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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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My comment about "no evidence of funny business" was about actual voting fraud.  I totally agree that there have been various dastardly efforts to prevent votes by purging potential voters (with political intent) and by limiting voting access.

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The US way of voting seems like a complicated mess, voter registration, confusing ballots, some states have electronic voting and overall varying methods of voting, voting day is not a holiday and on a weekday, plenty of measures to make voting difficult for minorities, voting disenfranchisement for felons, voter ID laws (which could be solved by a free national photo ID to citizens, but that is somehow a nefarious plot by the Illuminati or someshit).


It's all very confusing from a Nordic country where voting is made really simple and accessible.

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10. The cold tasteless stuff you call beer is actually lager. Only proper British Bitter will be referred to as "beer." Substances once known as "American Beer" will henceforth be referred to as "Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine," except for the product of the American Budweiser company which will be called "Weak Near-Frozen Gnat's Urine." This will allow true Budweiser (as manufactured for the last 1000 years in Pilsen, Czech Republic) to be sold without risk of confusion. 
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^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.

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 Maybe they like the flavour of shitty lemonade ? It's just an alcohol delivery system that they're used to. Such a pointless drug however it's fancily bottled and labeled and sold as something meaningful to the ever impressionable masses. /out Cleeses Cleese in the cynic department.

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every country has some mass market beer that's over marketed and promoted.  australia has a few and then they have some they only market to USA and don't sell in Australia.. like fosters.. lol.. that stuff is shit. but so is VB!


anyway.. there's tons of amazing beer in USA but it's not available everywhere.  california, the pacific northwest.. austin.. chicago etc.. bigger cities and places with a beer 'scene' have a lot to offer  when it comes to beer. that being said.. everyone has a favorite cheap beer. PBR is like an ice cold loaf of bread in a can.  an ice cold pbr is pretty nice next to a river after cycling 30 miles.

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 an ice cold pbr is pretty nice next to a river after cycling 30 miles.


 damn, you should be on their marketing team. I want to go for a long bike ride now through the type of country that has a nice river and an inn that overlooks it. It's too dry here for for nice rivers and too hot for bike rides.

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 an ice cold pbr is pretty nice next to a river after cycling 30 miles.


 damn, you should be on their marketing team. I want to go for a long bike ride now through the type of country that has a nice river and an inn that overlooks it. It's too dry here for for nice rivers and too hot for bike rides.




it's also nice when already drunk at a house party and picking through the fridge because "need another beer..." and finding a can of PBR still in a 6 pack ring.. the party goes on... next stop.. late night mexican food. 


the river story is actually true. went on a bike packing/camping trip a couple years ago. old railroad corridor in columbia river gorge along a river. it was hot.. we found camp.. i had managed to stick a 6 pack in my pack. we hung it in a net so it floated in the river and would stay cold-ish. then kept riding. my friend went through all his water.. on the continued ride.. when we got back to camp i immediately went for the pbrs.. had two... my friend had one.. 30 seconds after he puked it all up while pumping river water through his water filter into bottles. he was dehydrated and probably had a touch of heat stroke.. i kept drinking the pbrs and doubled down on the water.  having one of those military spec water filters/pumps is great. filters out microbes and stuff.  my friend was thankfully ok after drinking lot's of water and eating and a reasonable night's sleep. 


there's a couple cheap beers i can stand.. well not anymore since i was diagnosed with celiac and can't drink any beers at all.. unless gluten free and really what's the point. i stick to ciders and wine and potato vodka. 


i almost did go into marketing/communications but changed majors in college because that shit is awful. 

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I occasionally drink some US ales like Founders All Day IPA and Centennial IPA. Quite nice. They are easily available in Finland.


I'm not sure if I've ever tried Budweiser.

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every country has some mass market beer that's over marketed and promoted.  australia has a few and then they have some they only market to USA and don't sell in Australia.. like fosters.. lol.. that stuff is shit. but so is VB!


I remember living in Dublin and being dumbfounded at how a pint of Coors Fucking Light (the Fox News of shitty American beer) cost more than a pint of Guinness.  I also learned that Newcastle Brown Ale, which enjoys "classy import" status here in the US isn't held in such high esteem over there.


everyone has a favorite cheap beer.


Before being was diagnosed celiac I used to be quite the connoisseur of such cheapish, "beer-flavored" beers.  Narragansett and Yuengling being two particular favorites.


Wow, didn't even see that follow up post.  Celiac brofist!  I drink mostly whisky now.

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne

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how dare you speak ill of stouts, sirrah. how very dare you.

Stouts are like pineapple on pizza. It's all yours.


As for me, I will enjoy hoppy IPAs with a nice slice of well-done pepperoni pie because I like things that taste good. :emotawesomepm9:  


^ had an American "Budweiser" for the first time last weekend in Manchester and it is indeed amazingly shit. How do you guys drink this / call it beer? Tastes like shitty lemonade.


if you think that's shit, you should try steel reserve which is the poor man's champagne


omg please tell me they don't export that shit. If so, what an embarrasment.


I do think it's good to have a (preferably lukewarm) can every once in a while just for perspective.

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I think the only thing I've had that's worse than Steel Reserve is that stuff that comes in the Buddha bottle. It tastes like Kix cereal. Pretty much the only reason to buy a bottle is so you can rinse it out, fill it with water, and put a blade of lucky bamboo in it.

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Budweiser sort of "just came out" in Japan, and the can design is pretty good.  It's still meh, but it does "taste like Budweiser", which is kind of noteworthy.


Anyway- I spent a couple hours or some shit reading through this thread last night, and it's pretty good.  Lotta resolutions and positive vibez.


Something to note:  Even if one were in utopia, free-will allows for one to perceive utopia as hell.  The point is, nirvana is in your own mind and heart.  Happiness can ONLY be attained from within.  There has always been tons of bullshit in the world-- never ever let that shit get to you, or you will become it.  Do something to improve your life on a daily basis, and just keep spreading good vibez.  Stick to your guns, and act in a way that reflects your beliefs.  That is all that matters.  If you give, all will be given to you.  -And that's not some religious shit-- it's straight up IDM magic.


“No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise.” ― Alan Moore, Watchmen

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