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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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"The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections"




House Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, by a margin of 215-205, to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, issuing a sweeping rebuke of Internet policies enacted under the Obama administration. It also marks a sharp, partisan pivot toward letting Internet providers collect and sell their customers' Web browsing history, location information, health data and other personal details.


The measure, which was approved by a 50-48 margin in the Senate last week, now heads to the White House, where President Trump is expected to sign it.


Congress's joint resolution empowers Internet providers to enter the $83 billion market for online advertising now dominated by Google and Facebook. It is likely to lend momentum to a broader GOP rollback of Obama-era technology policies, and calls into question the fate of other tech regulations such as net neutrality, which was approved in 2015 over strident Republican objections and bans Internet providers from discriminating against websites. And it is a sign that companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon will be treated more permissively at a time when conservatives control all three branches of government.

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"The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections"




House Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, by a margin of 215-205, to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, issuing a sweeping rebuke of Internet policies enacted under the Obama administration. It also marks a sharp, partisan pivot toward letting Internet providers collect and sell their customers' Web browsing history, location information, health data and other personal details.


The measure, which was approved by a 50-48 margin in the Senate last week, now heads to the White House, where President Trump is expected to sign it.


Congress's joint resolution empowers Internet providers to enter the $83 billion market for online advertising now dominated by Google and Facebook. It is likely to lend momentum to a broader GOP rollback of Obama-era technology policies, and calls into question the fate of other tech regulations such as net neutrality, which was approved in 2015 over strident Republican objections and bans Internet providers from discriminating against websites. And it is a sign that companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon will be treated more permissively at a time when conservatives control all three branches of government.



Get a VPN!

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I wonder how CIA manages to prevent so many people from shooting him in the head? So many weapons in America and none of them are used wisely. Not saying someone should shoot him in the head but would be interesting to see what would happen next. 

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I actually do wonder what would become of Bannon without Trump. Why would anyone with any legitimate political experience want him around? Especially if the stories about his disastrous healthcare 'negotiations' are true.

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I wonder how CIA manages to prevent so many people from shooting him in the head? So many weapons in America and none of them are used wisely. Not saying someone should shoot him in the head but would be interesting to see what would happen next. 




hehe, but seriously. What would happen after someone shot Trump down? Would they blame all Muslims for it and invade a country with natural ressources? Or would Bannon start a civil war?


Bannon has implied he wants chaos so the last thing any centrist and stability oriented person in power wants is to assist in such calamity - the last thing we need is a martyr made for extremists

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on a side note, 8 Russian officials dead in 5 months, "natural causes" my ass.




it's dangerous to be the opposition party in Russia or most of the CIS countries, really makes you appreciate what freedoms we have (and will continue have I hope) in the US and in some of the more permissible developed countries to dissent

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God I love cassettebwoyyy!




I wrote a paper about them over 10 years ago for a media course when I was at UT, man do the years fly by


such a catch-22, i'm glad they have so much recognition now (super deluxe nod hell yeah!) but it sucks that the absurdity of current events has thrust them into such relevance

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I've been imagining Bannon organizing a hit on Trump to further his own agenda.The problem is that in his circles it may be hard to get someone with the right "look" to do something like that. I can just see Bannon on the phone "I DIDNT MEAN DARK LIKE EVIL I MEANT DARK LIKE MUSLIM!!"


But that wouldnt happen because with Trump gone, im sure everyone else in the WH wants Bannon the fuck out of there.




I sat next to Seth Meyers on a plane in 2015. Nothing noteworthy to say. I didnt think it was him at first. Had to get up to use the bathroom just so i could get a front view of his face without seeming obvious.

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He just seems like one of those people that doesn't actually want to be good at his job, just get paid. It's weird in a comedian. Does he actually identify as a comedian? I guess Leno kinda gave me a little bit of the same vibe although it seemed like he was getting something else out of it, validation or something.

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Although, Leno was a good comedian before he started doing The Tonight Show. He pretty much admitted being a sell out after that.

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Apparently Seth Meyers got very schmoozy with Lorne Michaels. I wonder what he saw in him. He's only good at summing up the day's political atrocities in a non comedic manner

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