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New York City


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Hello madams and sirs,


I'll be making a trip to NYC in a week, and I'm looking for some things to do. I'm not really much for tourist attractions, but I would love to see some good record stores, cafes, breweries, events and whatnot.


I'll actually be going to this event and hopefully seeing some of you there.


Any recommendations?

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

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New York has always been a huge place in my imagination. So much great music comes from there (I'm not gonna list it all and try to look cool lol). In fact I just ordered the blu-ray Subway Art dvd about 40 mins ago, I remember all the early graff/hip-hop films and books. Such an inspiring place. In fact I regulalry dream about it. Velvet Underground first album would be in my top ten albums (if I had to choose).


I've never been and to be honest I'm not sure I ever will. I think it would be a massive disappointment. I go there in my dreams instead.

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New York has always been a huge place in my imagination. So much great music comes from there (I'm not gonna list it all and try to look cool lol). In fact I just ordered the blu-ray Subway Art dvd about 40 mins ago, I remember all the early graff/hip-hop films and books. Such an inspiring place. In fact I regulalry dream about it. Velvet Underground first album would be in my top ten albums (if I had to choose).


I've never been and to be honest I'm not sure I ever will. I think it would be a massive disappointment. I go there in my dreams instead.


I was going to post something along these lines. I've grown up with so much media that takes place in NYC, especially pre-9/11 era stuff, that it is basically familiar on almost a personal level. Law & Order, Seinfield, Late Late Night with Letterman and Conan, Big, TMNT, Ghostbusters, various X-mas movies, etc.


I still want to go one day, but I will say this - I would never fucking live there and I kind of judge those who decide to move to Brooklyn for the sake of moving to Brooklyn. Seems so full of shallow and superficial people (not the natives but the transplants). I've watched Girls a few times and it nails that horrible vibe really well. It seems insufferable. Hell it's bad enough in Austin, and that's despite being an otherwise down-to-earth and historically friendly region.


Rant aside, had fun.

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I really like Yaya Tea Garden if you are looking for good food. Specifically tea and noodles or rice balls. Super cheap, not crowded. Just an all around pleasant place.

...Oh, never mind. You are gonna be in Brooklyn. Not worth the trouble if you're not already in Manhattan.

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I've been over there a few times. It is not a pleasant atmosphere in my opinion, but there's a record store in Brooklyn that I've been meaning to go to for a long time called Heaven Street Records.


If you have time, then you cannot allow yourself to miss the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It has something for everybody, and its exhibits are incredible. The Mesopotamian exhibit and the historical instruments one are phenomenal. Long Island is a much more pleasant area in my opinion, though. If you want to relax then that's the place to go. You can take a trip to Fire Island as well, as that's a nice place from my experience.

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

Lol New York doesn't have good pizza tho

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

Lol New York doesn't have good pizza tho

Your standards must be inhumanly high if a city with over 8 million residents doesn't have a single good pizza.

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Walking the high line is pretty cool, do a back and forth trip on the Staten Island ferry (it's free), check out some comedy clubs (if you're into that), check out some restaurants (Katz Deli is cliche/great and open 24/7), walk through Central Park, MOMA is cool too. I hear good things about the Natural History museum but haven't done that one yet

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any night of the week the stone will very likely have 2 great sets of something like avante guarde, jazz, electronic, rock, experimental, often involving one-off collaborations, unreleased compositions, and very frequently improv. its a non-profit, all the money after rent goes to the musicians (no bar). founded by john zorn.

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

Lol New York doesn't have good pizza tho
Your standards must be inhumanly high if a city with over 8 million residents doesn't have a single good pizza.

he's trolling and is a Connecticut snob. we have awesome pizza you baastid.

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certainly NOT trolling but certainly a new haven pizza snob... where you can get a large pie for 15 bucks... ANYTHING even approaching a sally's or pepe's quality in new york will cost you 25+ and it's.... just not the same

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

Lol New York doesn't have good pizza tho

Your standards must be inhumanly high if a city with over 8 million residents doesn't have a single good pizza.



that pizza looks ugly like melted brain

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I'll be at that show.


I'm not sure what to do in NY, though. I'm always chilling at people's houses while I'm there or attending specific shows. Maybe get a slice of real pizza at 4am and go enjoy the urine smell of the subways?

Lol New York doesn't have good pizza tho


NYC might not have good Pizza

But Brooklyn does

and not Hipster Brooklyn

Dumb unhip Bensonhurst Brooklyn

It doesn't get better than L&B Spumoni gardens

(and I don't even eat Pizza anymore)



people love DiFara's Pizza too

which is near my apt

but I don't think it's worth waiting in a two hour line for


In anycase

if you come to Brooklyn let me know

If I am around I will hang and try to show you some record stores

but a lot of the good Brooklyn ones closed

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