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Primus - The Desaturating Seven (Sept 29th, 2017)

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First studio album with classic Primus lineup of Les, Ler and Herb since 95's Tales From The Punchbowl.




1.The Valley

2.The Seven

3.The Trek

4.The Scheme

5.The Dream

6.The Storm

7.The Ends?


“Many years ago when my children were little kidlets scurrying around the place wreaking havoc and whatnot till it was time for bed and book time, my wife turned them on to a book called “The Rainbow Goblins” by Ul De Rico,” Claypool explained. “The dark imagery and beauty of the art struck me immediately and I thought, ‘this would make good fodder for a piece of music.’ The use of color and darkness both in the paintings and the writing was compelling and now, near two decades later, the metaphor of greed, gluttony and deceit vs unity of the masses is eerily relevant. I brought the notion to the Primus guys and they were all for it. Plus, I figured it's about time someone brought ‘Goblin Rock’ back to the fold.” -- Les Claypool


Pre-order available on Primusville


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I think as a concept album it's pretty cool. It has a lot of really awesome parts, it's not just my favorite flavor of Primus. But I'll definitely give it some listens. It's not bad by any stretch. It hits an unusual sweet spot that I think you gotta be in the right mood for.


I do gotta say though, What happened to Ler's sound?? Listen to Pork Soda and compare it with Green Naugahyde or this and it's like he turned way down and super simplified his style. I dunno, I want more choatic mindfuck solos on the next one

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I thought Green Naugahyde had a pretty sweet sound, with some basslines to rival his earlier work.  Like that riff in Eyes of the Squirril is fucking outrageous.  What the hell is that even?  Whatever it is, he plays it consistently throughout the whole song, with a few additional shreds thrown in.  Moron TV bassline is classic too.  I thought that whole album was a surprisingly strong comeback really.  The drums work's fantastic.  The Willy Wonka one seemed pretty pointless though - I only listened once.  Still need to give this one a proper listen.  The production seemed super rough from the sample songs I heard, but the vibe was hitting the mark.

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Yeah Green Naugahyde was great, Les and Jay tear it up on there. I just wish Ler had a little more kick to his playing like he did on the old records is all. Who knows, he does still have some cool solos on there.

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Ahh you're talking about Ler.  Ler, Les...it gets confusing.  Yeah Pork Soda had a cool guitar sound, very chorus heavy.  it's the only album where they've ever had a really produced guitar sound.

I felt like his parts got featured a lot more on this album, like the guitar are closer to being the star of the show at many points (just had my first listen).  I'm a bit surprised at how raw everything is.  Sounds like it was recorded live in one take with hardly any care put into the mixing.  It's too bad, considering what a badass drummer Tim Alexander is.  I sometimes wonder if Les is deliberately sloppy with his playing to avoid sounding like too much of a virtuoso -less Rush, more Residents.  This album does have a kind of Residents vibe to it.  Hopefully it'll be a grower.

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