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What is a really niche/unusual hobby or interest of yours?


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Ancient Chinese buddhist texts, I've read a lot of very old obscure texts in various translations, and various authors' arguments for translating things certain ways. The interpreted flavor of a single 4 word line can make a huge difference


I'm fascinated by lo-fi computing, like binary operators made out of paper or k'nex.


My search for references for drawing takes me down interesting paths, like the evolution of medieval helmets (helmet literally means small helm)


As the above example reveals, I love language and etymology, like finding out Africa is latin for "without cold". There's a hidden world of history underneath all our symbols


I am working on a comic story about post-societal collapse, with a timeline that spans 100 years and new nationstates replacing old countries. The process of plotting out a plausible but unexpected course of history, full of characters and factions, is very time consuming and intensely fun. When you get in the zone things will write themselves, almost like automatic writing. Characters will pop up from nowhere to assume responsibility for important events and gradually reveal their backstories and motivations.


My need to have real life locations and correct flora in the story also leads me to a lot of unusual geographic research. I'm currently intensely studying small regions of France and the makeup of their flora, like tree species, as well as towns and roads. I even meander around in Google street view to scout locations. So far this has given me an intimate knowledge of the Landes region in Aquitaine. I am going to repeat this process for dozens more areas throughout Europe and beyond... I like my sci-fi hard as nails.

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I guess I've also got an interest in old English folklore - stuff like fairytales and local stories. Particularly interested in witchcraft and the like (very lucky to have visited the museum in Boscastle). If you like Demdike Stare read up on their namesake, interesting bit of history just north of Manchester.

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Currently I'm learning javascript. All programmers I know are too busy to help a noob though. I really wish someone could explain some particular concepts to me.

Recently resumed work on a certain font design I've been developing for some time and hopefully I find enough discipline to get through this slow work.



For example I'm very much into military history and technology. Comes up occasionally but I'm not sure how much people know I read up on the subject. Before I was into music I was obsessive over memorizing details and stats of equipment (aircraft in particular). Suppose it's IDM at times...


I have been quite obsessed with military ever since I was a kid. I guess it stems from the fact that my grandfather and grandmother both fought against the Germans in ww2 and my father is a reserve officer. The interest faded during my adolescence, but picked up a pace when I was working on some history maps for a military historian. In the last four years I've read too many ww2 generals' memoirs and Yugoslav partisan books to be considered normal. I was supposed to be a pilot if it wasn't for my damn protanopia.


My problem is really I have too many interests and it's quite a struggle to remain disciplined to finish things and personal projects I have started.

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Currently I'm learning javascript. All programmers I know are too busy to help a noob though. I really wish someone could explain some particular concepts to me.


drop me a PM and I can find some time to answer questions my dude, bear in mind I don't know much about webdev

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Origami - everyone on the forum has seen my foldspam by now, I'm sure.

Botany - I love identifying edible or useful plants. I've learned just about every edible plant in my area and eat wild food every day. I also transplant seedlings to my garden or collect seeds to germinate.

Science fiction - thanks to my grandfather giving me his SF collection when I was a kid, I love old authors from the 40s - 70s and pick up their books when I find them; some of these guys have been out of print for decades.

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Hell yeah on the botany, I've picked insane amounts of delicious mushrooms this fall (not the magical kind).

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My problem is really I have too many interests and it's quite a struggle to remain disciplined to finish things and personal projects I have started.


Same here. I feel like such a dabbler. 


I should mention I got into collecting cassette tapes. Easily sitting on thousands. Trying to purge the less interesting or obscure ones right now. I got into listening to them all slowly one by one at work which is a big step from just hoarding them. Need to get my blog back up but in the meantime I'm posting them on instagram.

Origami - everyone on the forum has seen my foldspam by now, I'm sure.


If not they should.

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I remember when I was 10 I read instruction manuals for F-117A and F-16 flight sims for PC just out sheer curiosity. 


There were some Jane's Defense licensed games in the 90s that had guides that practically academic manuals. They had a Los Angeles class sub game that was really technical - I remember my dad, a C-130 navigator, tried it out and was like "damn, this is a legitimate simulator." Probably about as close to the real thing without delving into restricted/classified material.


jack russells


collecting soundboard recordings from the Grateful Dead/JGB circa '67-'78 & working out Phil Lesh/John Kahn bass tabs




Scored some tapes awhile back - bunch of bootlegs. One I checked out was excellent - from 69 I think. Totally get why people become Deadheads even if I never will.


 I listened to noise/extreme metal exclusively for about a year, but that obsession sort of came and went.  


same here with black metal - got sucked in after reading about Mayhem randomly (they are mentioned in that headbangers journey doc) then Until The Light Takes Us was screened locally so I went saw it. Have it on DVD. Got into sludge and doom for awhile too.


Still listen to a local black metal show weekly and follow Fenriz/Darkthrone. I follow a few bands but not one of those metalheads in the true sense like some friends of mine.

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Currently I'm learning javascript. All programmers I know are too busy to help a noob though. I really wish someone could explain some particular concepts to me.

drop me a PM and I can find some time to answer questions my dude, bear in mind I don't know much about webdev

I'm pretty into Javascript. PM me or just ask here or start a thread. The most popular programming language in the world probably deserves its own WATMM thread.
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Currently I'm learning javascript. All programmers I know are too busy to help a noob though. I really wish someone could explain some particular concepts to me.

drop me a PM and I can find some time to answer questions my dude, bear in mind I don't know much about webdev


I'm pretty into Javascript. PM me or just ask here or start a thread. The most popular programming language in the world probably deserves its own WATMM thread.


WW3 can't come soon enough

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Currently I'm learning javascript. All programmers I know are too busy to help a noob though. I really wish someone could explain some particular concepts to me.

drop me a PM and I can find some time to answer questions my dude, bear in mind I don't know much about webdev

I'm pretty into Javascript. PM me or just ask here or start a thread. The most popular programming language in the world probably deserves its own WATMM thread.


*jots it down*

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I was pretty into some amateur science reading for a lot of years: quantum theory, shit like that. Been a little out of it over the last 3 or 4 years though, I think I sort of hit the level where I was as much into it as a layperson really can be without actually doing real math. 


Oh, and a sex thing or two.

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I like reading about physics (both classical and quantum) and nutrition. Also, the cross-section of neurology and psychology is often fascinating.


I've been making beer for like 7 or 8 years. I write jokes and little skits for fun. In general, I keep a notebook that I write all my ideas in, and sometimes I realize them.

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