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23 hours ago, Candiru said:

The industry I work in now is ridiculous this way. It's sickening. 

Which industry? It could be one I'm about to go into. though it should be filled with other people more like me since certain people like to program. 

7 hours ago, marf said:

any older fucks like me remember the going "postal thing"? That was it. No other mass shootings. Now, it's someone going postal everywhere BUT the post office everyday

makes me wonder - are mass shootings basically a meme OR has the fabric of modern society slowly been cracking at a slooow rate which ends up causing people to go postal. I was surprised to find out recently that school shootings were basically nonexistent at one point.

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I think I generally come off as a tired, jaded, blunt, half-antisocial bastard. But I must confess that I have a soft spot for Corgis. A semi-coworker brought in her Corgi today, and she came right up to me when I knelt. I just happened to have dog biscuits on hand and gave her one. Then she came up to me again for a second pet. Ever see a Corgi sprint? It's adorb.

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Dogs are cool. I hung out at my sisters place last night. She has a 1 year old Brittney spaniel. It can be a bit of a terror but is a good dog.

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12 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

I've been sick for about 10 days and it is real shit. I was thinking how bad it would be if someone taped over my mouth and i was suffocated by my own facial congestion

Never watch the human centipede.

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On 4/25/2019 at 9:04 PM, drome said:

what happened to gocab and usagi?

did they finally get a bf?


Yeah, anyone know what happened to usagi?

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8 minutes ago, user said:


Yeah, anyone know what happened to usagi?

Probably just taking a break. My activity level on this website flip flops a lot. Active for a few months, then won't post anything for a few months. I just get busy with stuff, then decide after x amount of months to browse the forum again.

Posting on forums does get kinda boring after a while, but the boring goes away after a break. For me anyway.

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Yeah, he seemed to be pretty regular though. Don't know him or anything but was wondering as he seemed to have disappeared and then I noticed dome's post. 

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7 minutes ago, user said:

Yeah, he seemed to be pretty regular though. Don't know him or anything but was wondering as he seemed to have disappeared and then I noticed dome's post. 

Yeah I was wondering where he went as well. But people come and go all the time.

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I seem to remember usagi stopped posting at a nice round number like 20 k posts or whatever it was.

I liken it to someone pulling over to watch the odometer slowly roll over to 00000 or something.

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15 hours ago, Lewps said:

usagi got off Facebook as well, he's living in an eco yurt in the Himalayas 

I can relate with the Facebook thing. He seemed increasingly jaded with WATMM as well earlier this year, so maybe he simply decided it was enough.

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I like to imagine usagi riding off into the sunset on his motorcycle. 20k posts is more than enough tho, can’t blame him for cutting for a while/indefinitely.

my PT: why can’t people just enjoy things for what they are. Always gotta be more or redone or ‘this, but ___’ I mean I’m guilty too but I try not to be.

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I guess Usagi 'beat' watmm with 20k posts. It was never for the community. It was for the post count. Replying to us was just a means to an end and now he has completed his destiny. ?

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A. Usagi was a good egg (hard boiled but yummy af), cum back fellow assficionado

If you're in a long-term relationship, you only have one clear shot at dutch oven-ing your partner, so make it count.


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On 6/8/2019 at 7:46 AM, drome said:

Reckon my politics were poles apart from usagi’s but still hate it when watmm mainstays go dark.

Does anyone on the forums know him IRL? (IE can reach out to him in person to confirm he's at least alright?)

Hope he's alive and well and just taking a break from the watmmz....  

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