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FWIW it also serves as watmm'z shitposting sandbox too FYI KBRB



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RIP bredren


Also, "Toonces the driving cat, the cat who could drive a car." And yet every episode Toonces y su contujo go over a cliff.  so can  Toonces can really drive a car??


Hoo membre?

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I don't understand what your problem is with Roger Rabbit Diatoms, please explain?


Oh wait, is it the questionmark?


Richard pls

Edited by Gocab
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Who framed ROGER RABBIT?


My Pap took me to see this movie in July 1988 when it was so hot outside. It was a matinee and we were about the only ones in the theatre. Pap fell asleep within 5 minutes and my mom thought she was sending me to a nice cartoon show. Not one with sex, violence, alcohol and guns, Ha! My mom was told by a fellow mormon church member about a year later not let your kids watch this movie on vhs. Jessica Rabbit was my first crush?


This movie had a major impact on my green mind


I saw the ? on the movie poster, on screen and the vhs tape


Where did the ? go?


The movie title is a question, isn't it???


Industrial Light & Magic won a bafta and an oscar for Who framed ROGER RABBIT?



They remember  ?


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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Remember when all clocks showed V, VI, VII, VIII upright


as well as IV not IIII




Now on every public clock




are upside down



Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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I talked to over 300 random people on the street last weekend


and not one person had ever seen


V, VI, VII, VIII upside down on any clock


or IIII instead of IV


now it's like that on every public and now most clocks everywhere in the world


Who on here has always known the


V, VI, VII, VIII to be upside down on all clocks?


This is a Huge change for me!!!


Remember when all clocks showed V, VI, VII, VIII upright


as well as IV not IIII




Now on every public clock




are upside down




Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)


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Oh my, that truly is next level.



Public clock in o-town



Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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IIII is wrong. Whoever took a Latin class knows that it's IV. Also only because you remember the Latin numbers weren't placed circularly facing the center instead of linearly doesn't mean it hasn't always be like this. Of course there are a lot of clock designs around but when it comes to Latin numbers correct Latin numbering with the numbers facing the center of the circle is more common. When it comes to Arabic numerals they usually aren't facing the center of the clock. Only because you remember it differently doesn't mean it always was differently. I'm still not sure what you are on about. Maybe it's time to give us some sort of explanation.


You seriously talked to random people on the streets about that?


Honestly, are you taking the piss or are you seriously that crazy? What gave you those ideas that made you do this?

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Okay, I just googled that and it seems that there really was a time when IIII was used instead of IV (as an exception to the rule) because "IV" was not only a number but also an abbreviation for the God Jupiter (IVPITER) and they wanted to avoid misunderstandings. But in later variations of Latin when Jupiter didn't play that much of a role anymore they changed it to IV (which makes more sense).

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