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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I am glad this shit is over soon. Can't wait for the meltdowns, whoever wins. Personally I think Trump has no business even being near the presidency of the USA, but here we are. We're fucked either way, but a Trump presidency would be just catastrophic on another level. 

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I am glad this shit is over soon. Can't wait for the meltdowns, whoever wins. Personally I think Trump has no business even being near the presidency of the USA, but here we are. We're fucked either way, but a Trump presidency would be just catastrophic on another level.

Didn't you hear? The Podestas kidnap children!

Wake up sheeple

Shillary Rotten Clinton is Rothschild Illuminati shape-shifting demon

She tried to assassinate Trump

For more info visit Infowars.com or FlourescentGrey911Truth.org

Edited by LimpyLoo
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I just can't believe he is going to be president, how can you take life seriously after that? i feel so depressed lol 


A win for him doesn't look likely, though. 




how can you be so sure of this? today the air smells like trump

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