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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia


In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.


The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.


Edited by whosebrian
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But just like everything else this won’t lead to anything.

Nah, we’re actually setting the stage for the endgame now. Prepping the battlefield.

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As long as we end this shutdown soon - hopefully without Pelosi's House giving into Trump's wall demands - then I think we can hold out til the big election next year. But this already just set the record as the longest government shutdown in US history.

Of course Mitch McTurtle being the master obstructionist that he is and kissing Trump's ass til his lips are brown isn't helping matters.

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If Mitch McTurtle holds a vote in the senate to reopen the government, the GOP loses Trump’s base. But the longer he sits on his ass during the shutdown, the worse it is for the country and the GOP. He finally got put in a position he can’t scheme out of and I like that.

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As long as we end this shutdown soon - hopefully without Pelosi's House giving into Trump's wall demands - then I think we can hold out til the big election next year. But this already just set the record as the longest government shutdown in US history.


Of course Mitch McTurtle being the master obstructionist that he is and kissing Trump's ass til his lips are brown isn't helping matters.

I think she's got him by the balls at this point; I don't see any reason for her to cave. I don't think holding out is going to polish his image any more, even with his supporters. Then again, even though Mitch is a world class asshole, he's not an idiot, and the fact that he's holding out as well is probably a bit troubling. Maybe he has less to lose.


The mental gymnastics Trump apologists are attempting to perform to defend the wall is pretty stupendous. I think the fatigue of that is going to start to wear on them. Hopefully it doesn't take a tragedy precipitated by the shutdown for them to wake up and smell the sewage.

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at least it makes paul ryan feel good to see shutdowns go on without him

lol nice


The longer it goes the worse it's going to look on Trump/GOP though, getting into really bad territory now that it's the longest one ever. Optics are what Trump and many of his supporters in the media care about, and things are really starting to look bad from all sides (FDA, FBI, air traffic controllers union, etc.)

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at least it makes paul ryan feel good to see shutdowns go on without him

lol nice


The longer it goes the worse it's going to look on Trump/GOP though, getting into really bad territory now that it's the longest one ever. Optics are what Trump and many of his supporters in the media care about, and things are really starting to look bad from all sides (FDA, FBI, air traffic controllers union, etc.)




but putin is happy so trump feels fine. 

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I will not be satisfied until


  • Trump is impeached and imprisoned alongside everyone who helped him run his money laundering schema for the past 40 years
  • The GOP falls apart
  • The NRA is disbanded and its leaders are prosecuted
  • All sorts of other stuff



One could hope. NRA could certainly never recover, never thought of it but the gun lobby could indeed splinter off. The old mainline gun rights folks versus the right-wing nutjob divide is emerging again, the former can only hold onto power for so long.


I really with the GOP would implode, but I see this either as the longest one out and/or never quite happening. I do think a Dem majority is coming again but the cynic in me expects them to still not fulfill their potential. I also worry that post-Trump the GOP will flush out the worst but still maintain a brainwashed following as the lesser but still corrupt stay in power. The dream is a far left party versus centrist left leaning party with an imploded GOP forming a weak non-majority contingency. I'll settle with a center left Democrat majority sweep by 2020 at this point though. 

Edited by joshuatx
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I'm seeing too much tired cynical talk (yes, me, of all people) about the effect the Mueller report will have on the public when it finally emerges, i.e. nobody caring even if the worst assertions are confirmed. these man needa shut up, you will make it a self-fulfilling prophecy if you keep talking like that. apathy spreads like a plague, and, don't forget, apathy is what got you a Trump-led America in the first place. stay mad and demand better.

Edited by usagi
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I will not be satisfied until


  • Trump is impeached and imprisoned alongside everyone who helped him run his money laundering schema for the past 40 years
  • The GOP falls apart
  • The NRA is disbanded and its leaders are prosecuted
  • All sorts of other stuff



One could hope. NRA could certainly never recover, never thought of it but the gun lobby could indeed splinter off. The old mainline gun rights folks versus the right-wing nutjob divide is emerging again, the former can only hold onto power for so long.


I really with the GOP would implode, but I see this either as the longest one out and/or never quite happening. I do think a Dem majority is coming again but the cynic in me expects them to still not fulfill their potential. I also worry that post-Trump the GOP will flush out the worst but still maintain a brainwashed following as the lesser but still corrupt stay in power. The dream is a far left party versus centrist left leaning party with an imploded GOP forming a weak non-majority contingency. I'll settle with a center left Democrat majority sweep by 2020 at this point though. 



i feel like a concerted gerrymandering campaign has left the gop with a healthy advantage. there is a lot of anecdotal evidence where votes go two thirds blue by popular vote but they get half the seats or something like that.

Edited by very honest
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I will not be satisfied until


  • Trump is impeached and imprisoned alongside everyone who helped him run his money laundering schema for the past 40 years
  • The GOP falls apart
  • The NRA is disbanded and its leaders are prosecuted
  • All sorts of other stuff



One could hope. NRA could certainly never recover, never thought of it but the gun lobby could indeed splinter off. The old mainline gun rights folks versus the right-wing nutjob divide is emerging again, the former can only hold onto power for so long.


I really with the GOP would implode, but I see this either as the longest one out and/or never quite happening. I do think a Dem majority is coming again but the cynic in me expects them to still not fulfill their potential. I also worry that post-Trump the GOP will flush out the worst but still maintain a brainwashed following as the lesser but still corrupt stay in power. The dream is a far left party versus centrist left leaning party with an imploded GOP forming a weak non-majority contingency. I'll settle with a center left Democrat majority sweep by 2020 at this point though. 



the one great hope is that as time moves forward old people die and most of these nuts are old so yeah

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I wonder if this "national emergency" is gonna happen. Which in GOP terms is throwing a shit fit for not getting what they want.

Donnie had 2 years to get funding for his fuckin wall while Congress was under Republican majority and he dropped the ball. Or should I say club-punted it who knows how many times at Mar-A-Lago. Why wait til now to demand funding?

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Why wait til now to demand funding?


Use it as a tactic to further turn his voter base on the dems, as he can convince them the shut down is their fault entirely? IE "look as soon as the dems got in they started blocking my promises blah blah blah I was prepared to build a wall it was going to be a great wall, the greatest wall even"


Or something?

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Why wait til now to demand funding?


Use it as a tactic to further turn his voter base on the dems, as he can convince them the shut down is their fault entirely? IE "look as soon as the dems got in they started blocking my promises blah blah blah I was prepared to build a wall it was going to be a great wall, the greatest wall even"


Or something?




because he's an idiot who was all set to renew funding for the gov't until he watched fox news and got criticized by anne coulter. <---  totally true story btw. trump told mcconnel to pass the bill for funding and he'd sign it. the senate passed the bill and all was set to go forward and then trump turned on the tv and got his new instructions. 

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