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Cheetah EP

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huh, just noticed there are 2 dispatch dates for each of my items?


Sounds like they realized they either forgot to ship it or they noticed it lost in transit. Or am I reading it wrong? Next to each of my items (tape/vinyl/sticker):


  • Dispatched: 20.07.16
  • Dispatched: 01.07.16
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I only had one problem with Bleep. I once ordered Windowlicker CD from there and it didn't show up for a while and they sent another one. Other than that, I have no problems with Bleep honestly.

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^ aye. I get the feel they're understaffed and underfunded, not outright careless/inefficient. I've had some issues but nothing to whine about.

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Bleep are fucking alright, never had a single issue

I've had tons. Price seems fine, but I almost never receive my release on the day of or close to release day like many seem to, and quite often my product is damaged or lost in the mail. Granted, those last two issues aren't necessarily bleeps fault (damn canada post ffs), and it HAS gotten a lot better.


But if it was bad enough for me to stop using them, I would have already right?  :cisfor:

Edited by StephenG
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Its like pills to me. They start kicking when Ld Spectrum arrives and melts your face along with Cheetah7b. Such beautiful and well going together tracks. Everything is wet, smooth, you're lying on the cables watching leds and diodes shining in the dark studio with lots of synths, drum machines and shit. Richard stands up and plays with them a bit, making 2 short ms800 tracks and goes away for some time. You're still smashed. He returns an hour later with bear. You stopped sweating so much. This time he plays with circlon3. The magic is still there but you feel that you and the tracks are getting dry. Then goes circlont1. Ok. Rick is getting tired. Pills are almost off, we smoke one more joint and lie there for some time talking about chemtrails and shit. I ask if he can make a track in less time that the track lasts and it still will be descent. He makes 2X202-ST5 and jokes that he will release it. I pack my stuff, roll one and go home.

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There's a lot of unresolved sexual friction in your story, Mag.

Let's give the man a hand.
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yay my copy arrived today  :dry:


FedEx Shipping solved this problem for me. Its pretty expensive but at least I get the release before everyone else instead of 3 weeks later

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Blimey, what an epic journey your parcel must have been on, did it include any photos of it at various landmarks on route?

Lol sadly no. 


Kind of funny/ironic the name is cheetah EP and it took so bloody long to get here. 

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