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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Isn't NORAD already basically the US Military Space Command? Why do we need this bonkers shit?



Because the Bond film Moonraker was prophecy




"space‑related responsibilities" gave me a good snicker.

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so why was he bitching with chuck schumer and nancy pelosi about needing a bigger budget for the wall just last week?

Because he is soft-brained and doesn't understand how any of this stuff works. He is just flailing around clueless.

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so why was he bitching with chuck schumer and nancy pelosi about needing a bigger budget for the wall just last week?

Because he is soft-brained and doesn't understand how any of this stuff works. He is just flailing around clueless.





pretty much. 


he thinks he can just assign dollars from one thing to another even when it's not revenue for the government and that's not how paying for shit works. "trade is better so we can buy the wall through fixing the trade deficit with mexico and canada" - - -  


can we just close/lock the door behind him next time he goes on a trip somewhere and keep him out. 

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Dude vaguely knows shit, it's all cheeseburger-infused feces up there.  Spac Force.



very vague.. the fact that his former sec of state had to protect trump from himself all the time and tell him "i understand what you want to do but you can't do it that way because it's illegal"... seems to have had little staying power in trump's soft brain... but why would it? he's been doing it the illegal way his whole life.  

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Mattis is resigning8c5d357b0892d81cbb4ac294578871eb.jpg


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Weird, I just happened to be thinking about Akira today. Col. Shikishima was obviously a hardass, but had more integrity than any politician in the film and manga.

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Mattis is resigning8c5d357b0892d81cbb4ac294578871eb.jpg


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Yeah from what I've been gathering the way this went down is unprecedented and also given this Syria/Afghan withdraw on a whim (+ govt shutdown), all just so he can save money for his wall. This is nuts. If we were ever vulnerable to be attacked by lone wolves/nutcases or betrayed by allies etc. it's now.


Also I put on some old timey neo con trumpism am talk radio show in the car on my way home today (since my city has no talk shows on terrestrial that aren't the above demographics), and even those guys are pretty shocked and freaked out about Mattis stepping down and the rest of the events. White nationalists seem to be the only ones celebrating lol.

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the situation with turkey trying to wipe out the kurds is looking even more grim now



yeah. it's fucked. trump sucks at this. it's like they all have some kompromat on him. 


turkey says "get out so we can kill the kurds" - trump doesn't care about the kurds anyways but you know he's getting something on the back end.  or there's a kasshogi angle here somewhere.  "we'll keep quiet about what we know about the kahsoggi if you withdrawal and let us kill the kurds"  who the fuck knows. trump is such a total fucking sleezebag scoundrel he's probably getting consideration for things down the road for making deals now.   


USA is also lifting sanctions on that one rusian oligarch who's kind of a central figure in all the bullshit. 


fuck. shut down the government. shit in everyone's mouth you giant orange fucking shitbag.  maybe he'll fall down the stairs or something. 


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Mattis is resigning


Weird, I just happened to be thinking about Akira today. Col. Shikishima was obviously a hardass, but had more integrity than any politician in the film and manga.



Yeah I haven't watched it in ages by his character always stuck out to me. At some point I realized Mattis reminded me of him.


Mattis is pretty much the stereotypical hard-nosed general. He's been dubbed the warrior monk for never marrying, was well-studied, and he kept a quieter profile post-retiring. It's easy to fall in the trap that he's just another hawk - after all he was steadfast in his support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen - but Mattis truly was a tactician and strategist above all else. He has perpetually cited his loyalty solely to the country and our allies. The Syria and Afghanistan decisions really were the last straw. In the past he also:


- Opposed sending troops to the US-Mexico border

- Allying with Russian plans in Syria and concessions to Russia in general

- Opposed criticizing and re-evaluating NATO

- Tried to strengthen ties with Gulf State and other non-Saudi Arab allies

- Tried to walk back the transgender ban via a review and delay

- Was skeptical of DPRK concessions and surprised Trump met with Kim Jong-Un

- Urged Trump, along with many others at the Pentagon, to take climate change seriously: the US military has interestingly been one of the most vocal about the issue, citing geopolitical consequences to sea water rising and agricultural and energy instability.


EDIT: totally forgot that Mattis is very anti-Bolton - which is probably the biggest red flag. When you have a hawk like Mattis warning against appointing a pro-Iran war fanatic like Bolton you know that Trump's decision-making is truly worrisome.


Also Mattis thought the Space Force bullshit was ridiculous


He tried to do what he could without flat-out saying no. I would argue it was less to do with him giving in to Trump and more with his belief in the US constitutional power of the POTUS as commander in chief.  


When asked in 2017 by the New Yorker what his biggest concern was in his position he said this:


“The lack of political unity in America. The lack of a fundamental friendliness. It seems like an awful lot of people in America and around the world feel spiritually and personally alienated, whether it be from organized religion or from local community school districts or from their governments…If you lose any sense of being part of something bigger, then why should you care about your fellow man?”


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the situation with turkey trying to wipe out the kurds is looking even more grim now



yeah. it's fucked. trump sucks at this. it's like they all have some kompromat on him. 


turkey says "get out so we can kill the kurds" - trump doesn't care about the kurds anyways but you know he's getting something on the back end.  or there's a kasshogi angle here somewhere.  "we'll keep quiet about what we know about the kahsoggi if you withdrawal and let us kill the kurds"  who the fuck knows. trump is such a total fucking sleezebag scoundrel he's probably getting consideration for things down the road for making deals now.   


USA is also lifting sanctions on that one rusian oligarch who's kind of a central figure in all the bullshit. 


The point of US troops in Syria was purely to stave off further advances of Russian and Iranian backed Assad forces. It seems that the unified war against ISIS distracted Trump and Americans in general from the fact that Russia has been equally fighting the non-extremist rebels as earnestly and Turkey has taken advantage of the situation to attack it's historic foes as well. Trump has literally abandoned any concern over protecting the secular and non-extremist factions via supplies and miltiary support until a ceasefire. 


It's fucking ironic that we're essentially fucking over the most radically secular, left-wing and democratic political entity in the entire region, the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.




Northern Syria is polyethnic and home to sizeable ethnic Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian-Syriac, and Turkmen populations; with smaller communities of ethnic Armenians and Chechens.[10][11] Parts of northeastern Syria are regarded by Kurdish nationalists as Western Kurdistan (Kurdish: Rojavayê Kurdistanê‎),[12] one of the four parts of Greater Kurdistan.[13] Much of Northern Syria is also considered by Syriac-Assyrians as Gozarto (meaning Upper Mesopotamia), part of the historical Syriac-Assyrian homeland.

The supporters of the region argue that it is an officially secular polity[14][15] based on a libertarian socialist ideology promoting decentralization, gender equality, environmental sustainability and pluralistic tolerance for religious, cultural and political diversity, and that these values are mirrored in its constitution, society, and politics, claiming it to be a model for a federalized Syria as a whole, rather than outright independence.[16][17][18][19][5][20][21]

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So, seeing the Mattis and (!) Kelly situation, here's my personal conspiracy plot.


Mattis and Kelly are moving to create a scenario where the GOP are able to impeach Trump without losing face. Ok, so how is that going to work?


My argument would be that they'd lose face if they would impeach him on the basis of anything related to the Mueller investigation. And I'd argue the events surrounding Mattis (and Kelly) leaving creates conditions where the GOP *could* impeach Trump with a minimal amount of losing face. Minimal is the key word here perhaps. Because they've created conditions independent from the Mueller investigation where they could argue that Trump is putting American safety at risk. By getting the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, the GOP could make the case that Trump is acting against US interest. I've got a sneaking suspicion this is essentially what is going on at this moment. Perhaps against the backdrop that the Mueller investigation (and all the others) have plenty of proof of illegal stuff going on. So by moving to impeach TRump on current foreign policy, they're also creating space to go after Trump, post impeachment. Which makes this a two step rocket.

1. get him out of office on foreign policy/national security issues

2. get him in court because all the other stuff

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