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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Trump, gold scissors in hand, cuts red tape at White House




doesn't make any sense, it just looks like he's unveiling a massive increase in paperwork over the last 50-60 years. he should've had a gigantic shredder that he chucked baskets of paper into, along with a few aides for good measure/showmanship. what a useless DICKHEAD.

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Q    I’m going to ask a question about taxes.  The Federal Reserve, yesterday, said that the tax bill would provide a modest lift to the economy.  That’s in stark contrast to words that the President has used, like “rocket fuel” to the economy.  What is the data the President is basing his rosier picture of the impact on the economy of the tax bill, versus the experts at the Federal Reserve?


MS. SANDERS:  Look, there are several individuals.  I would point you to Kevin Hassett, who has spoken in this room and on a number of networks that I see represented here that has repeatedly stated that a lot of the statistics, a lot of the data, shows that this will be a huge boost to the economy, it will bring companies back, it will grow our jobs, push the stock market higher.

I think that those are all places I would point back to.  And certainly, I think there’s great support that we have seen, just based on the idea that this passes — that you’re seeing the stock market increase, and they think a lot of that is tied to that.





Hassett is coauthor with James K. Glassman of Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. It was published in 1999 before the dot-com bubble burst. The book's title was based on a calculation that, in the absence of the equity premium, stock prices would be approximately four times as high as they actually were. In its introduction, Glassman and Hassett wrote that the book "will convince you of the single most important fact about stocks at the dawn of the twenty-first century: They are cheap... If you are worried about missing the market's big move upward, you will discover that it is not too late. Stocks are now in the midst of a one-time-only rise to much higher ground–to the neighborhood of 36,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average." The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,681.06 on the day of the book's publication.

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman argued on his faculty website that the book contained basic arithmetic errors and was "a very silly book" but regarded Hassett's role as co-author as a "youthful indiscretion." Statistician and blogger Nate Silver described the book as "charlatanic" and suggested on empirical grounds that the authors had failed to notice that at the time of writing stock prices were "as overvalued as at literally any time in American history".



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r/the_donald actually celebrating net neutrality vote going through


A motion could be passed to execute every subscriber to the board and they'd give it a standing ovation


these people would shoot off their own face if it spited liberals. they are a lost cause.

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^^^^^  he'll probably vote to approve that guy anyways.. even after poitning out how unqualified he is because that's congress.

lol at the end


"Have any of you ever blogged in support of the Ku Klux Klan?"




"Let the record show that they all said no."


flol this America is a great place to be

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I thoroughly enjoyed this rebuke to all the voting fraud conspiracy bullshit being propagated by DICKHEADS (click box to read whole thread, is short)



lol, I never even gave the 'bussing in votes' thing much thought, just dismissed it out of hand, but when you think about it, it really is ridiculous nonsense.

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HOLY FUCK, that's REAL?!?! holy shit.


Ok, it's obvious I think, with the backtracking (FBI 100% endorsement) and a post like this, he's trying to avoid some sort of legal action coming up... maybe via early dementia claims??


​Nope I'm just stupid. It was a 2013 post sorry.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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I thoroughly enjoyed this rebuke to all the voting fraud conspiracy bullshit being propagated by DICKHEADS (click box to read whole thread, is short)



lol, I never even gave the 'bussing in votes' thing much thought, just dismissed it out of hand, but when you think about it, it really is ridiculous nonsense.



"I'm totally not racist" folks like are sensitive about bussing

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