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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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polls months before the primary day don't tell anything. but then he's isn't doing well in ct and penn polls and will definitely tank maryland and delaware, where primaries are next week. he should stay in the race til the end no matter what though, because you never know if clington's vagina may explode or something.

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Clinton has a nearly 10 point lead in the polls in California, it doesn't matter what happens in the rest of the states, he needs to win California by more than 10 points, and he won't.

Gap has been closing steadily. He needs to hit his delegate targets, and it ain't over til the fat lady sings.

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i want to see how long i can go without knowing who the next president is (also avoiding finding out who the final candidates are). it'd be pretty wild imo if i could go the next 8 years avoiding that information (might print out a special shirt that says "please don't tell me who the american president is")

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i want to see how long i can go without knowing who the next president is (also avoiding finding out who the final candidates are). it'd be pretty wild imo if i could go the next 8 years avoiding that information (might print out a special shirt that says "please don't tell me who the american president is")


i'd recommend something on your shirt that doesn't end in a preposition. for example:


"please don't tell me who the american president is, bitch"

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that doesn't end in a preposition.

verbs tho



my whole life is a lie.


i can't remember ever feeling less of a grammar snob than this moment.


edit: leaving up original post for shame.

Edited by ignatius
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Gap has been closing steadily. He needs to hit his delegate targets, and it ain't over til the fat lady sings.


hardly, he won 6 out of the 7 primaries prior to NY (picking up 79 delegates over Clinton), but he's just lost 33 of those back to her in NY, and will likely lose the rest next week.


It's true that California is a long way away, and the polls could easily change before then. That doesn't mean it's likely to happen though, will take something completely unpredictable and scandalous one would have thought.


In order for him to have had any real chance of winning the thing he really needed to win NY.

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So, if we do end up with Trump and Clinton, who do you think will win? Has Trump really alienated enough Republican voters that they'd be willing to vote for Hillary?


God no, she's despised by the right. they'll vote for a 3rd party libertarian or a write-in or simply not show up. If anything Hillary would win because people who normally don't vote will cast the ballot for her to avoid Trump. She's basically a lame establishment moderate candidate.


Unless Texas is even remotely close (closer to 50/50) I'll be voting for a 3rd party. But it's very red, something like 60/40 GOP normally so with the electoral college it's basically a crapshoot. I still regret voting for Obama in 2012 because it was needless and disappointing and likewise for McCain in 2008 b/c I hoped he'd be the moderate he was in the past...I was iffy on Palin then but I had no idea she was that crazy.

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Fkn lol Ted is the slimiest critter of the bunch. 10k views, comments disabled - would love to see the likes / dislikes for that video.


*reads Allegory of a Cave to Prostitute*



I have it on good authority from multiple people that he is despised by former coworkers and collegues (all Republicans BTW) when he was Solicitor General of Texas. He was bossy, self-absorbed and incredibly uncooperative. He demanded people not call him "Mr. Cruz" or "Ted" but instead always address him as "Solicitor General" and he would kick up his feet onto desks in meetings, with absurdly unauthentic boots on, which is about as rude/disrespectful as you can get.

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Let's see... Clinton is a fairly unlikeable woman and Drumpf is a charismatic male asshole. Gee, I wonder which one the general populace will go for.


If it's against Cruz, I think she has a chance.


I fear a lot of the Bernie bros won't vote out of spite, so it's not looking good.

Edited by Gocab
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clinton would hopefully beat drumpf.


the media.. well, Fox news. is already saying drumpf is more "presidential" and pivoting a bit to widen his appeal.. they said this after one stupid speech where he didn't insult ted cruz by calling him lyin ted. yawn. what a bunch of assholes.


a lot of republicans hate drumpf and would stay home or write in a 3rd candidate... but the election is a ways off still so we'll see what happens at the conventions and news drama between now and then. there's still plenty of time to fuck up.

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If in terror of possible outcome of the coming election, think of Italy as an example of (barely) surviving Berlusconi. It's not the end of the world. Still shitty though. As a meaningless sidenote from the other side of the ocean: I'm hoping for a temporary huge wall around the entirety of the US if drmmpfstumpf becomes prezzy. Keeps the rest of the world relatively safe and clean at least. Hope this doesnt sound too insensitive, but you know, the rest of the world has a right to be stuck up their own arses as well.

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Gap has been closing steadily. He needs to hit his delegate targets, and it ain't over til the fat lady sings.

hardly, he won 6 out of the 7 primaries prior to NY (picking up 79 delegates over Clinton), but he's just lost 33 of those back to her in NY, and will likely lose the rest next week.


It's true that California is a long way away, and the polls could easily change before then. That doesn't mean it's likely to happen though, will take something completely unpredictable and scandalous one would have thought.


In order for him to have had any real chance of winning the thing he really needed to win NY.

Gap in polls. Sorry for not being clear.

Also the gap in delegates though.

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that doesn't end in a preposition.

verbs tho

my whole life is a lie.


i can't remember ever feeling less of a grammar snob than this moment.


edit: leaving up original post for shame.

It's ok, I'll always be jealous of "Death to Amsterdam's Roxy" ;)
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