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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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trump is th antichrist 'they've' been talking abt no? looks th part :)

I'm not religious, but yes.
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It's all a ploy from Obama. Trump is working with Obama to destroy the GOP so Obama can declare himself Emperor of the new Kenyan Caliphate. He will be called Obama Superallah I.

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FOX republican debate in Detroit tonight. Maybe I'll swing by after work & see how watmm pertains to their platform.

Edited by olo
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"we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning and ask can we please have some losses and i'll say no" donald trump in portland maine

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"we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning and ask can we please have some losses and i'll say no" donald trump in portland maine


thats f'ing brilliant.

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"we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning and ask can we please have some losses and i'll say no" donald trump in portland maine

I just went out back to have a smoke and his speech was being blasted from loudspeakers in front of the Eastland hotel. The Trump supporters are a weird mix of white trash and snooty business-oriented hicks, with the odd 20-something-with-libertarian-haircut assholes. Oh and lots of 'trashy aunt'-looking women.

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what a smokescreen this all is. Seems like the government is desperate to have Clinton as president. Trump IS hilarious though, he's got great timing. "I DID like Marco Rubio, until last week when he decided he was Don Rickles" that line was hysterical. Watching him take down these idiots has been extremely entertaining

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trump is th antichrist 'they've' been talking abt no? looks th part :)



Here are two possibilities for this trump thing.


1- That which has been happening to americans was bound to have a blowback that would deflate then build with every election cycle, as the elites push their agenda. Eventually there was going to be the desire for a truly 'anti-establishment' figure who would break through to mainstream success no matter their dirty tricks in the media, or election fraud and so forth. For this they have kept trump in their back pocket until their polling showed that the time was right to use him as the, 'man on the white horse'. So for the past few presidential election seasons, there has been trump stating that he might run, but never actually being activated given that their preferred puppet had a clear path to the presidency. Now though, with corporate media influence on the wane and government trust in government at an all time low, the ability to manage electoral consent is near it's limit. So they wheel out trump as the hero to save everyone. Trump a guy without a single platform beyond immigration, he pronounces only vague platitudes that appease the growing angst in the public conciousness. "yes we need to look at 9/11 again" .. "sure audit the fed" .. "china has taken our jobs" .. statements that plug in to the zeigiest. If elected in an expected landslide as this outsider, he will then claim a mandate to turn around and betray us all, perhaps helped along by 'home grown terror' or some such bullshit.


2 - trump is naive but real, they will assassinate him with some slow acting toxin before the general election then the day after he is murdered in this vague and debatable way, "he was clearly tired, from campaigning so hard, his body just couldn't cope, he's used to just sitting around all the time" they will unleash a massive false flag and the media will go into high gear how we need a 'proven leader in this difficult time'. Enter killary, or mccain or kerry. Either that or they'll wack him after he's elected. This makes his choice of vice president vital, definitely shouldn't be the little fat mafiosi from new jersey chris christie. He'd happily not investigate trump's untimely passing.


grist for the mill.

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Here are two possibilities for this trump thing.


1- That which has been happening to americans was bound to have a blowback that would deflate then build with every election cycle, as the elites push their agenda. Eventually there was going to be the desire for a truly 'anti-establishment' figure who would break through to mainstream success no matter their dirty tricks in the media, or election fraud and so forth. For this they have kept trump in their back pocket until their polling showed that the time was right to use him as the, 'man on the white horse'. So for the past few presidential election seasons, there has been trump stating that he might run, but never actually being activated given that their preferred puppet had a clear path to the presidency. Now though, with corporate media influence on the wane and government trust in government at an all time low, the ability to manage electoral consent is near it's limit. So they wheel out trump as the hero to save everyone. Trump a guy without a single platform beyond immigration, he pronounces only vague platitudes that appease the growing angst in the public conciousness. "yes we need to look at 9/11 again" .. "sure audit the fed" .. "china has taken our jobs" .. statements that plug in to the zeigiest. If elected in an expected landslide as this outside, he will then claim a mandate to turn around and betray us all, perhaps helped along by 'home grown terror' or some such bullshit.


2 - trump is naive but real, they will assassinate him with some slow acting toxin before the general election then the day after he is murdered in this vague and debatable way, "he was clearly tired, from campaigning so hard, his body just couldn't cope, he's used to just sitting around all the time" they will unleash a massive false flag and the media will go into hight gear how we need a 'proven leader in this difficult time'. Enter killary, or mccain or kerry.


grist for the mill.


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"we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning and ask can we please have some losses and i'll say no" donald trump in portland maine


pure lols

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trump is th antichrist 'they've' been talking abt no? looks th part :)



Here are two possibilities for this trump thing.


1- That which has been happening to americans was bound to have a blowback that would deflate then build with every election cycle, as the elites push their agenda. Eventually there was going to be the desire for a truly 'anti-establishment' figure who would break through to mainstream success no matter their dirty tricks in the media, or election fraud and so forth. For this they have kept trump in their back pocket until their polling showed that the time was right to use him as the, 'man on the white horse'. So for the past few presidential election seasons, there has been trump stating that he might run, but never actually being activated given that their preferred puppet had a clear path to the presidency. Now though, with corporate media influence on the wane and government trust in government at an all time low, the ability to manage electoral consent is near it's limit. So they wheel out trump as the hero to save everyone. Trump a guy without a single platform beyond immigration, he pronounces only vague platitudes that appease the growing angst in the public conciousness. "yes we need to look at 9/11 again" .. "sure audit the fed" .. "china has taken our jobs" .. statements that plug in to the zeigiest. If elected in an expected landslide as this outsider, he will then claim a mandate to turn around and betray us all, perhaps helped along by 'home grown terror' or some such bullshit.


2 - trump is naive but real, they will assassinate him with some slow acting toxin before the general election then the day after he is murdered in this vague and debatable way, "he was clearly tired, from campaigning so hard, his body just couldn't cope, he's used to just sitting around all the time" they will unleash a massive false flag and the media will go into high gear how we need a 'proven leader in this difficult time'. Enter killary, or mccain or kerry. Either that or they'll wack him after he's elected. This makes his choice of vice president vital, definitely shouldn't be the little fat mafiosi from new jersey chris christie. He'd happily not investigate trump's untimely passing.


grist for the mill.





*Not as if reality will be any better but still tbh imho ttfn

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"we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning and ask can we please have some losses and i'll say no" donald trump in portland maine






Gotta give the guy credit though, that is absolute perfection.

Even the "I love you! Yeah... I love you!!" at the end.

He acts like everyone in the room is his best pal and they are all in on it. It's

like porn for lonely twisted people who haven't left their town much.

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one would think the press would jump on it more tho if it were something significant?

Kinda not easy to find a decent article covering the issue at hand


but omg I so hope it happens (toast)

if only out of spite


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