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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I listen to conservative talk radio on my way to and from work. Holy hell it's fun to listen to these fuckbags do mental gymnastics to make Trump seem remotely sane, competent and/or calculated. 


I suggest it to all here. Treat it like a 'War of the Worlds' style broadcast that's pretty much brimstone, fire and straight up manipulative jingoistic pandering. 




how do you do that and not get angery?

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Sounds like the AM radio equivalent of FOX, which my grandparents still watch just for the sake of background noise...lol

Gotta love how those talking heads cry about Donnie being treated unfairly by mainstream media outlets. Never mind the fact that he's actively ripping apart immigrant families, encouraging police brutality, and attempting to sabotage our long-standing alliances, the economy, the environment...net neutrality...I could go on.

And yeah, good to see you again Audio. It's been a minute.

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I listen to conservative talk radio on my way to and from work. Holy hell it's fun to listen to these fuckbags do mental gymnastics to make Trump seem remotely sane, competent and/or calculated. 


I suggest it to all here. Treat it like a 'War of the Worlds' style broadcast that's pretty much brimstone, fire and straight up manipulative jingoistic pandering. 




Sean Lives! I hope you've been well buddy. =)



Busy AF - can't remember the last time I worked less than 50 hours a week. But yeh - I've missed you lot! 





I listen to conservative talk radio on my way to and from work. Holy hell it's fun to listen to these fuckbags do mental gymnastics to make Trump seem remotely sane, competent and/or calculated. 


I suggest it to all here. Treat it like a 'War of the Worlds' style broadcast that's pretty much brimstone, fire and straight up manipulative jingoistic pandering. 




how do you do that and not get angery?



I just laugh. It's somewhat cathartic to listen to things you disagree with and instead of getting mad at what you can't change - you just laugh at the absurdist reality being presented to you via propaganda and manipulation. 


Essentially it's 'giving up on the world' but 'with a smile'



Sounds like the AM radio equivalent of FOX, which my grandparents still watch just for the sake of background noise...lol


Gotta love how those talking heads cry about Donnie being treated unfairly by mainstream media outlets. Never mind the fact that he's actively ripping apart immigrant families, encouraging police brutality, and attempting to sabotage our long-standing alliances, the economy, the environment...net neutrality...I could go on.


And yeah, good to see you again Audio. It's been a minute.


It's essentially FOX radio. Limbaugh, Hannity, Shapiro, Levine - alllll the crazies under one AM bandwidth. It's like they all just get done stroking one another long enough to spew craziness for their sets... only to return to the spank-tank of other republicans. Hell, they might even be robots...


Break was needed from most all internet stuff - Glad to be back  :emotawesomepm9:

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Making space great again...



"Our destiny beyond the earth is not only a matter of national identity, but a matter of national security, so important for our military and people don’t talk about it," Trump said. "When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space, we must have American dominance in space."



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Making space great again...



"Our destiny beyond the earth is not only a matter of national identity, but a matter of national security, so important for our military and people don’t talk about it," Trump said. "When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space, we must have American dominance in space."




Christ... he's taking the Reagan note and starting his own 'space wars' now...


It's almost like all this shit is avoidable if humans weren't such irrational shitbags when grouped as a whole... But nah, we gotsta keep blowing each other up... 

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but but but, what about in the past when you could name your random star in the galaxy, do you at least get first dibs ??? cause you guys can chill on my star if you give me a ride





edit: shit you can't chill on a star silly, can i name a planet?

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they'll have to update the geneva convention to include space war so then we know how to do legal gymnastics so USA cna have GITMO in space.  perhaps on the moon? space(detention) camp!

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We should send Donnie and his lemon party of washed-up old KKK infiltrators on a one-way to Venus. That way it'll be easier for the rest of us to fix Earth.

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Trump is announcing the Space Force as a distraction and it's a weird obsession of his he doesn't understand BUT here's a rundown of the actual substantive discussion experts have had about forming a Space Corp. FYI the military has been involved with space from the start.

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Trump is announcing the Space Force as a distraction and it's a weird obsession of his he doesn't understand BUT here's a rundown of the actual substantive discussion experts have had about forming a Space Corp. FYI the military has been involved with space from the start.



yeah, the timing is not a coincidence. dude literally takes toddlers from their families, surreptitiously, and detains them indefintely in a crowded, make-shift tent of crying children in texas in the summer.


maddow had audio recorded in the tent http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/trump-accelerates-rate-of-taking-migrant-kids-from-parents-1258764867873?playlist=associated

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This whole situation is the most evil shit, how do they get away with this? People defending the gop have to be fucking brainwashed. For shame.

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