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I would like to see the videos where the 'pranksters' get dropped, i don't like this trend, i have seen before when it goes wrong and these people always end up looking like whiny narcissists.. "How dare you not find my bag snatch prank funny and punch me for it." You go in to battle you gotta expect to get burned.



lol yeah this looks terrifying .. look at those people. They not laughing saying haha you got me theyre terrified heh heh heh nyuck nyuck nyuck !!



clearly bitroast this particular prank wasn't very scary and just by the way the guy is dressed it would be a give away to most withit passengers that if something silly starts occurring that there will be no threat involved. But, i was using these videos as a jumping off point to have a complain about the general trend of pranking videos. i would restrain that guys arms if he put them in my face though, i wouldn't be able to stop that reflexive reaction, i would then say something like "settle down man, i don't give a fuck about your prank just let me ride the lift in peace and respect my space, thanks." Of course then the guy would moan about me grabbing his arms, completely oblivious to what he just did, and i'd realise that i probably should have just let it be, and start freaking out that this little cunt is going to call the cops or centre management on me and my life will get more annoying for a little while thereafter. so yep, fuck all these bitches.



Yah, man. I love harmless pranks in general, but pranks where you put people in a situation where they feel immediate threat for their lives is not cool. But then again, I think making someone think they're being abducted by aliens is funny, but being attacked/mugged is not funny. So I guess I'm just talking shit or being selective about how to fuck with people. Iii dunno...


But, I do know that if someone pulled that shit on me in an elevator, my immediate reaction would be to elbow them in the head. And then since I thought they were attacking me, I'd pound their face to a pulp when they're on the ground, so they lay motionless as I drag them out of the elevator and call the police.


Japan used to do hardcore pranks, but they stopped with the general populace, cuz people got hurt or other hardcore shit happened. They still do it with celebrities, though. Like send them to other countries for a fake show, then have them captured at the airport by police, then put in jail and threatened in the cell, etc. Or send them to America, then all of a sudden there's a shootout. Or I saw this prank where they did a lot of fake tv shows, etc., to convince and make fun of a comedian who used to want to be a musician-- so for something like 6 months, they convinced him that he had great potential in the music world, famous musicians commended his efforts, etc., and he even recorded an album in the studio. The day of the reveal of the joke was a solo concert, where the dude actually announced his retirement from comedy and intention to focus on music. At the end, he was crying and shit, it was so sad... Not cool, yo..... Not cool. Fucking hilarious, though, but not- cool- motherfuckers.

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Yah, man. I love harmless pranks in general, but pranks where you put people in a situation where they feel immediate threat for their lives is not cool. But then again, I think making someone think they're being abducted by aliens is funny, but being attacked/mugged is not funny. So I guess I'm just talking shit or being selective about how to fuck with people. Iii dunno...


But, I do know that if someone pulled that shit on me in an elevator, my immediate reaction would be to elbow them in the head. And then since I thought they were attacking me, I'd pound their face to a pulp when they're on the ground, so they lay motionless as I drag them out of the elevator and call the police.


Japan used to do hardcore pranks, but they stopped with the general populace, cuz people got hurt or other hardcore shit happened. They still do it with celebrities, though. Like send them to other countries for a fake show, then have them captured at the airport by police, then put in jail and threatened in the cell, etc. Or send them to America, then all of a sudden there's a shootout. Or I saw this prank where they did a lot of fake tv shows, etc., to convince and make fun of a comedian who used to want to be a musician-- so for something like 6 months, they convinced him that he had great potential in the music world, famous musicians commended his efforts, etc., and he even recorded an album in the studio. The day of the reveal of the joke was a solo concert, where the dude actually announced his retirement from comedy and intention to focus on music. At the end, he was crying and shit, it was so sad... Not cool, yo..... Not cool. Fucking hilarious, though, but not- cool- motherfuckers.

Jesus fucking christ Japan. That's shocking... and impressive. I'm applauding, but with a disapproving frown. I mean, I knew about those toilet pranks, where you sit on a toilet and then you get lifted upwards so everyone can see you crap... That was pretty hardcore, didn't know they took it way further.



Also if anyone wants to watch fucking shit 'pranks' and get pissed off, just look for "pranks gone wrong" on youtube, most of those titles will end with "...in the hood"


So basically people going to bad neighbourhoods where everyone is pissed off, just to make them more pissed off... By doing stuff like pulling peoples pants up or whatever. Anything to make people take a swing at you so you have your "PRANK GONE WRONG" vid... Deliberately making people agressive... There's way too much vids like that, it's mind bending.


Those 'pranksters' are the worst kind of people... just stumbled on a channel called BroPranksTV. Says it all, really.

Edited by triachus
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GAAAAAHHHH, this video is fucking with my head. What are they really saying? We have gay friends that don't deserve the same rights that heterosexuals have? Who is not alone?


Also lol @ "I happen to know what marriage is"

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GAAAAAHHHH, this video is fucking with my head. What are they really saying? We have gay friends that don't deserve the same rights that heterosexuals have? Who is not alone?


Also lol @ "I happen to know what marriage is"



u r not alone....anymore



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etching the mexican hat dance into a tortilla with a laser cutter



link to his instruction page. Perhaps if he'd dried it out it may have worked better, but then it would have been more brittle and so cracked the surface as the needle went along i spose.

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