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No a 3.5 million increase not as impressive when viewed alongside a 2.3 million increase from the Tories. Also, along with the Lib Dems vote total still being a third of what it was a couple of elections previous, the SNP dropped 22 seats and half a million votes (after a highly inflated and unlikely to repeat result for them in the previous election).


Even if there are a bunch of disaffected Tories in the next election it's not likely to lead to major swings in Labours favor, Labour should hold their previous gains at least in most areas, though are under threat in others (in the metro areas in particular), SNP aren't going to drop any further and Labour will have greater competition than last time on their own turf. Depressed turnout across the board from brexit weariness, among other things, wouldn't be at all surprising either, expect lower vote totals for Labour too. May will not be leading the Tories in the next election btw, so there's that as well, it would be hard for them to do worse. The Lib Dems are the most likely to pick up a seat in my constituency for example, where they're currently 2nd place to a pro-brexit MP in a big-remain majority area.


If they're lucky there might be another hung parliament, but I can't see Corbyn agreeing a program for government with anyone else.

Corbyn did slightly better than Miliband, but was starting from a very poor position.

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Corbyn has been good but I think his numbers up. Wouldn’t mind seeing Yvette Cooper have a crack, after May it will be refreshing to see a normal woman in politics and Pontefract is a fucking shithole so hopefully she has a good idea about normal struggles.

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looking forward to the post empire death throes being so mind melting that we elect a candidate running under the motto "better things aren't possible" before the sea eventually consumes us

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lol, the independent group are now officially a party, called Change UK


...or CUK 




the online petition website change.org is apparently thinking of suing them though, so maybe they'll be able to come up with a name that can't be readily mocked by right wing trolls.

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lol, the independent group are now officially a party, called Change UK


...or CUK 




the online petition website change.org is apparently thinking of suing them though, so maybe they'll be able to come up with a name that can't be readily mocked by right wing trolls.

Should be called the WAR party because what they support is Blairite wars
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Just can't wrap my head around Corbyn being a PM, I'm pretty sure he's just as totally inept as May. I seriously think Corbyn in charge is a disaster (just like May). Fucking hell I'm sick of looking at her scrawny fucking pointy-nosed face and his fucking lifeless skeleton skull. I think the politicians can't sort this out, the vote needs to go back to the people. We need to decide the next step.


What the fuck is going on? 

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even if you truly believe he is completely inept, i feel like what you need to ask yourself is, inept, or actively fucking nasty. or for me, SNP.

Actively fucking nasty sums up the tories to a tee. They are venal vultures, and they’re totally inept (as highlighted by brexit). We need change desperately.
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i think they are dragging it out as long as possible,before we eventually get back to some form of normality somehow,and certain familiar faces know that when the dust settles,and the long term damage is assessed,and how it all was allowed to happen,they are fucked

Edited by sunshine recorder
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looks like the DUP are considering shafting the brexiteers out of spite now, would be pretty funny if those cunts ended up being the reason brexit finally collapsed. they're all a bunch of paranoid morons, they could have had brexit if they wanted it, the idea that the EU was going to trap them in the backstop indefinitely is laughable.

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May's saying she might bring her deal back to be voted on a fourth fucking time...Jesus, give it up woman.

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if Bozza succeeds May, then a Bozza v Corbyn election is the worst of all match-ups, just imagine some Street Fighter-esque caricatures for that ruck


one fat round blue bastard vs a spindly ultra-red commie magus


even avoided buying a sunday paper @ the news agents, as every front page was screaming "BE DEPRESSED, NO, BE EVEN MORE DEPRESSED THAN THAT, CUNT"

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On a Sunday, aye, old analogue habits...


Home is usually quiet for a few hours, but it's a brief window before the chaos returns. Hence, take a walk round the local shop w/k9, grip some bacon sarnie ingredients & browse the canned chatter, ie: Cardiff City PL abortions, Swans bs & any Newport County results. The shop owner is pretty mellow & he usually has a treat for the canine leg rapist. Simple pleasures


Took one look at the rack of shit there today & thought "naaaaaaaaaaaah", so ate point-four grams of decarbed indica about 2pm & it's kicking in harrrrrrrrrrrd nowwwww

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why does mr corbyn not simply use the infinity gauntlet to make theresa may and brexit go away


Wouldn't only half of it go away?



(don't know, havn't watched the films, don't shout at me)

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