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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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when will we go back to treating the dislike of trump as a non partisan issue? this isn't a "your side, my side" thing. if you think this guy should be president, you've lost all touch with reality and common sense imo. and no, this isn't the 'media twisting the narrative to make him look bad' his twitter does all their work for them. that shit is a direct line into the mind of a complete numbskull. how could anyone argue for president trump on intellectual grounds? it makes no sense. 


this guy is both the epitome and the product of anti intellectualism, everything about this guy screams "i'm a fucking idiot" and yet here we are. honestly don't know if i should be more mad at trump or the people who enable his existence. 


i am wondering if congressional republicans see him as a way to bring red voters to vote. they lost many fewer seats than they expected to this past election.


in addition, he is sympathetic to many parts of their agenda, so they can get things through.


also, maybe they like having a scape goat. they expect the inattentive masses won't discern if they were responsible for the failure of their policies, or if it was trump.

Edited by very honest
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the American people are generally not happy about this but it's too late

there will be a new trump did ______ terrorist attack that will be used as justification for rolling back everything. like term limits


that might, might be the only thing he can't get away with. GOP has rallied for term limits since the tea party craze. they'd just pick another trump to take over though or have Pence replace him.

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DeVos is in. if I lived there and had children I'd be furious (edit: or if I was a teacher - doublename :mellow:). sympathies to y'all.


Yeah I do. 仕方が無い


State government in Texas is about to go balls deep into charter schools with little planning or oversight, all instead of addressing the budgeting problems with our state school system. I'll be completely honest, it's one of the main reasons I actually live in Austin city limits. School districts in Texas are independent and vary greatly in size, quality of education (to an extent, ) and priorities (i.e. football).

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I can imagine Trump not giving a fuck if he was impeached or not though, and the republicans are in such denial of reality right now that they wouldn't vote him out of office if it happened.


Trump could punch a baby in the face on live TV and the GOP would manage to excuse it and blame it on the media and/or the baby itself.

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when will we go back to treating the dislike of trump as a non partisan issue? this isn't a "your side, my side" thing. if you think this guy should be president, you've lost all touch with reality and common sense imo. and no, this isn't the 'media twisting the narrative to make him look bad' his twitter does all their work for them. that shit is a direct line into the mind of a complete numbskull. how could anyone argue for president trump on intellectual grounds? it makes no sense. 


this guy is both the epitome and the product of anti intellectualism, everything about this guy screams "i'm a fucking idiot" and yet here we are. honestly don't know if i should be more mad at trump or the people who enable his existence. 


i am wondering if congressional republicans see him as a way to bring red voters to vote. they lost many fewer seats than they expected to this past election.


in addition, he is sympathetic to many parts of their agenda, so they can get things through.


also, maybe they like having a scape goat. they expect the inattentive masses won't discern if they were responsible for the failure of their policies, or if it was trump.



Trump supporters, and I'll say all of them because I think the ones who voted for him halfhearedly or regret it aren't talking about it much, are shouting over everyone right now. They want everyone to get behind him or get out of the way. They are weaponizing every slightly hyperbolic op-ed about Trump as a media lie. I've literally been told "I don't care if it's a fact, I don't want to know about it and it doesn't matter" by a Trump supporter. The same people I used to patiently let rant about Obama have taken me to task for any criticism of Trump. It's very frustrating. Not all of them are like this but those more rational Trump voters are kind of just watching this unfold as well.


It's a tire fire. We really have to just let it burn out over time while battling it through the high ground - legal action, voting, congressional and judicial push back and delays, etc.

Edited by joshuatx
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Apparently one of my colleagues called Marco Rubio's office today, so she could very calmly explain how and why he's a whore. She got through to someone, but I don't believe the message will be passed along.

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Trump supporters, and I'll say all of them because I think the ones who voted for him halfhearedly or regret it aren't talking about it much, are shouting over everyone right now.

Plenty of regret going around:






But yeah it needs to build into something more.

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Trump supporters, and I'll say all of them because I think the ones who voted for him halfhearedly or regret it aren't talking about it much, are shouting over everyone right now.

Plenty of regret going around:









Fake news.

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All I can say is: 6 Nov 2018. We gotta vote out the trash and flip Congress, or at least the Senate.

Crossing my fingers the GOP won't get away with some kind of gerrymandering or voter suppression tactics when the time comes.

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not sure if this has been mentioned, but the DAPL has been given the red light to finish completion (since it's was being built the whole time it was not supposed to be built). this is good news because it now means it will for sure spill and pollute the water affecting thousands of people


also, big shout-out to heidi heitkamp who correctly predicted protesting the DAPL was not winnable. why? because nobody gives a shit


the good news is, there are now 700 people with records all because they didn't want their water polluted, so at least it wasn't all for nothing

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All these dick heads have Ivy League educations. Such lol.


Trump is also having a go at a department store for dropping his daughter's brand.

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