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i don't even care about him being the mod, it's just this constant barrage of those obnoxious, painfully humorless, unamusing and plain moronic posts he shoves in literally every thread.

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i don't even care about him being the mod, it's just this constant barrage of those obnoxious, painfully humorless, unamusing and plain moronic posts he shoves in literally every thread.


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I like him too. He has a strange way of phrasing things which intrigues and amuses me and he seems like an eccentric but affable chap. I think some of you need to get a life if you get that worked up about things


Haters gonna hate I suppose


But Delet....if you're reading this you have my unwavering support.



Edit: I actually find this thread pretty disgusting. Maybe i need to get a life too

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for the record - I didn't start the thread to be a venue for bullying.

bullying is not good.


but just, yeah. give us an ignore function for mods pls joyrex.

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Well some people have gone full in, (with bayonets!) I think perhaps a chill pill or two, washed down with a glass of stout maybe a good idea.


I reckon all this bullshit goes on in the General Banter forum late at night, that's where all the hate occurs. Well I go down the pub mostly for General Banter. Though not today, have a nice afternoon :beer:

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I like delet...

He keeps it real. It's interesting how he elicits such strong negative reactions in so many other members. I'm always a bit perplexed by it actually. Like... i get that he has this acerbic wit that rubs people the wrong way, and some views that are unpopular... but it's crazy the vehemence with which many users respond to it. Like... come on guys, chill out.


Also holy lol... Schlitze is on fire these days. He should be writing satire.

Delet's posts are influenced by red wine, well, the ones with "heh" in them anyway. I think he might be on the wrong path. No post count should be above 13000. It's a gothican tragedy. Somethings askew. When the forum takes control of a person's life they can't break the cycle, that's why awepittance and drillkicker had to get themselves banned, the forum held a power over them and it consumed them. When they were kids they could never have imagined this is the way they'd be spending their adult lives. They must have hoped for more.
Is Rubin farr's commitment to cheesey pop culture observations an abomination? Well, yes. Especially when it's sprinkled with that "aw shucks" style. But both he and delet are so far gone, there's no way back. If they lived in the same town they'd be dating. Now, imagine you walked into a restaurant and the two of them were having a romantic dinner and you could overhear the conversations. How would you react?

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delet is a sexist, homophobic, narrow-minded bigot. other people may be like that on here as well but i wouldn't know because they carry themselves with grace and civility and don't act like a petulant child. WATMM is about music and friends, it's not about wading through pages and pages of prototypical neck-beard cellar dweller rantings. There are myriad places on the internet for that. It's frankly disgraceful that he became a mod, as this thread proves he has only had a NEGATIVE effect on the place.


It's really that simple!

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All I know is that I pretty much joined WATMM for the same reason Sweepstakes did; as a "safe haven" from American pop culture bombardment. Been a fan of some of the Featured Artists since my teens and that passion is too deeply rooted to embrace anything else musically or aesthetically at this point. Though I still respect underground hip hop and experimental rock artists.

As for Delet..., he may post a lot, but I'm not really bothered by him otherwise. Besides, when I experienced a family tragedy on New Year's 2015 he offered his condolences, so I'll leave it at that.

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I don't care anymore because I've just bought some mid century Nils Strinning shelving to curate my modular synths and instapump fury collection, but this is simply a consequence of the gradual hollowing out of all the decent post(er)s, resulting in the noise floor constantly being raised.


And you're all cunts. Dismembered cunts in formaldehyde, sitting on a plinth at an undergraduate art show put on by a passive aggressive whining yank slut in Brooklyn somewhere. Probably called Kitty or something. Possibly friends with Limpyprick. He's probably doing the nausea inducing soundtrack for the installation. And I go there and stand in this empty fucking room apart from all the dismembered formaldehyde cunts, each slightly different, but ultimately they could only be described as dismembered cunts in formaldehyde. And that's watmm. And you're all cunts.

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delet is a sexist, homophobic, narrow-minded bigot. other people may be like that on here as well but i wouldn't know because they carry themselves with grace and civility and don't act like a petulant child. WATMM is about music and friends, it's not about wading through pages and pages of prototypical neck-beard cellar dweller rantings. There are myriad places on the internet for that. It's frankly disgraceful that he became a mod, as this thread proves he has only had a NEGATIVE effect on the place.


It's really that simple!




I'm definitely ducking out of this conversation now, it's getting nasty


He's never bothered me, I think perhaps 'cause I try to keep my Watmm Dwelling to a fair level I miss a lot of stuff elsewhere


delet.... it seems you have some apologizing to do my friend

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also interesting that there seems to be a partisan divide within this discussion and it is no coincidence that those that might be more inclined to share delets worldview are the ones defending him and vice versa. it would be difficult to determine if this was purely out of alignment of views as the very idea of defending delet is rooted in pure freedom of speech and individualism verses the community angle the detractors are taking.


I actually don't agree with much of what he's posted about his worldviews (the anti-Semitism is particularly unsavory) but I just see him as mostly harmless. More than a little cryptic and vague, and maybe any condescension or bigotry in his posts that rub others the wrong way are muffled under so many layers of run-on-text, non-sequiturs and mismatched metaphors that it doesn't for me. I guess I "defended" him pretty wanly, though - my view's pretty much the same as Audioblysk's that there are worse members, although he had the class not to directly point them out like I did.


All I know is that I pretty much joined WATMM for the same reason Sweepstakes did; as a "safe haven" from American pop culture bombardment.

I wouldn't say "safe haven". I would just say there's generally less "noise" here relative to the content I care about, or at least the noise is more interesting than elsewhere. Kind of like how a lot of us will pay for music to support the artist, but also just so we don't have to hear stupid Spotify ads. I perceive the pop culture stuff as an advertisement for itself, maybe others see some merit in it.

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lol @ Deer. stop for a second and join the logical bits and pieces of your last post together before you realise how dumb it is.

Erm, you are pretty much complaining your way to a safe space,a tactic used across colleges campuses around the world

get your head out your ass. you're so drowned in this first-world college-age campus existence ennui that any controversy or drama you witness is framed to you in those terms only. a "safe space"? did you get ejected from one recently or something? I didn't say anything about individual social/political opinions itt. drawing links to MDE and the people he is satirising is a stretch bigger than goatse.

Never been to college but I've seen a couple of YouTube videos

so you have confirmed you have no idea what you're talking about then


this has nothing to do with MDE. they're a comedy / satire group and this is a forum about electronic music. mde make fun of everyone, anyway. they basically exist to piss people off. delet lacks the sense of humour that makes him tolerable or as enjoyable as sam hyde and crew.


it's basically a matter of delet being a prickly character X frequency of posting = forum members who pay to use this place requesting that he checkidy check how he operates within the community especially as a moderator.


having said that, this entire thread will be fuel for his fire and he will use it to justify being dismissive of other forum members and people in general.

Are you mad cause I said Australians are IRL Orcs??

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If delet was abusing his powers then that would be one thing, but he's not so whatever.

And yeah, have to agree about demodding someone just because you don't like them not being a good idea. That's a dangerous road to go down. Where do you stop?

Just don't read that persons posts if you don't want to or don't respond to them.


Sure, he posts a lot, and not much of it is stuff I have interest in reading (then again, there are a LOT of threads/posts here I have no interest in reading) but it's a forum and he's allowed to do so.

Freedom of speech and shit. He can not read anything I say and vice versa. I can tell horrible dad jokes and delet can spell badly. Freedom.

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What's the proposed course of action? Correct me, but I think delet would easily give up his mod status himself, if some can't stand it so much. Do you have candidates for replacement? I bet people are dying for this job.


Or you really want him to limit a number of posts (giving up his mod status to be eligible for modding by more conscious others which is bound to have some effect)? That's a heavy bit arbitrary.

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