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the watmm GAS thread


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I have no fucking clue why, but even with my wall of modular, i've been craving a small volca to fuck around with. I'm even thinking Volca keys. Something I can hook up to Tidal Cycles. Maybe Micro Brute.


Volca Sample. 10 channels of sample goodness. http://filipe-teixeira.com/electronic-music/volca-resources/volca-sample-tutorial-5-midi-and-external-automation/


I'm only saying this because I got the Sample, but reading that article makes me wish I was not at work now. :)

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Usually small runs but the LYRA 8 took off pretty much for a small one man band so they ramped up productivity with a manufacturer in Poland. The guy who makes this stuff is so rad, watch the Soma Pipe videos, utter bonkers, who would release a project like that? I'm glad that he has the balls to though.

Pulsar estimated at 1200-1500 euros



Goddamnit. This is why I try not to open this thread.



holy moly. this one got me! alligator clips. no need for multiples

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I have no fucking clue why, but even with my wall of modular, i've been craving a small volca to fuck around with. I'm even thinking Volca keys. Something I can hook up to Tidal Cycles. Maybe Micro Brute.


Volca Sample. 10 channels of sample goodness. http://filipe-teixeira.com/electronic-music/volca-resources/volca-sample-tutorial-5-midi-and-external-automation/


I'm only saying this because I got the Sample, but reading that article makes me wish I was not at work now. :)

I second the Sample. It's probably the most rough and ready of the family - easiest to get beats going with, but with loop point motion sequencing and the big pitch range you can get weird in a hurry, too. I also think it's the nicest looking. The FM is great too, if you're looking for something more melodic - the sequencer is just good enough for laying down quick sketches and the arp is fun. Both of those sound way better than they seem like they should. Either would complement modular well, too - I have no idea what's in your rack but polyphonic FM and multitimbral sample playback seem to be scarce in the eurorack world.


I've still got my eye on the Kick as well but every time I think about it I'm like, the thing's got an MS20 filter in it, why don't I get an MS20 instead? Stupid GAS.

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^Just use an external midi controller and remapping, boom? Could be cheaper than repair, as well as allow for lots more changes...not sure if this would work for navigating the menus/editing patches, though...so I dunno. Just an idea lol :)


I've wanted to get a Blofeld to match my Pulse 2 but I've always shied away because of so many issues I've heard of them having, both hardware like you're talking as well as software glitches (the non-good type).

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I had a bit of a moment of wanting a Bastl Thyme theother day but it's too expensive for me to actually get one and I have an Octatrack so I really don't need it anyhow.

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Serious GAS


if this thing can do clean precise sounds as well as it does all the gnarly textured distorted stuff, then i'm sold.


really impressive sounding so far but the demo skewed towards the ultra crunchy beats. would love to hear more to get a sense of its range.

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Oh, I thought it was just your encoders that were messed up...and yeah I figured you might just be able to map some basic parameters that you regularly use, and then have the current encoder functions (that change per menu/etc, again dunno if this is even possible) mapped to be contextually relevant. Anyway, good luck with getting it fixed, can't imagine it's much cheaper than getting a new one? Or just get something else, tons of comparable synths out there too...this is the GAS thread after all....  :w00t:

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There's a whole bunch of editors available for the blofeld. Bigglesworth is free, available for win/lin/mac and seemed to work quite well, haven't tested if very extensively though as I mostly use patrickdsp's m4l editor. Obviously only an option if you're ok with using a computer.




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got an unexpected windfall of £1000, so i broke my gear emargo slightly and splashed out 270 quid on a xoac belgrad filter. its a strange one, but when you hit a sweet spot it sounds amazing. lots of dead areas though if you get the modulation wrong for the frequency range of your sound, its easy to completely cut the sound out. 

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Oh, I thought it was just your encoders that were messed up...and yeah I figured you might just be able to map some basic parameters that you regularly use, and then have the current encoder functions (that change per menu/etc, again dunno if this is even possible) mapped to be contextually relevant. Anyway, good luck with getting it fixed, can't imagine it's much cheaper than getting a new one? Or just get something else, tons of comparable synths out there too...this is the GAS thread after all.... :w00t:

Yeah I'm getting a new one at cost and they are using mine for parts . Doing one last assessment tonight to see exactly how fucked it is then make a decision ...


What comparable synths are u thinking of ? Space is a premium with my set up

Oh you're getting a new one entirely too? Not bad at all, thought you were getting the broken one fixed (which would scare me if I were you, why I was worried lol).

Comparable synths, and at that size? Not much. Virus TI used maybe? Nord Micro Modular? DSI Tetra may be about that price? Elektron Digitakt or Monomachine (both used are probably a hundred or two more). Most stuff similar is a touch more pricey though (except maybe some older obscure FM synths and some romplers maybe?)


Ultimately it depends what you use it for...there's nothing I know of comparable in capabilities, size, and price. Other than software option lol but that's obviously a different discussion really. If you really like and use the Blofeld to it's fullest then stick with it of course dude. Wasn't trying to talk you out of it or anything of the sort.

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Nord Rack 2 is 16 note poly and 4 part multitimbral, and you'd be able to pick one up secondhand for around $600AU. Probably not as deep as the blofeld but it's a great synth. It's slightly bigger, but you do get knob per function..

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Guest Chesney



Serious GAS


if this thing can do clean precise sounds as well as it does all the gnarly textured distorted stuff, then i'm sold.


really impressive sounding so far but the demo skewed towards the ultra crunchy beats. would love to hear more to get a sense of its range.



Judging by the Lyra 8, I reckon you're out of luck, well at least as in missing the point of the machine. The Lyra is an 8 voice polysynth on paper but nothing like one in reality so I  imagine this drum machine while it may be able to sound normal stripped right back to it's very basic form, as soon as you start to turn a knob, flick a switch, patch something... All hell will break loose.

I may be wrong of course, this is based on my experience with the Lyra. Having heard Vlad's ethos, It's the hell breaking loose which is his aim.

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Guest Chesney

there is no point using the blofeld if you want warm sounds BUT it excels at what it can do which is complex madness and long evolving sounds. I actually like the sound of the raw osc's on this thing but the filters are weak for traditional synth sounds. It has so many flaws but if you play to it's strengths it's actually the most powerful synth you can get for the price.

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My friend who makes synths at Black Corporation made me an offer to craft some abstract stuff for showcase / black corp night and lent me one of their units, Deckard's Dream. It is arrived in StPetes already an will be in my 'studio' soon. So now i have to make something abstract with it  :fear:


Btw i'd choose NordRack2 instead of Blofeld. Blofeld is deep and capable though it's menu is pretty counterproductive when you try to achieve something really intetesting for example when you deal with it's modmatrix and modifiers (this one is really killer feature though it is less deep than MW XT's one)

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Serious GAS


if this thing can do clean precise sounds as well as it does all the gnarly textured distorted stuff, then i'm sold.


really impressive sounding so far but the demo skewed towards the ultra crunchy beats. would love to hear more to get a sense of its range.



ultra crunchy is where i'm heading.  This thing looks awesome. 


*starts saving pennies*

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Nord Lead is super digital sounding around 80% of the time, but it's definitely possible to get it sounding warm and lush with enough work.. and paired with a nice reverb it can get suuuuper lush..



That is lush .

That is well lush. Never looked much at the NL1 but it sounds great there.

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My friend who makes synths at Black Corporation made me an offer to craft some abstract stuff for showcase / black corp night and lent me one of their units, Deckard's Dream. It is arrived in StPetes already an will be in my 'studio' soon. So now i have to make something abstract with it  :fear:



Ooooh, those things seem really cool but even in kit form they're way out of my league in terms of price.  Try to use the polyphonic aftertouch somehow.. 

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Just bought my first dedicated delay unit, a dynacord echocord s76. Bought it on kind of a whim but feels good to finally be able to try an actual tape-delay after years of messing around with plugin versions (a lot of which I really, really like btw).



edit; slightly better video

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Nice find!  Tape delay is the best, I got an RE-150 in nonworking condition for next to nothing years ago and repaired it.  One of the most indispensable pieces of gear I've ever owned and worth every bit of hassle, I'd get rid of almost anything else before I got rid of it. And I'm also a fan of a lot of plugins, ITB stuff can sound great but nothing I've used responds like the real thing even though there's plenty of software (and digital hardware) that's just as useful in its own way.

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