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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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If anyone doesn't quite grasp how bad Joe Arpaio is, this outlines it quite well. 




The few people I know who actually "like" this guy really just like the bullshit talk radio "tough guy" mystique built around him. Anytime you actually list off the litany of unconstitutional, immoral, illegal, and flat out stupid shit he's done they either redirect/change the subject or they reveal how evil they are themselves. 

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If anyone doesn't quite grasp how bad Joe Arpaio is, this outlines it quite well. 




The few people I know who actually "like" this guy really just like the bullshit talk radio "tough guy" mystique built around him. Anytime you actually list off the litany of unconstitutional, immoral, illegal, and flat out stupid shit he's done they either redirect/change the subject or they reveal how evil they are themselves.

Yeah I think this was posted in the other America-is-going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket thread - really appalling stuff. I think it goes way beyond bigotry even, into just being a heartless psychopath. Indefensible.
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“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”



And there will be more direct evidence, too. And then some other shit.

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“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”



And there will be more direct evidence, too. And then some other shit.


Holy impeachment Batman that Sater guy is a sleazeball.

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I hope he doesnt get impeached cause Pence might bring some semblance of normalcy to the middle right and get a second term. Trump is making the right look abhorrent and could sway things way back to the left. As long as we dont start ww3

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on reddit there's a washington post story about the business deal and a contract w/donny's signature on it.. from way back during the campaign. so he was dealing w/russia during the campaign and everyone knew it and they lied about it. 


what other smoking gun is required? 


fucking fuck this fucking douchebag already. 

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I hope he doesnt get impeached cause Pence might bring some semblance of normalcy to the middle right and get a second term. Trump is making the right look abhorrent and could sway things way back to the left. As long as we dont start ww3

It's really a damned-if-we-do-damned-if-we-don't scenario innit

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I hope he doesnt get impeached cause Pence might bring some semblance of normalcy to the middle right and get a second term. Trump is making the right look abhorrent and could sway things way back to the left. As long as we dont start ww3

It's really a damned-if-we-do-damned-if-we-don't scenario innit



Nah, Pence is fucked too. He ignored the warnings about Flynn while he oversaw the transition. Flynn being a foreign agent in the way he was happened to be the whole point of him being hired. Manafort also tricked Trump into hiring him as VP. 

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