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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Co-creator Dan Harmon previously assured EW that fans really aren’t missing all that much. “I personally thought it was a sauce that was trying too hard in a world where with McNuggets sauce you just want something to taste like honey or like a BBQ sauce,” said Harmon. “It was sauce that was trying to prove it was different and in doing so it worked harder than a sauce should; it was working too hard to be a sauce…”
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Would you please put a bullshit pic like that in spoilers? This is not /b/


Yes, I understand you're not trolling. But simply putting up a pic without any explanation (other than a link) leaves plenty room for the imagination.


Sorry to be a nanny, but this is not cool

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It's obviously wrong and disgusting to send that sort of shit to people.


But, they said 'they're investigating' into it and that makes me wonder how it's against the law? The burn in hell part is really the most explicit thing said and that gets said in thousands of churches every Sunday to children so that alone can't be unlawful?

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dude do you really think someone would post this unironically on watmm. it speaks for itself, clearly this is some flyer some piece of shit made. there's a link to a news article at the bottom.and aux do you really not see how sending jewish people's a swastika in the mail is a threat of violence? this is illegal af. the scumbags who did this would have more fun with their nazi friends in jail than living in a racially diverse cosmopolitan environment. fuck them.

Sure, assume I'm too stupid to understand why he posted it.... It speaks for itself for regulars. It's the non-regulars i'm thinking about. Like someone who just happens to come here through google non-regular. But hey, it's "illegal af" when someone sends it to jews, but perfectly fine when posting at watmm. Logic! Ding ding ding

Edited by goDel
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and aux do you really not see how sending jewish people's a swastika in the mail is a threat of violence? this is illegal af. the scumbags who did this would have more fun with their nazi friends in jail than living in a racially diverse cosmopolitan environment. fuck them.

I know it's MEANT as suggestive of violence. Fuck Nazis and all the idiots taking on the Nazi symbology to the moon, I agree.


I'm just saying, legally, I'm honestly not sure what's on that paper would hold up as 'illegal' in any way at all. I'm sincerely curious if it actually is how it's against the law.

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dude do you really think someone would post this unironically on watmm. it speaks for itself, clearly this is some flyer some piece of shit made. there's a link to a news article at the bottom.and aux do you really not see how sending jewish people's a swastika in the mail is a threat of violence? this is illegal af. the scumbags who did this would have more fun with their nazi friends in jail than living in a racially diverse cosmopolitan environment. fuck them.

Sure, assume I'm too stupid to understand why he posted it.... It speaks for itself for regulars. It's the non-regulars i'm thinking about. Like someone who just happens to come here through google non-regular. But hey, it's "illegal af" when someone sends it to jews, but perfectly fine when posting at watmm. Logic! Ding ding ding
 hey what is this reality you live in where context literally doesn't apply at all? i'd love to check it out so i can make piss-poor comparisons too 


and aux do you really not see how sending jewish people's a swastika in the mail is a threat of violence? this is illegal af. the scumbags who did this would have more fun with their nazi friends in jail than living in a racially diverse cosmopolitan environment. fuck them.

I know it's MEANT as suggestive of violence. Fuck Nazis and all the idiots taking on the Nazi symbology to the moon, I agree. I'm just saying, legally, I'm honestly not sure what's on that paper would hold up as 'illegal' in any way at all. I'm sincerely curious if it actually is how it's against the law.
well in australia you would definitely be in some shit for this at least. surprised NY wouldn't be similar.

Mesh, I'm really confused. Did you actually even read my post? I just happened to mention something about understanding he was not trying to be a troll. I kno, I know, I'm a bad communicator, but is it really that difficult to understand that I understood his disgust? And also note I also mentioned a link was not enough. So, in terms of not being aware of the context, that should have sent you the message that I was aware of the link (duh) and might have even read it. (Extra context bonus points!) Finally, and I feel I'm really repeating myself here, what would your brilliant mind make of the remark that it leaves too much to the imagination? Thing is, I might be a bit cynical when it comes to people and intelligence (the irony...), but I expect some non-regular to be dog stupid enough to just imagine whatever the hell he/she makes up on the spot when they see a pic like that. People tend to give a f&ck about context if they dont have any interest in doing so. Kinda like you really not giving a fuck about actually understanding my post in the first place, I'm guessing.


Please dont waste your time with a response, because I 've wasted more than enough energy on your bs allready.

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It's obviously wrong and disgusting to send that sort of shit to people.


But, they said 'they're investigating' into it and that makes me wonder how it's against the law? The burn in hell part is really the most explicit thing said and that gets said in thousands of churches every Sunday to children so that alone can't be unlawful?



It said "return address", who puts a return address on hate mail?  If the racist sender had a brain in their head, they would drive to another zip code, or Jersey, so they letters had a different zip code post mark on them.  moron, they probly left finger prints all over the envelope as well.  Call in CSI!

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This case against Weinstein seems to be exploding by the day; a sting operation, a recorded audio tape, multiple rape accusations, more actresses coming forward, evidence that Matt Damon & Russell Crowe intervened to dissuade evidence from being printed in the NY Times.  I'm wondering if this could even poison Taranatino's career, as the Weinsteins have financed most of his films to date.  An illustration of the worst behaviors in the Hollywood system.



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This case against Weinstein seems to be exploding by the day; a sting operation, a recorded audio tape, multiple rape accusations, more actresses coming forward, evidence that Matt Damon & Russell Crowe intervened to dissuade evidence from being printed in the NY Times.  I'm wondering if this could even poison Taranatino's career, as the Weinsteins have financed most of his films to date.  An illustration of the worst behaviors in the Hollywood system.




Gross old man. The audio is cringe. Sadly, his behavior has been known for ages, hell I remember reading things years ago about this asshat.

That being said, there seems to be  a lot of major hollywood players who also play a role by keeping their mouths shut about this sorry ass behaivor & now coming out of the woodwork trying to save face. But hey! money right...

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This case against Weinstein seems to be exploding by the day


today's accuser is cara delevingne. allegedly, harvey wanted her to kiss another girl in front of him and even suggested a threesome.


welp: it's over for weinstein. i really don't see him ever working in this town again as a producer. i wonder if he's still going to finish producing fahrenheit 11/9 and tarantino's manson movie 

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welp: it's over for weinstein. i really don't see him ever working in this town again as a producer. i wonder if he's still going to finish producing fahrenheit 11/9 and tarantino's manson movie 


The Weinstein Company was already looking to rename and rebrand the moment they fired him. http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-weinstein-future-20171010-story.html


I don't know that the company producing a film/show is exactly the same as Harvey Weinstein producing it (when the 'Executive Producer' credits roll, it's usually a person not a company), but it seems they're going to try to continue on.

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