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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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That reminds me of my grandmother. She was fucking insane. She'd do the same thing - but with hugs. You couldn't get away when she first got her arms around you and it was her way of trying to "nice" and likeable - kinda like what we're seeing in that video.

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the CNN guy is really irritating, skip to 4 minutes for the interesting bit about compromat

the timing of the email leak around G20 seems pretty interesting


or maybe i'm turning into a conspiracy theorist

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the CNN guy is really irritating, skip to 4 minutes for the interesting bit about compromat

the timing of the email leak around G20 seems pretty interesting


or maybe i'm turning into a conspiracy theorist


don't think this is the case here. it was nyt writing a story on this, which got donnie jr to open up a bit. don't think nyt would just publish some russian leaked info without some verification. and there's also a lot of noise about people within the white house leaking.


also, what did trump do at the g20 for russia to leak this stuff?

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yeah, its pretty flimsy theory. I just can't understand which other insider to that meeting would have anything to gain by leaking apart from Pence, and why would he have copies of those emails? 

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yeah, its pretty flimsy theory. I just can't understand which other insider to that meeting would have anything to gain by leaking apart from Pence, and why would he have copies of those emails? 


Goldstone's email and password are probably coolhatguy@aol.com, coolhatguy69 so it wasn't that hard to get copies of them


But really I'd imagine it was him or someone near him who leaked the info. But Donny Jr doesn't seem a genius himself either, so maybe he fwded them to more people than just Kushner and someone there leaked them. That many idiots doing idiotic things leaving paper trails all along the way, so easy to 'trust' whoever is around that week if they can get a firm handshake from them, there's obviously been a LOT of people close to Trump and the administration who are more than glad to leak info to varying degrees...


I'm really hoping we'll get some good insider info related to that coming when Mueller starts sniffing around the Trump team, I bet there's some stuff some of them have access to proof of that they just might be glad to share with a guaranteed outing/prosecution of Trump. Maybe I'm wishing too hard, who knows. This boner had to come from somewhere.

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tl;dr the whitehouse doxxed 128 pages of people who criticized them, including home addresses. 

Edited by RSP
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tl;dr the whitehouse doxxed 128 pages of people who criticized them, including home addresses. 



guess it's ok to publish things now... so.. how about that pee tape? 

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tl;dr the whitehouse doxxed 128 pages of people who criticized them, including home addresses. 





If the government was a new management at a regular company they would all have been fired a LONG time ago.

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tl;dr the whitehouse doxxed 128 pages of people who criticized them, including home addresses.




If the government was a new management at a regular company they would all have been fired a LONG time ago.

but CNN and that reddit guy, but HRCs emails, but obaaaaama
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that trump and macron handshake made me irl lol


i sorta read it as macron trying to go for the record trump handshake. is it a french custom to just hold hands like that?


That was just a follow on from round one, the first time a few weeks ago when Macron out masculine-hand-shaked him, winning the bout. Trump was out for revenge, but he changed tactics, went with the i'm-not-letting-you-have-your-hand-back-shake. He only managed to draw round two though.

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^holy shit moments mean nothing anymore. None of anything he does means anything. Unless there's video of him giving Putin a handjob it doesn't even matter at this point.

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^holy shit moments mean nothing anymore. None of anything he does means anything. Unless there's video of him giving Putin a handjob it doesn't even matter at this point.

Americans too distracted by the choice of what dodge ram to never be able to buy as they slowly dissolve into their catheters.

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I could see Putin and his closest advisors inviting Trump to a round table for a series of toasts until he passes out from vodka. Then he wakes up, finding himself in an outdoor enclosure with a pissed-off gorilla staring him down.

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That's all very cute but Trump alleges that he doesn't drink.

Do you really believe half the shit that comes out of his mouth?


I actually believe that one. Let's just say I don't get alky vibes from him. 

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