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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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To me Trump seems like an American version of Berlusconi. A bigot and a womanizing misogynist maybe but foremost a business minded opportunist. Which is better than an ideological fanatic in my books because with an opportunist you can actually reason with and he's not going to hurry up the nuclear holocaust just to bring on the second coming of Jesus or whatever. If you want to see what's going to happen I'd say check Berlusconi's reign as the prime minister of Italy.

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So, I had the amusing pleasure of seeing this Trump fellow a couple if weeks ago. He was up on a podium in a verbal argument with what looked like a short, robot like woman, possibly a clone comprised of so many mid-western cookie baking, soccer moms.


The lightly rotund one seemed to wear a golden crown on his head. He was very intriguing. His enthusiasm to humor the bleeps and bloops coming from his compact fembot opponent, caused him to strike the most amusing pose. He stood like a headmaster, forced to listen to banal drivel from a sullen, spoilt child. With his feet close together, perhaps it was his suit (which might have been on the tight side) it certainly brought out the buxom nature of his derriere and caused it to jut ever so slightly, a hint of sway in his back. He managed to hold this somewhat raunchy position for quite some time.


All the while his great golden crown turning attentively from side to side to address this or that conniving question from some random automaton.


I couldn't help but smile and relish his humanness.

If there's gonna be a new name constantly cropping up in conversation, a new face and voice on television, I wouldn't mind it being this guy: The golden crowned one, the natural king. If he has his way, we'll all find unknown pleasure and peace of mind in knowing our place. We won't like it to begin with, we'll protest and scream and fight. But sooner or later we'll all succumb to the natural way, suckling on the all American, golden haired teet of the almighty king.

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David Mitchell on Trump





Trump is so watchable – that’s surely something his supporters and detractors can agree on. It’s not the hair, it’s not the extremist rhetoric, it’s the sheer magnetism of his self-satisfaction. The density of his self-joy is so great it drags your eyes towards it like galactic debris to a black hole. When he puts on a statesmanlike face, you just know his inner monologue is delightedly singing “My amazing face looks so statesmanlike right now!” This is what Ed Miliband never grasped: it’s not about being convincing, it’s about relishing the role.

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This morning I got dragged into a political discussion and this older dude just started ranting about how shit Hillary was. I mean, I pretty much agree, but I asked "you voted for Trump eh?" He said yes, and another guy says "I'm sorry, but I gotta say the only thing I have for Trump is a bullet." The other guy agrees. 


I'm kind of hoping the next president is a ridiculously gay Mexican with a peg leg. Let's get to work. 

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I think I'm done going SJW for a while. Just exhausted with politics after the past year.

Dunno if Trumpet will be as destructive as many people claim he is. Too early to tell right now.

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Rant I need to get off my chest about some BS that happened to me the other day:

Man, 80% of my FB wall are my conservative friends and family gloating, and making shit up. Complaining about the protests and how all their liberal friends (all one of them) keep saying they want to move to canada. I have met literally 1 person who said that.

It's kinda weird. Since they basically only associate with other conservatives, it's become a conservative echo-chamber that I'm trapped in. One of my friend's friends were saying they're happy that planned parenthood is going to get gutted (apparently Pence said this), I replied to him telling him that Women should be in control of their own bodies, and that that what they do with them DOESN'T concern him(mistake), and a ton of people started saying that it's murder, that my values are shit, etc. My "friend" unfriended me (ooooo nooooo!).

Got a few messages from family members basically asking where they went wrong, and why I believe abortion should be legal. It's an over-reaction turned up to 11. I can barely believe they're acting this way. 

I have to see their circle-jerky posts all the time, and I just ignore them, whereas they see their values challenged on FB, their usual place of refuge and freak out.

They don't understand the concept of women being in control of their bodies, and now that Trump's won, they're feeling empowered. Whereas before conservative posts never bothered me as I'd see one on occasion. It's ridiculous. 

You can't stop progress though. We may take a step back during the next 4 years, but we'll take 2 steps forward after. Then these outmoded values will die with time.


Edited by Brisbot
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I think I'm done going SJW for a while. Just exhausted with politics after the past year.


Dunno if Trumpet will be as destructive as many people claim he is. Too early to tell right now.



his choices for cabinet.. well, mike pence's choices for cabinet are pretty scary. climate denier in charge of EPA, Banker as Secretary of treasury etc.. 


it's gonna be a shit show 

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Rant I need to get off my chest about some BS that happened to me the other day:

Man, 80% of my FB wall are my conservative friends and family gloating, and making shit up. Complaining about the protests and how all their liberal friends (all one of them) keep saying they want to move to canada. I have met literally 1 person who said that.

It's kinda weird. Since they basically only associate with other conservatives, it's become a conservative echo-chamber that I'm trapped in. One of my friend's friends were saying they're happy that planned parenthood is going to get gutted (apparently Pence said this), I replied to him telling him that Women should be in control of their own bodies, and that that what they do with them DOESN'T concern him(mistake), and a ton of people started saying that it's murder, that my values are shit, etc. My "friend" unfriended me (ooooo nooooo!).

Got a few messages from family members basically asking where they went wrong, and why I believe abortion should be legal. It's an over-reaction turned up to 11. I can barely believe they're acting this way. 

I have to see their circle-jerky posts all the time, and I just ignore them, whereas they see their values challenged on FB, their usual place of refuge and freak out.

They don't understand the concept of women being in control of their bodies, and now that Trump's won, they're feeling empowered. Whereas before conservative posts never bothered me as I'd see one on occasion. It's ridiculous. 

You can't stop progress though. We may take a step back during the next 4 years, but we'll take 2 steps forward after. Then these outmoded values will die with time.


That's gotta suck donkey balls. I can't even picture that happening. Guess you gotta fly stealth on FB from now on.

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Rant I need to get off my chest about some BS that happened to me the other day:

Man, 80% of my FB wall are my conservative friends and family gloating, and making shit up. Complaining about the protests and how all their liberal friends (all one of them) keep saying they want to move to canada. I have met literally 1 person who said that.

It's kinda weird. Since they basically only associate with other conservatives, it's become a conservative echo-chamber that I'm trapped in. One of my friend's friends were saying they're happy that planned parenthood is going to get gutted (apparently Pence said this), I replied to him telling him that Women should be in control of their own bodies, and that that what they do with them DOESN'T concern him(mistake), and a ton of people started saying that it's murder, that my values are shit, etc. My "friend" unfriended me (ooooo nooooo!).

Got a few messages from family members basically asking where they went wrong, and why I believe abortion should be legal. It's an over-reaction turned up to 11. I can barely believe they're acting this way.

I have to see their circle-jerky posts all the time, and I just ignore them, whereas they see their values challenged on FB, their usual place of refuge and freak out.

They don't understand the concept of women being in control of their bodies, and now that Trump's won, they're feeling empowered. Whereas before conservative posts never bothered me as I'd see one on occasion. It's ridiculous.

You can't stop progress though. We may take a step back during the next 4 years, but we'll take 2 steps forward after. Then these outmoded values will die with time.


That's gotta suck donkey balls. I can't even picture that happening. Guess you gotta fly stealth on FB from now on.
unfriending everyone on fb and only using it for memes and music works as well


that's all is good for imo

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The EC is only good when my candidate wins! Also check all the right-wing pundits turn around and all be talking about respecting the office of the president and the election results, completely forgetting the last eight years. Hypocrisy from both sides galore.


Trump looked shook af when meeting with Obama, I think he just realized the enormous job he just got himself into. He is good at spending other peoples money, but not on this scale and not in away that will affect so many people. He's soon going to see the wretchedness of everyday politics, all the wheelin' and dealing going on, not to mention running foreign policy. I have no doubt in my mind that in the re-negotiations of trade deals and the likes the other parties are going to look to stiff him and the US as much as they can. Trump somehow in his own hubris thought that every negotiation he's involved in will be a win for him, but odds are reality is going to slap his orange face hard.


I also think Trump is going to be more moderate than he made himself be on the campaign trail, but I do worry about what kind of regressive pricks he'll appoint to his cabinet, who will further their agenda and Trump will just rubber-stamp it because he doesn't care. He will also flip on many of his promises. No way will he get that wall built. Bill Burr said a funny on Conan the other night, by the time the wall is built it will be the Americans that are trying to get over it.

Have a feeling he'll be a one term president. He will tire quickly of of the slow and thorough process that is involved with politics, it just doesn't suit his "everything-right-now" attitude. 


except the electoral college seems to only be allowing republicans to get elected.

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The number one way to solve the most fundamental flaw of the current incarnation of the Electoral College is to expand the House of Representatives.

Second, allocate the Electoral Votes based on the number of the representatives each State is entitled to in the House of Representatives proportionally to the top two vote getters of the presidential election and allocate the Electoral Votes based on the number of senators each State is entitled to in the Senate to the overall winner of the State.

Third, forego the Electors and go straight to allocating the Electoral Votes to the candidates.

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