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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939 - Volker Ullrich


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^Brits are just really good with propaganda for morale boosting.


Colonel Bogey March (The Bridge Over River Kwai whistle song) is probably the best example of the Hitler having only one ball trope. 


IIRC Napoleon was something like 5'7" which was pretty normal now (at least worldwide) and fairly average / arguably tall-ish back then. I don't think the Cracked article mentions it but he had bodyguards/personal guard soldiers who were 5'10" or taller which also might have warped witness testimony of him being short.

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On the flipside, something many have no idea about but was totally true - DPRK's original great leader, Kim Il-sung, had a giant growth on the back of his head.



As he aged, starting in the late 1970s, Kim developed a calcium deposit growth on the right side of the back of his neck. Its close proximity to his brain and spinal cord made it inoperable. Because of its unappealing nature, North Korean reporters and photographers, from then on, always filmed Kim while standing from his same slight-left angle to hide the growth from official photographs and newsreels, which became an increasingly difficult task as the growth reached the size of a baseball by the late 1980s.[65]






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Indian diplomat likens Ivanka Trump to 'half-wit Saudi prince' ahead of summit where she will lead US delegation





it's "our shame".

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Does anyone think Trump has the mental capacity to enter in the codes? I would hope it is a string of digits designed to keep idiots away...I would imagine the scenario would be something like "sir, you can't put an apostrophe there... this isn't your ATM pin...


Trump - "Mike P, Rex, can you do this?"

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Does anyone think Trump has the mental capacity to enter in the codes? I would hope it is a string of digits designed to keep idiots away...I would imagine the scenario would be something like "sir, you can't put an apostrophe there... this isn't your ATM pin...


Trump - "Mike P, Rex, can you do this?"



it's not actual codes.  it's a book of plans. like 'wing plan r' from the kubrick film.  president just has to authorize then the generals give codes orders down the chain of command


but no i doon't think his mental capacity is up to it and i'm amazed he can even use twitter

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Drumpf is seriously threatening Venezuela now? He really hit the golden tickets hethinks, nothing distracts the media from your numerous corruption scandals like military conflict. After all those years the world tolerated Chavez, and now it takes this dick to try to get the US involved in their election, what business does the US have going in there? Unless there's an all out civil war, and their neighbors asked the US to intervene.

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As my step brother is a Marine, I wouldn't compare dedicated service people to the white trash that show up drinking at a photo op, or try to intimidate minorities with torches in the darkness. In the South, it can be hard to tell the difference I'll admit, and some military are indeed both, but the majority take their careers dead seriously, leaving their families for months on end to keep us safe at night. And they don't all agree with the Commander in Chief, this one, or the last.

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Drumpf is seriously threatening Venezuela now? He really hit the golden tickets hethinks, nothing distracts the media from your numerous corruption scandals like military conflict. After all those years the world tolerated Chavez, and now it takes this dick to try to get the US involved in their election, what business does the US have going in there? Unless there's an all out civil war, and their neighbors asked the US to intervene.

He's talking out his ass, he's likely saying the same kind of things he did when he was a businessman terms of threats only now he has the u.s. military to cite as part of his power. I'm sure even the most hawkish military leaders were cringing at him saying that as they try to deal with actual issues going on. Trump is issuing dumb empty threats recklessly. The irony about Venezuela's this is actually the first time a lot of Latin American countries are openly talking about sanctioning the country, including ones that were fairly close to the country during Chavez's reign. Trump is totally blowing opportunity to work with international community on this.

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As my step brother is a Marine, I wouldn't compare dedicated service people to the white trash that show up drinking at a photo op, or try to intimidate minorities with torches in the darkness. In the South, it can be hard to tell the difference I'll admit, and some military are indeed both, but the majority take their careers dead seriously, leaving their families for months on end to keep us safe at night. And they don't all agree with the Commander in Chief, this one, or the last.

Yeah it's really impossible to generalize military personnel, even though it's an all-volunteer military force it's still pretty diverse. My siblings are in the Air Force and Air National Guard and they're a lot more apolitical and mellow than most of my other relatives.

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What's scary now is these lunatics in open carry states that show up in full camo fatigues, with body armor and assault rifles, or dressed as SWAT, bc anyone can buy from police and military suppliers these days, so in a conflagration like this, you can't tell the legit cops and army from the "militia" crazies.

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It's so easy to stay out of trouble. I think of all kinds of heinous, grotesque shit but I'm not out there BBQing people. I bet that guy who crashed his car into the crowd just wishes he stayed home and ordered a pizza or something. 

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It's so easy to stay out of trouble. I think of all kinds of heinous, grotesque shit but I'm not out there BBQing people. I bet that guy who crashed his car into the crowd just wishes he stayed home and ordered a pizza or something. 




he was driving a Dodge though so probably not smart enough to have the realization that he should've staed home and ordered pizza.. i mean really.. who drives a dodge? 

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good job murica very impressed at this rally that was partially organised by neo nazis and had prominent white nationalists and supremacists speaking. super smart move. 





it's the way freedom of speech works.. assholes like nazis and backwards mutherfucking kkk idiots want permits liek everyone else so they can have a parade.. the city often says "no fuck you guys we're not giving you a permit to have your parade" then the kkk takes them to court because freedom of speech.. unpopular ideas etc etc.. then they get their day and people show up to anti protest which is what they want.. make a big deal of it then they get on the news they get interviewed and get their message out and piss people off. that's all that have.. antagonizing people.. until now.. ya know.. the tide in somesmall way is in their favor.. the smoke signal went u pthat hey come on out of the basements it's good to be white nad full of hate blah blah blah.. so they are emboldened and all the borderline douchebags who are young and dumb and haven't experienced anything but have some ideas about immigrants and black people and whatever wrongs they think have been visited upon their pittiful insecure whiteness.. well.. those dicks come out too and suddenly there's a thousand idiots going to their local home depot to get a fucking citronella tiki torch or whatever and go march through an empty college campus and then have a big mainstream racist white persons rally the next day and we get what we got today.. because a lot of people are sick of the bullshit and dont want to hear a bunch pitiful white fucktards spew their nonsense and hatred and want those shitty white fucks to be uncomfortable even if they have some fully armed militia mental midgets with them as security.. 


i'm pretty sure this will escalate some more unless there's major police presence at the next unite the white limp dick mediocirty rally.. i'm sure there's a bunch of people on the left who wanna go all 'bear jew' on some of those fucking kkk nazi wanna be cunts and i can't blame them.  no one wants to hear their bullshit and they should at a minimum be uncomfortable in public and shouted down. 


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