm wrong, you're welcome to oblige and take my money)



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Sometimes I read my posts--the friendly ones--and I get paranoid that they will seem angry or annoyed when people read them in their head


Am I alone?


(I think my avatar makes it seem that I'm always being pissy or snarky)



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Holy shit:

Disgraced, racist felon Mark Fuhrman is a commentator for Fox

(When asked at OJ Simpson trial if he had ever falsified police reports he pleaded the fifth to avoid further perjury charges...stay classy)

Anyway, he's currently complaining about political correctness in the shooting coverage



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yet more death


the Gumbo point is salient though and merka is the new bogieman, just like the British Empire was right the way back to the Romans. Do you think the guys who raised the stones at Stonehenge were free?


Its just a more toxic version of the human condition,,,, condensed and allowed to fester.


Its something i noticed on the roads that people, compared to Europe and elsewhere, didnt reallly get into road rage incidents anywhere near as frequently as you see here, because its more likely that firearms are present. Not saying drivers were polite, but it wasnt like here where every cunt wants to kill you over a missed signal maneuver or minor bs escalating


but Gumbo........people slag off American food but its one of the finest places i've been for variety, maybe this is a first world problem?


I had one Gumbo in DC at a place called Georgia Brown's and not only did you get biscuits and sausage gravy for what seemed like infinity, but it did a Gumbo to this day that i would love to get close to something that even got half the depth of flavour that this had. AND there was enough to take home for an evening meal, so double GB's Gumbo & b&g, all that fat shrimp, andouille sausage, i even enjoyed tasting my own burps as a forms of 2nds


so refined.


Tons of muck but f you pick your way through regional specialties you get flavours n fun thats not as over priced as you'd get here in Blighty


Just the mention of Gumbo, flashbacks, the smell, almost sexual,



Uhhh the term "road rage" originated in the US, mainly as a result of a bunch of shootings on LA freeways in the 80s...


But i'm with you on the gumbo ;) sexy time!



Edit: Fuhrman has been a fox "expert guest" for a long time now i thought?

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Pat Buchanon (sp?) is also on Fox now


My upstairs neighbor used to belong to the KKK

I swear to god whenever I bump into him he wants to talk about how big black people's lips are

He is very comfortable saying things like 'too many n*****s these days'

He is one of the top 3 worst people I've ever met

He opened my eyes to how commonplace monsters are

And of course he's a proud Republican and gun maniac







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I've often wanted to start recording down each racist interaction other white people initiate with me. I live in the US South and it is far too common; the look on their faces when I make it clear I in no way agree with them is always great, at least, that moment when someone becomes a traitor in their minds. Based on nothing but that I have little hope of racism getting any better any time in my life.


Also, gumbo is motherfucking delicious. There's about a thousand ways to make it though, so beware that if youve tried one and didn't like it they're probably just a minority and you should look for some elsewhere. Making it on your own (in most styles) is also really quite easy.


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Edit: redacted shitpost

Stop badmouthing gumbo you monster





Also, things are getting better inch by inch...like crawling a 4k marathon, we'll get there eventually



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Pat Buchanon (sp?) is also on Fox now


My upstairs neighbor used to belong to the KKK

I swear to god whenever I bump into him he wants to talk about how big black people's lips are

He is very comfortable saying things like 'too many n*****s these days'

He is one of the top 3 worst people I've ever met

He opened my eyes to how commonplace monsters are

And of course he's a proud Republican and gun maniac







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they also hired Oliver North, so pretty much any disgraced conservative figure now has credibility in their eyes, bc he was brought down by "The Man". btw, The Man only exists when the other party is in power, lol

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Edit: redacted shitpost

Any chance you wanna post a friendly TL;DR of your shitpost?


(I'm assuming it's directed at me, based on my quantity of recent posts in here and their potentially-controversial content)





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I've often wanted to start recording down each racist interaction other white people initiate with me. I live in the US South and it is far too common; the look on their faces when I make it clear I in no way agree with them is always great, at least, that moment when someone becomes a traitor in their minds. Based on nothing but that I have little hope of racism getting any better any time in my life.


Also, gumbo is motherfucking delicious. There's about a thousand ways to make it though, so beware that if youve tried one and didn't like it they're probably just a minority and you should look for some elsewhere. Making it on your own (in most styles) is also really quite easy.


sent using magic space waves

Even up here in the far north we get that type of demographic. Fuck racist bigots in general. WATMM seems to be the most comfortable place to vent about these kind of frustrations tho, seeing as how most of us here are left-leaning.


One part of the south tho that's on my bucket list to visit is New Orleans...and not just for the gumbo.

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police officers (above) from dothan alabama have been systematically planting drugs on black people and were members of a group that published that the civil rights movement was actually a jewish conspiracy and that blacks had lower IQs and should return to africa.


"the documents shared reveal that the internal affairs investigation was covered up to protect the aforementioned officers’ law enforcement careers and keep them from being criminally prosecuted"


this has been happening for the past 20 years (possibly longer)

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