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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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43 minutes ago, ignatius said:

shit like this makes me want to be a monk and go live like the unabomber but with electricity so i can make my tracks w/my laptop. 

do it man. as soon as I have enough savings and my kid is able to run his own life, then I'm outta here. living amongst these social media addicted phone junkies is the textbook definition of insanity. you wanna know how to go insane? live in this technology fueled bubble, where everyone lies, covers up the truth, can't accept the fact that we're all on a limited schedule here. best course of action is to get away from it all, but yeah...this requires $ unfortunately ?

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6 hours ago, usagi said:

what the fuck is "drink champs", is what I wanna know.

actually I don't wanna know.

They celebrate liver damage by drinking a lot of high end alcohol.

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9 hours ago, Alcofribas said:


on champs elysees

leave paris in the morning 

with TEE

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput

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Interesting comments made by this lawyer at the end of this 5 min interview. It’ s about the fast growing number of defamation lawsuits, it’s relationship to the growth of social media and how judges are fed up with these developments and are looking for ways to stop this development


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The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has subpoenaed former President Donald Trump for testimony under oath and for records, the panel said in a statement. The subpoena requires Trump to produce the documents by Nov. 4 and to appear for testimony on or about Nov. 14.

https://january6th.house.gov/sites/democrats.january6th.house.gov/files/20221021 J6 Cmte Subpeona to Donald Trump.pdf



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35 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

mother fucker will take the 5th or deflect or whatever. not gonna answer shit unless he's on tons of sudafed speed and goes off the rails in a rant. 


Edited by ignatius
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i can only dream trump agrees to go before the jan 6th commission it's something like this

the "boxes" he'll be hiding behind will more than likely be giant stacks of cash, old 1980's playboy mags, and copies of the art of the deal. this is how he fooled like half the country any way...

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land of opportunity frfr

p.s. dude clearly stated he has a generator but the news anchor (marla) kept asking "so is he getting electricity from the city? he's not getting an electric bill!"

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